hes handsome: chapter 13

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     I wake up at 9:46 am. My head on ale chest, arm on his stomach. And leg on top his leg. He's so fucking HANDSOME it's crazy. He lets out a little breathe when I say, "Morning loser." "Morning to you too." I leaned up and seen mattia sleeping there knocked out. Me and ale got up to go brush our teeth. I had bought a pack of tooth brushes knowing the boys would stay over sometimes. I closed the door so we could play music without waking mattia. We started brushing our teeth when I sat on the counter and he was standing. The song so bad by mosey started playing and we jammed to it. With a tooth brush in our mouth. We started singing it to eachother. "YOU SO BAD. AND BABY I WANT YOU SO BAADD YEAAA YOU SO BADD YEAA AND BABY I WANT YOU SO BAD YEA." We are both trying to sing loud but not loud enough to wake up tia. We rinsed our mouth the song still playing. I turned to the mirror to floss my teeth. When I turned and ale came up to me. "You know you're really beautiful. And since you are you really can't stop me from doing this." He leans in cupping my face in his hands when he leans in and kisses me. I kiss back 100% because this was to hot. The taste of mint still was in my mouth and his so it made this soooo mucchhh betterrr. We're macking until ale picks me up from the counter burying his face in my neck. "Ale..." I said practically MOANING. He put me down and I stopped him from kissing me. "Not right now... mattia is in my room. Remember that loser." "Whatever princess. You know you'd want it." He says leaning in to kiss my cheek. He's so adorable and sweet I can't. We walk out mattia still knocked out on my coach. Ale says he's gonna go downstairs to go get us water. I told him i'd wake mattia up. He leaves and I go over to wake mattia. "mattia... MATTIIAA." I said shaking him. "Ma if you want it just say so don't needa beg." He says with a smirk on his face. "Oh please i'm just trying to wake you up. We wanna go I hop so put on a shirt or go home." I said irritated. He really never stops flirting... ever. Ale came back up and said he got his shirt dirty yesterday and wanted to swing by his place to get a shirt before going. I remember he left a shirt here the other day and I washed it. "Wait I think you have an extra black shirt here. Even though i'd prefer you shirtless it's whatevverrrr." I said with a smirk on my face causing him to laugh. "Yea I know b." Ale says. "Can y'all not? I'm right here." Mattia says annoyed. "Oh shut it with your flimsy arms." I said jokingly and laughing. "Whatever." He says sad. "I'm kiddinngg tiaaa you know I wuuvvv yoouuu!!" I go over to him at the coach and hug him. He finally gets up and goes to brush his teeth. Me and ale are on my bed historically laughing at tiktoks again. Mattia finally finishes and we leave. "Hey ma were gonna go out to eat. They'll be back for dinner." I said so my mom would not bother asking. "Ok beb be safe. Love you." We left heading to I hop. Of course we had to get the boys. But we only got Kairi and alvaro. Me and ale were in the front and they sat in the back. Robert ended up meeting us there since he lived close by. We went in and sat down. It was mattia robert and alvaro. Than me ale and kairi. We were all talking when I noticed a notification on my phone. Mariano? He replied to my story of me. Okay. I opened it and he sent "😍😍". I just liked it and replied with, "thank you !!" He replied instantly and said, "anytime beautiful" I liked the message and left him on read. It was weird... But whatver. We all ordered pancakes and took snaps. It was all normal till my phone kept buzzing. It was mar. "So... you gonna let me take you out to a dinner? Or what's up ma" He texted me. Ale seen and grabbed my phone. "Mar? Really mar??" He said pretty loud but soft only for me and mattia to hear... "Relax he just replied to my story and asked me that. I haven't even responded can you pls let it go?" I said feeling bad for ale bc he now knows his friend was trying to get with me....

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