his room : chapter 4

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I left school and went to a near by place w a bunch of diffrent food places. I worked at baskin robbins back in Cali so I was hoping to change it up this time. I walked around and noticed a starbucks that had a hiring sign. I walked in and got an application filled it out there and turned it in. They'd say they would have there manager call me. I was excited bc my friends before had worked there and said it was amazing. I ended up back in my car and got a text.

yo it's mattia

where are you ?

lol i'm not even sure i'm near a whole bunch of food places near our school

oh shit ik where you are
wyd there?

i came here to apply at starbucks, i'm heading home now why?

i was wondering if you wanted to come over ? the boys are here to so i thought you'd wanna make friends lmao

mattia i am friends with them, i think . anyways send me your adi than

aight bet it's •••••••••••••

okay i'll come by in a bit
i'm gnna go home first

k lmk when your here

I got home and dropped of my bag. I realized mattias house was not that far but I was still gnna drive because I hate walking at night. #scary. Anyway I put on a simple outfit because it was still hot outside.

 Anyway I put on a simple outfit because it was still hot outside

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I went downstairs and it was 4 pm. My parents finish at 4:30, so I texted my family gc I was heading to a friends house. I got in my car and drove to mattias. I texted him letting him know I was here and where to park. He told me to park in his drive way because no one does. I see some nice ass cars at his house. Wow. I hope out and at the door there he is. He invites me in and leads me to his room. It's cold in here shit. I walk in and everyone greets me as I do the same. There's alejandro, kairi, robert, and alvaro. They all end up playing fifa and making tiktoks. I try to stay out of it just cause I know how crazy girls go over for these guys LOL. I sat on mattias coach with alejandro as he was making tiktoks. I decided to say fuck it and make some with them. I looked stupid but i'm a cute way haha. I spot mattia eye me sm times but whatteevverrrr. Anyway alejandro spots that i'm really cold and takes off his sweater. "Here I know your cold just take it for now I feel warm." "Thanks ale I really-" That's when I was cut off before i could grab his hoodie. "No here you can choose get one from my rack so we can all stay warm." Mattia says w his jaw clenched. "Um okay I guess, here i'd rather have you warm than to suffer haha thanks though I appreciate it ale." "Ah I see now were best friends calling eachother nicknames, cough cough you're welcome ZOE." I laugh as mattia rolls his eyes. "Here can you choose one from here." Mattia points at a rack. Wow he had many to choose from. I wanted to wear the grey nike hoodie or the red one. Red one it is. I pull it over and mattia says, "Damn red looks good on you ma." "Shut up." I start to blush up. The day goes on and it's only been an hour and now my legs are freezing bc i'm wearing shorts. "NOPE NOPE IM SORRY MATTIA ITS COLD." I practically shout jumping onto mattias bed and under his blanket. "Okay el" he says laughing. I sit there against his headboard for a good 5 min on my phone before he slides into his bed covers also and is next to me. "Hey." "Hey." "So wanna play 21 questions? You look bored here so yea" "Sure I guess i'm stuck in these sheets bc it's to cold anyway haha." We end up playing and revealing a lot. I learned about his pass relationships, he's learned i've never been in one, and we both learn about our families. It's been another hour and it's 6 and we look around the room and everyone's asleep while soft music is playing. Alejandro and alvaro are on the coach, kairi is at our feet, and roberts headass is laying on the ground LMFAO. "Oh shit there all asleep haha, maybe I should go." I say getting up but than get pulled back down by my arm.

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