sleepover?: chapter 11

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      We're all still hanging out at mattias house when my phone rings. Incoming call from cole. "HEEEYYY COLLLEEE, AHH AND MAYA!!! What are you guys doing!!" "We missed you to much to not call you. We haven't been talking since of school and we're sorry but how are you doing! I see you doing big things with your "boys" in Jersey huh." "You guys are annoying haha there just my friends and i'm doing great. Jersey isn't as bad as I thought it would be." As were talking the boys notice i'm on the phone with someone and when they hear coles voice alvaro literally instantly said, "HEEYYY IF YOURE INTO ZOE LEAVE SHE DOESNT NEED A BOYFRIEND!!" Hes so cute. He's like my older little brother. He's overprotective and I can come to him about anything. "STOPPPP YOURE ANNOYING THIS IS MY FRIENNDDD." I said so embarrassed. I introduced the boys to maya and call on ft and they exchanged hellos. Maya and him ended up having to go already so we said goodbye. "So, did that guy have a fat crush on you?" Ale asked giggling. "You're funny but no he's just my bestfriend. He's handsome but he's like a brother to me. Always protected me from other boys like my older brother did. If you haven't noticed a lot of girls don't like me... for no reason lol." "Yea they don't like you because you're friends with us and there not." Roshaun said while we laughed at it. "Oh shoot forgot to ask you guys if you guys wanted to come over for dinner? My mom asked me a few days ago for you guys to come over this one time but it slipped my mind but i remember her telling me to js reschedule for tomorrow night... sorry for telling you guys late LMAO. They all agreed to come except roshaun them because they were busy. So tomorrow it was going to be mattia, ale, kairi, and alvaro.
     "So like are you guys all sleeping over?" Mattia said genially curious. "Actually I was suppose to drop zoe off at home... right?" Ale said. "Oh yea please do i'm not walking home with 3837833 different bags. Kairi and alvaro them all said they had to go home regardless. We hanged out for a little till all of them left except me and ale. "Okay ale if you're ready we can leave?" "Yea yea of course." "You know you guys can just sleep over, it's late." Mattia said. "Nah I need to shower but you guys can come over and sleep over at my house? I don't think my parents care. You guys are just gonna have to come over tomorrow anyways." I say letting out a laugh. They agree and we all head to my house. We went inside to see my parents on the coach with my little brother. "Hey mom, hey dad. If it's okay with you guys mattia and ale are gonna sleep over. We got bored so pls." I said with my pouty eyes. "Of course beb but you guys better not be doing any dumb stuff in your room!" "Of course dad you know me better than that haha." They ended up greeting my parents and shaking my little brothers hand. We head upstairs and for some reason we ran into my brother as he was coming down. "Okay ella who are these boys your taking into your room? and are they staying over? who's ass do I need to kick?" "Layton you really need to chillll not all guys wanna get with me lol. But these are the guys I met at target and ive been hanging out with them during and after school. So pls be nice and let me have friends loser." "Whatver ella but if I catch you doing dumb shit ill kick your ass." "You think you're funny huh 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄." We finally got to my room and I set everything down. My bed was big so we all fitted on it. I was pretty tiny so it really didn't matter lol.
     We stayed up pretty late making tik toks and watching tv. We all decided one of them was gonna sleep on my coach bc it would just be easier. "Okay then who's sleeping on the coach? You guys know i'm not sleeping on my own so one of you guys need to." I said laughing. "Idc up to you guys." Ale said. "Ale you can just sleep on the bed, you're shorter so I know I won't have legs all over the place." I said laughingly. "Yea sure that works." Mattia kept quiet this whole time and js said, "yea whatever..." He seem really disappointed but I js didn't want his legs all over lol. We finally got situated and got to bed. Me and Ale are laughing a little with tik toks. He's leaning against my beds head board and i'm leaning against his shoulder laughing at everything we see. We finally end up sleeping and I end up on ale hand under me while my head is resting on the side of his chest. I never really realized it but I felt safe. Super safe. My two bestfriends are with me. Love that.
     It's nearly 3 in the morning when I hear my bathroom door close and the lights go off. I get up and see mattia going back to the coach.

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