Something Off

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So, I have been really into Thomas Sanders and the Sanders Sides for a while, and I've known it was a fanfiction I have wanted to do. Then, I had a good idea, and ideas just started going around like my Roman was on a whole bender of Creativity, so here we are. I finally decided to sit down and at least start this fun little project. 

And here, for your reading pleasure, is the first chapter! I hope you enjoy it. :)

{Author's POV}

     Roman had noticed lots of little things about Virgil, though he hadn't shared his findings with the others yet. He wasn't sure how they would react, and he didn't want them thinking he was simply trying to make Virgil out to be the bad guy or start problems between them.

     He'd moved on from that, and he was quite fond of their little Emo Nightmare now.

     But still, something was off. Something in the way that all of them had moments where their influence had been increased some, but only Virgil had any noticeable effect. His was the only voice that got deeper...


     Also, every time they mentioned the Dark Sides, Roman noticed some kind of look in his eyes, some kind of expression on his face. Like he didn't want to talk about them.

     Or like he knew too much about them.

     Maybe he was just being paranoid.

     Or maybe, something really was off with the quiet side.

*Virgil's Room*

     I sank back into my room after the video, furious. That stupid courtroom scene, the stupid argument about the wedding...

     ...that stupid snake-faced like freak!

     I walked over to the mirror in my room, staring at it for a moment. I closed my eyes, conjuring the soundproofing to my room. We didn't use them often, unless we didn't feel like being bothered, or I wanted to play my music outside of my headphones. With an angry sigh, I tapped once on the glass of the mirror, watching as it swirled, before a familiar face appeared, faint, in the glass.

     "Virgil! God, you haven't called in ages! How wonderful it is to be hearing from you." the voice spoke from the mirror, sarcasm lacing his tongue.

     "Shut it, D! What kind of game are you playing at?! What do you want?!" I asked asked, glaring at him.

     The man feigned shock, before a smirk took over his face. "We simply want our moment in the sun, Virgil. Surely, you understand. You and the Darkness are close friends, aren't you?" he asked.

     "Stop it, Deceit! Leave Thomas alone! Stop showing up and just leave us alone!" I screamed, my voice deepening and my eyes unintentionally glowing purple. I immediately froze. They hadn't done that in years.

     I heard a low chuckle coming from the mirror. "Oh, with your fear over us, as well as Thomas's, you're in deep trouble, Virgil. I would be careful if I were you. Who knows what would happen to Thomas if you-"

     "Quiet!" I shouted suddenly, the purple haze momentarily filtering through my vision once again. 'No!', I cried silently. I had to calm himself down. If I got too carried away...I didn't want to think about what would happen.

     "The others say hello, Virgil. We'll be seeing each other very soon. Have a nice day, Virgil." Deceit said, giving him one final grin before his face disappeared, and the mirror turned back into a mirror. Virgil stared at his reflection for a moment before he heard a knock at the door.

     He took down the soundproofing as he walked over to the door, opening it to find Roman standing there.

     "Yeah, Princey?" he asked.

"Greetings, Virgil. Thomas has expressed to me that he was feeling extremely anxious for some reason, and I wanted to make sure everything is ok. Are you ok?" Roman asked, giving him a small smile.

     "Yeah, I'm fine. Saw a spider." he said, shrugging.

     Roman frowned. Virgil silently prayed he would just accept the lie and walk away.

     "Fine. I'll talk to you at dinner then. Goodbye, Virgil." Roman said, waving waving goodbye and going down to the kitchen to grab a snack. There, he found Patton, getting ready to start dinner. Roman stopped, contemplating whether he should finally tell someone his thoughts. If anyone would judge him less harshly, it would be Patton. Finally, he sighed, deciding to tell him. Holding it all in was starting to drive him a little crazy, anyway.

     "Hey, kiddo! Don't fill up too much. I'm starting dinner!" Patton said, giving him a wide smile and a small wave. Roman sat down at the table, looking up at Patton.

     "Pat, can we talk about something? It's...kinda serious, but I don't know who else to tell. I think you're the best to talk about it with." he said nervously.

     "Well of course, buddy. What's on your mind?" Patton asked, giving him a soft smile as he started seasoning the chicken on the tray he set on the counter so as to face Roman.

     "Have you ever noticed about Virgil? Like, I know he's kind of closed off and acts kinda jumpy sometimes, but I mean like...strange. Like there's something going on?" Roman asked.

     "Well, no, I can't say that I have. He's probably just having a hard time adjusting and trusting us all completely still. Why, have you noticed anything strange?" Patton wondered.

     "Well, uh. I didn't want to bring it up because I didn't want anyone thinking I was trying to be mean to Virgil. Every time we talk about the Dark Sides, he gets kinda...tense, or he just has this look in his eyes, like he knows more than he's letting on or he's keeping something from us. And haven't you noticed that only his voice gets deeper when Thomas is experiencing more influence from him? Like when we went into your room in the Moving On video. Thomas spent a lot of time in your room, it makes sense that your influence would have grown a little stronger. And when we went into Virgil's room and it started messing with us, I faintly remember his voice getting deeper and...darker. It only happens to him. And earlier, Thomas told me he was feeling really anxious for some reason, so I went to check on Virgil, and he said he only saw a spider." he explained.

     "Well spiders are scary!" Patton cried, jumping away a little bit.

     Roman sighed. He figured Patton would react a little...extra when he brought that up.

     "Yeah, they are Pat. But they don't scare Virgil, and certainly not enough to where Thomas would feel as anxious as he described to me. Something is going on, I swear. I'm...I'm worried about Virgil, Pat." he said, meeting the other Side's eyes.

     "Aww, buddy. Well, I'm sure Virgil will feel comfortable telling us whatever he may need to tell us sooner or later. Until then, don't push him into it, but if you want him to trust you, maybe try spending some time together. And be nice!" Patton said with a smile.

     "Yeah. I guess I could try that. Thanks, Patton. I'll be back down for dinner. I have some thinking to do." Roman said, excusing himself from the table.

     "No problem, Roman! Anytime!" Patton cheered, waving as Roman left the kitchen. Roman, meanwhile, wandered up the stairs towards his room. He paused outside of Virgil's door, then sighed and continued down the hall until he got to his own room. Maybe he and Virgil could do something after dinner or tomorrow, but for the moment, he needed to think. 

There it is! Just a bit of exposition, with some sneaky little details and bits in there. Like the mirror. What's up with that mirror? :D

Anyways, there will definitely be more soon to come. I'm on break for a month as of this Friday from school, I only have one exam this week, most of my final papers/projects are finished and submitted, and I have one class on Thursday, so my week is pretty open. :)

As always, if you liked the chapter, I greatly appreciate you. And even if you didn't, you still read it, so, I mean, I appreciate that. :D

Thank you for reading and I will see you in the next chapter! Bye! <3

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