me and him: chaptef 17

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       We both pull apart and I get up to the oven. I pull out the pan and place it on the table accidentally burning my finger along it. "Fuck." I said painfully. "Shit are you okay? Do you wanna run in under water??" Ale said worried. "Nah it's just a burn it'll heal." He smiles and we let the pan cool while we're trying to make a tiktok. mOvE lIkE a sNaKe... anyways. It cools down and we take it to my room along w drinks. We get to my room and I sit on my bed with it. "Hey smile." Ale says. I nod. I take the on and put it near my face putting on a big smile with my eyes closed. I told him to do the same and he puts he pan near his face and makes his duck lips. Such a cutie my lord. I caption my picture, "idk what hurt more, the burn from the pan or cutting myself on his jawline." We both laugh and he captions his, "idk who I wanna eat first." He captions. "OMG YOURE ANNOYING EVERYONES GONNA TRIPPP OMMGGG!!!" I said. "Relaaxxx its a joke." I rolled my eyes and we ate the pan, we didn't finish it since I barely ate it and he ate most of it but we ended up leaving the rest in my fridge. It was pretty late and I was done for the night. We both went to bruh our teeth's as we were listening to music. I sat on the counter again brushing my teeth as he was standing and dancing. We rinsed and what not and I was flossing. I finished flossing and I seen him flossing still. "Okay old man hurry up already with your straight teeth." I said go bother him. "Oh shut it your teeth are just as straight so don't even." "Hehe okay thanks for complimenting me loser." He replies with, "oh yea?" He throws his floss away and walks up to me. His face is nearly touching mine when he says. "I'm your loser and you know it." At this point my thighs are burning.... im not sure what I'm feeling but I want him. Right. Now. Our faces instantly connect as we make out. He carries me and throws me on top of my bed. This is it. I pull his shirt off him as he does mine. We make out for a little more when he buries his face into my neck. "Zoe..." He says moaning my name into my neck. He's fucking hot. He slips his pants off and so do I. I instantly feel it go in and out of me. It definitely hurts but it just feels... good. He has definitely quickened up the pace causing me to dig into his back moaning his name. We both came and we laid down on my bed breathing heavily. "I hope you know you're mine and I'm taking you wherever." "You're annoying." I say giggling at him. We get up and I say I need to shower... again. He says he's gonna join me and I deny it until he makes a valid point of already being able to see me naked so it didn't matter. Fine. We hop into the shower... and you already know what went down. I gave him pleasure as he did me. His fingers work amazing with water coming down me. Fuck. We finish and put on clothes and head to my bed. I threw all the sheets on the ground because it was um.. stained. We laughed at it and I proceeded to get my new sheets. I placed it all out putting my old ones into a basket. We lay down turn on the ac and watch tv. I'm leaning on him when he says, "you know it's kinda late to tell you this since we already... yk. But I really do like you. A lot. And I-" before he could finish I kissed him. "Ale... I like you. A lot too. Maybe even more haha." He smiles and says, "never ma." Giving me a kiss on my forehead. I take a quick snap of him sleeping on my chest. "My loser" I put. He was mine. I was going to make him mine regardless. We fall asleep in each-others arms. His little snores keep me up all night but it's okay. I think I love him. Omg jk love?!! Maybe...

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