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     I wake up and it's 11:37. Where am I?? Oh shit I forgot I stayed at mattias. I get up and try to get my things together when mattia gets up. "Leaving already?" He asked. "Ha yea I think I should go I don't wanna intrude." "Nah you're not but I'll take you. But we stopping for breakfast haha." He says getting up. We finally get together and go to the car driving to original pancake house. We get seated and right away he asks. "Soo... what happened?"
(After explaining what had happened)
     "Woah frr?? I never knew mar was getting at you." "Yea I don't even know why but ale let ANY girl twerk on him and I swear someone kissed him. And he gets the right to be mad? No." I say aggressively. We talked and ate till it was time to pay. I offer to pay since he let me stay over and what not but he literally fights me. He ends up paying and we leave. "Hey mar isn't that mad but also you should talk to ale." Mattia says. "I really don't want to talk to ale right now. Mar apologized to me and I really appreciated it." I said as mattia nodded. He dropped me off at home and I sprinted to bed.
      I really don't understand why he was so mad?? Wouldn't he feel better if they apologized? Tbh idec anymore. I just wanna ball up in my blankets and cry. But I don't cry. So no. I shower and do whatever. I don't even bother looking at my phone. I just drift away to sleep.


     I walk into school since mattia drove the boys and I just drove myself. I wanna avoid ale as much as I can because it's weird right now. I don't see mattias car so I'm in the clear. I rush in and hurry to my locker. Right when I close it, there he is standing. Ale. "Hey..." He says. I just walk away not even wanting to say anything to him. He pulls at my wrist making me turn around. "Talk to me. Please?" He says. "I need to go." I say. I really do wanna talk to him. But idk something in me just makes me so mad when I see him. I walk to class and so does he and we don't talk in our periods. I left to lunch and walking past I seen him talking to... layla. I walk slowly just to see lol. She laughs and so does he and she kisses him on his cheek and walking away when she sees me. Fucking twat. So we get into a huge fight and he can let girls kiss him? Im fucking out and DONE. I knew their was something. I walk past him speeding not wanting a conversation right now. "ZOE." He says but I continue walking fast. He grabs my bag causing me to almost slip and turns me to him. "Please?? Give me 5 min." He says. "Actually yea. I'm done. We're done. Gottah go now." I say trying to get out of his grip. "No wait what?? Please beb!" He says. "Go 5 minutes." I say. "Please I really do love you!! I'm sorry I was just so heated. I seen you with mar and then with mattia! That just made me so angry and I started drinking more then I could handle and I'm sorry for letting girls dance on me and whatever Layla did but still I love you." He says almost loosing his breathe. "I really wanna forgive you but I don't buy it. You say you love me but like 5 min ago Layla was all up on you and kissing you on your cheek. And you don't even move. So yea I'm done I don't wanna keep fighting with you. You can go to Layla I won't even be mad, probably already was planning on it but it's whatver. But I gtg." I say rushing away as he says something but I can't hear. I don't wanna cry. I really don't but tears slowly come down my face. I'm hideous.
     I really do love him. But it's my first relationship and it blew up in my face. I don't wanna loose him especially as a friend. He's my bestfriend. But theirs really nothing I can do about Layla. She will forever want to get with him and he literally doesn't have the ability to say no or something. Whatever already I'm over it already I've lost and that's final.

Fuck. Did I really just loose her?? Why does it look like she didn't care?? Fuck. I love her so much. But Layla. She's my past I can't just throw her off like that she always meant something to me regardless if I broke up with her. I don't love her but I have. That's something big I can't just let go of my past. I grew from that relationship. But I need zoe. She's the love of my life regardless of the state we're in.

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