the end: chapter 43 / PLS READ MY NEW BOOK THANK YOU HAH

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It was getting late and we were going disney land tomorrow. We had three days but we split it between the two weeks. I walk upstairs to my room not saying anything since the boys were busy playing and making tiktoks. I go up throwing away my rubbish and heading to my room. I'm tired and need a shower. I go in there and shower. I hop out and I forgot my clothes in my closet. Nah it's fine. I walk out of the bathroom and ale is laying in bed with his phone. I walk pass him to the closet and he stands up blocking me.

Z: excuse me?
A: are you mad
Z: no
A: are you sure? You left without saying anything.
Z: yea because I didn't think I needed to announce that I was gonna shower? Ha
A: jeez I was just asking I wanted to make sure you were alright.
Z: I am so can you move now? Please?
A: damn is if that time of month?
Z: if I'm not in the mood to fricken talk it doesn't mean I'm on my monthly.

I say pushing him out of the way and going to the closet. I just wanna sleep. I change into clothes and I can feel his eyes staring at me. I turn around to him walking out the door angrily. Should I stop him or? Nah. I feel bad but boys literally always say that. Like can't girls just not have their day? Not everything we feel is because of our monthly. And it pisses me off at the fact boys ALWAYS say that. It's fucking annoying. But again he didn't know. And I feel bad. Really bad. He came back upstairs and just went straight into the bathroom. He comes out later on and changes.

He stays quiet and leaves the room again. Should I go talk to him? It's not really that big of a deal though. Whatever I need to sleep. I close my eyes and turn off the lights. I try to sleep for 10 min but I just can't. I feel empty without him next to meee. I know I sound dumb but uhhhhh I fricken want him here with meee. It passes an hour and I'm pretty sure all the boys are in their rooms. And ale is still not up here? He's really mad. Like really mad.
He finally comes up and goes straight next to me but a little apart and lays down on his phone. I lean over to him putting my head on his shoulder.

Z: I'm sorry
He doesn't reply.
Z: I'm sorrryyyy

He still doesn't reply. I take he hint and lay back down on my pillow and face away from him. He leans over to me and lays on my side.

A: I'm jk
Z: you're not funny
A: I'm just playing okaayyy
Z: whateverrr

     He leans over and gives me a bunch of kisses. "Better?" He asks. "No" He then pulls me on top of him and we start slowly kissing. I then give him entrance into my mouth. "No- not- right now." I say in between breathes and kisses. He groans and I put myself back on the bed.

Weeks after

Our trip was very nice. We went to Disneyland universal LEGO land and all kinds of places! Me and ale had our little arguments but we both learned to grow up and better ourselves from it. I absolutely adore him.


WERE GRADUATING!! We all stand in a little formation as all of our parents take pictures of us. Ale gets leid by layla but I learned to not care. But I'll still give her dirty looks haha. He noticed my dirty look and put his arm around my shoulder, "it's okay baby." I gave him a smile. We actually all got into UCLA and we all were gonna buy a house in Cali and go school all together! How great. I love him and our friends. Amazing. Our journey together had just really began. But I'm amazed on how far we have gotten. Especially throughout high school. Of course Alvaro and roshaun had moved to Florida after our trip so it was a rough thing to get over but me kairi mattia Stefan and ale got through it together. I love them a lot and wouldn't change nothing. Now time to take on cali :)
Signing out, ZOELLA 💖

Authors note
HEY GUYS THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING THIS BOOK <3 IM SUPER GRATEFUL AND AMAZED AT HOW FAR I ACTUALLY WENT. I thought I was going to give up after a few day lol but I actually just started another one that has mattia and ale them in it to :) ITS CALLED "MESSING AROUND • Alejandro Rosario " it's basically a typical girl moving again but this time she has a way diffrent perspective and the boys are bad boys but soft :))) please go read it I'll be updating at least once or twice a day
:)) ok thank you 😁😁😁

 I thought I was going to give up after a few day lol but I actually just started another one that has mattia and ale them in it to :) ITS CALLED "MESSING AROUND • Alejandro Rosario " it's basically a typical girl moving again but this time she ha...

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