starbucks: chapter 25

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Time flies again and I get a bunch of stares in the hall way and all over my fyp is me going off on Layla. Oops messed with the wrong chickaaa.
"Hey beautiful." Ale says pulling me into a hug. "Hey handsome." We give eachother a few kisses before pulling apart. We hop into his car and he drives me home. "I'll see you tomorrow mama, and on Saturday night you're staying over btw." Right Saturday. The party. I have a bad feeling about it but it's fine. "Of course see you tomorrow beb." We lock lips once again and I don't want to let go. "You have to go baby." Ale says laughing with his lips still attached to mine. "I knooowww but I don't want tooooo" we finally pull apart and I walk to my door him still there. He blows me and kiss and I walk in. I get ready for work and man I'm excited but not excited. Starbucks should be fun right??
I get into my car and head there. I walk inside with an apron in my hand and walk to the back. "Hey I'm Zoella Langston? I'm suppose to be starting my first shift today?" I asked the tall main in the office. "Oh yes yes yes. Okay we will have you work cashier and later on we'll have you go to classes to learn to make drinks." He says. He looks way to young to be the manager here. Handsome. But young. Anyways we walk over to the registrar and he teaches me what to do. I kinda already had an idea since maya worked at Starbucks in Cali, shit maya. I haven't talked to her in a while. Calling her tonight. My shift starts at 3 and ends at 7.
I only work an 4 hour shift bc after that theirs another shift till 11 so I'm okay with my shift lol. I walk back into the office thanking the guy again for showing me the works and just like being able to work their in general. I walk out with my frap and a cup off guava white tea, ale favorite. Anyways I walk out and get in my car. And as soon as I start it I see a tall dark haired boy that I have seen before. Mar. Fuck. I try to hide my face before he walks pass but he instantly sees me and approaches me with samy. They come up to my window making me roll it down. "Heyyyy zoella? Right?" Samy says "Oh um yea haha Mariano and samy right?" Hey both nod. "So what's up never got my text message?" Mariano asked. Wellll the thing is I did but ale got mad that you were getting at me so then he told me to not text you and now we're dating so talking to you right now could make him mad but like yea fuck. "Oh um yea about that I have a boyfriend so I didnt think it was the brightest idea to respond I-" "ha no problem ma, you good don't needa explain. Am I see you this Saturday?" Mariano asks. "Oh yea samys house right?" "Yea it's boutah be fucking biiiggg and have hella chickksss, I mean... sorry zoe." Samy says laughing but also sad. "HA OMG NO ITS OKAY." I said laughing at him. "Well I actually gottah go, see you guys!" They walk off and wave at me. I start my car and head over to ale. I was gonna surprise him with a drink because why not.
I knock on his door and his little brother opens it. "Oh what's up zoe." "Hey is ale home?" "Yup he's in his room." His little brother is so young but talks so grown it's hilarious. But I walk in and I see him making tiktoks. He doesn't see me but he looks so cute. He's attempting on doing the renegade dance. His hands look weird but whatever he's cute. "Your kinda stiff." I say making him jump. His face brightens up and jumps over towards me and starts hugging me. "I got you a drink since I know you finished work earlier and I wanted to come by." I say. "HA I love you mamas." He says and gives me a kiss. "Also... I ran into Mariano and samy." His face drops at the words of mariano. "What did he do??" "Nothing. He just asked me why I didn't text him back then they asked if I'm going to the party yatty yatty yatty." I say. "Don't worry beb I've only got eyes for you my luv." I say cupping his face and kissing him. His lips once again taste like mint and man have I missed his touch already lmaooo I'm a fucking sucker for this guy.

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