just him: chapter 28

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     I approach the table once again and they're all smiling. Weird but okay. I sit down and his parents are having their own convo and ale places his hand on top of my thigh. "I love you and I'm thankful you're here with me." He says with the biggest smile I could imagine. "Of course handsome. Remember I dragged you here." I say smirking and giving him a kiss. We finish eating and it's 9:45. "Okay but I wanna watch a movie. Pleassseee. I was good all week. And theirs no school tomorrow." Alejandro brother says with puppy dog eyes. "Oh ma you got this one. I'm way to tired and Zoe probably is too." Ale says. I would love to watch a movie but again I'm way to tired lmao. "Fine. We'll drop you guys off and we can go to the movies!" His mom says. "Without these two old people because their "tired"." His mom says whispering to his little brother and they laugh. I love her sense of humor haha. We leave and head home.
     "Okay amore don't open the house for anyone. If you are call me. And please be safe and not reckless!!" His mother says obviously pointing out to use a condom LMAOOO. "OMGG MAA STAAPP!!" Ale says as he closes the door to the car. She just rolls down the window anyway. I wave goodbye to them and walk into his house. We go into his room and he instantly locks the door. "I'm taking you up on the offer of taking those clothes off you babe." He says. Fine by me haha. He aggressively kisses me and pushes me onto his bed. His lips interact with mine and our tongues move in motion. I moan his name a few times. He knows how to move his fucking tongue. He puts me on top of him and takes my shirt off as I did his. He buries his face into my neck leaving some marks. "No." I push his face away. "Lean up." He obliges and I take his pants off. And his boxers... his bulge is definitely their and I take him in my mouth. I go as deep as I can since he's pretty big. He pulls at my hair while I'm trying to take in every single part of him. "Fuck you're so hot." He says. Practically moaning. "I'm almost their-" He says when I feel a warm liquid shoot down my throat. Bitter but taste okay. He grabs me up and takes my panties off. I get on top of him and he inserts himself into me. I'm bouncing a few times when he lays me down on the bed and is now on top of me. He repeatedly slides in and out of me. It hurts. But feels so damn good. My nails are digging into his back while I moan his name. This feeling right here. Is what I love right now. We finally put an end to it and lay down. "You have to offer to take off your clothes more often." He says. "Omg stop." I say practically embarrassed. I put my hands over my face when he removes them and gives me a kiss. A passionate one. "I love you Zoella." "I love you more my baby." He smiles at my choice of word as I move. "Okay that was fun but I need to shower." "Guess I'm joining then." He says trying to follow me. I push him back with my finger and say, "yea and I'd never get clean. Change your seats while I'm in their." I say giving him a peck and going into the shower.
     I get out and find myself in his shirt and a pair of shorts. His shirt smells incredibly like mint. I love it. I walk out with a towel on my head when his eyes dart to me. "Lookin like someone's boyfriend. Right me." He says coming up to me wrapping his arms around my waist. "I'd be glad to make out with you again but I'd like you to shower love." He laughs and goes to shower.
     He's changed his bed sheets and cleaned up a little. I sit on top of his bed and just day dream about how incredible that was. He was MINE and only mine. The party is tomorrow and I'm incredibly scared. I don't really know anyone and I'm scared about mariano. He has apologized but still. Also alcohol involved?? I best not drink. I don't even drink. I've drank once and it was a no go. Not my thing Lol.
He finally comes out of the bathroom and has on just some adidas shorts, and no shirt. "You're practically begging to touched again." I say pulling him on top of me while giving him the most implacable kiss. "Oh yea" he says smiling. Our lips are still together as our tongue moves in rhythm. "Sucks that I'm tired." I say moving away from him as he sighs.

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