cali: chapter 42

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Weeks pass by very quickly and we're now on break. During those weeks we had everything planned. We talked to our parents and convinced them to let us off of school for oct 1-4. We were gonna go to Cali for two weeks! We were leaving on sep 30 and going back on be 24 of October. Our plan was to land their on October 1. Drive to the air bnb, hang out for that day and go out to eat. Some things we planned to do was, 3 days in Disneyland. Legoland, universal, and go to Vegas for 2 days just to explore the strip. Drive back to cali and go exploring. Sight seeing haha and obviously visiting my friendssss. We had everything booked already and what made it even more fun but weird was mattia, kairi, Stefan, and Alvaro were coming. I was the only girl but we're all friends. We also rented a SUV to go out and stuff. We would all switch the driving part but that's fine. I thin most girls would be bummed that their friends are also coming on the trip but it made me even more excited! We had separate rooms. It was, me and ale, Alvaro and Stefan, and mattia and kairi. We're juniors but we can have fun too! We had everything planned. I was gonna make the most out of it. Our air bnb was a two story one. It had a living room, garage, a kitchen and a bathroom downstairs. And upstairs it has three rooms. All masters lol. It was pretty costly but we were okay with it.
I started packing a few days before. I packed my clothes in one case and added things I needed like perfume, lotion, deodorant, hair brush etc. We were just gonna go buy other products up there.

Incoming call from Alejandro

Z: heyyyy
A: hey my moms asking what time we should get dropped off?
Z: hmm our flights at 7:30 and we need to check in and stuff so I'd say like she get us at 5:30?
A: okay I'll tell her
A: can you tell the boys to be ready by then?
Z: ofc and don't forget anything plssss
A: ofc ok ily i gtg
Z: bye I love you
End of call

Not gonna lie the boys were pretty stuffed. They made A LOT of money off tiktok. I did too but I worked a little so it was even more. That's why I had no problem with paying. I texted the boys telling them we'd come around 5:30 and to be ready.
It's 5 pm and I need to get changed. I change into black sweats and a white hoodie. Alejandro's Lol. I have my Kate spade back pack with my chargers, computer, money and passport. Me and my brother finally said bye to my parents.

ZM: ily two Ella be careful okay! And you too Stefan!
S: yes yes ma

We say bye and leave.

Z: wow I can't believe we're going on a trip without mom and dad haha!
S: for real thoughhhh

We wait outside and Alejandro's mom pulls up. She was in a truck so we put our luggage in the back and went to go pick up the boys. We were squished but it's fine. We got to the airport and said bye to ales mom. She was giving us a lecture on to be careful in Cali blah blah blah.

Z: i cant believe we're actually doing this!
A: me too mama
Z: i love you. And thank you for making this even happen
A: anything for you amor

He gives me a kiss as all mattia them gag and I flip them off. It's finally time to board and we get to our seats. Me and ale sit on the left side and the rest of them except Alvaro sits in the middle. Alvaro sat in front of us. Next to this really pretty girl lmao!! Omg. I text alvaro.

You better talk to her
I see the way you're looking at her dumbass

Shut up ommggggg
What if she disses me and the plane ride is awkward??

Then I'll just switch seats with you duhhh
Now talk to her! You have 6 hours :)

I hope he talks to her lmfao. It would be funny if she lived in NJ TOO!! I whisper over to ale. "If Alvaro gets this girls number I get to choose which side of the bed to sleep on." "Ha no way he's to scared! He can't even look at her without blushing! But fair game. If he doesn't I get to choose." He says back. "Deal." We shake on it and giggle. Throughout the plane ride they do end up talking and I win. "Haha i won you lose byyyeeee." I say to Alejandro just to rub it into his face. "Whatever." He says acting like a child making a sad face and leaning into his hand on the opposite side of me. I grab him and hug him tight. "Oh don't cry my witto babyyy." He laughs and we fall asleep.
He pokes me and says, "let's go to the bathroom." He says giggling. "Omg no! Never uh uh no." I say. "Come in it'll be fun." He says. I shake my head and say, "wait till we get to our room babe." He laughs and we lay there.
The plane finally landed and we got off the plane.

Z: did you get it??
Z: good for you varooo.
Z: anyways we need to take a shuttle to the car place and I'll drive to the bnb

They all nod and we make our way to He enterprise. We get the car and what not. I drive to the bnb and it's NICE. I even forgot to mention the pool!! Holy cooowww. We get in and we run to the rooms we call. Good thing I got the one I wanted haha. We settle in and me and ale put our clothes in the closet.

Z: okkaayyy guys we need to go to target to get stuff for the house.
K: yea I'm fucking hungry too bro.
M: no fucking cap
Z: okay chillax fat asses.

We all laugh and head back into the car. I drive to target and we buy shampoo conditioner, food snacks, etc. We also stopped at Popeyes and got sandwiches and chicken. We went home and feasted.

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