petty (Bakugo x reader)

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On most days I could handle Katsuki's crap, seeing how we've been married for nearly two years and been together for about 6, but today was not one of those days.

We had graduated high school about 6 years ago which is also when I made my debut as a hero. Unfortunately the agency I used to work for had a lot of problems and then suddenly collapsed 3 years ago and at the same time Katsuki got bored of his agency because according to him "they were nothing but a bunch of cocky d listed heros that acted like sidekicks" ironic I know but this opened an opportunity which I smartly (or probably not that smartly) took. I started an agency with him and became the most sought after agency in all of japan.

But today, rather than acting like a great hero or even a business man he was acting like a baby.

"LISTEN HERE YOU LITTLE SHITS, L/N AND I DID NOT GO TO THE SPORT FESTIVAL, HAND PICK YOU AND THEN ACCEPTED YOU JUST SO YOU. SLACK OFF." He bellowed at the new interns we had gotten. They weren't even slacking off, they were waiting for me as I was getting their assignments.

"Pause!" I yelled and pointed at him before he could yell anything else. My quirk, which I named when I was 4 is called remote control. I basically act as a tv remote for nearly everything that can take a command in the first place.

"Katsuki, I've told you before that you don't have to worry about the interns also they just got here. Look at poor Yamamoto, he literally just shit his pants out of fear." I said motioning my hand towards the 1st year student whose costume looked kind of like Katsuki's first year costume.

I unpaused Katsuki who was about to yell again but then decided against it an muttered something that i couldn't quite understand.

"Alright, you two will go with Red Riot today and then tomorrow, if you survive his antics, will being going with me and Ground Zero over here the ultimate dream team." I said falling back onto Katsuki dramatically.

"This is just a nightmare that turned out mediocre at best Y/n." He said as he held me.

"So the interns seem nice but poor Yamamoto, he just wanted his gaunlet signed by his favorite hero." I said fluttering my eyelashes.

"He literally stepped on my toes as if I was some extra." Katsuki said in a gruff tone. "Geez you're so petty." I muttered quietly to myself not thinking he heard me.

"Well I prefer handsome but damn right I'm pretty!" He said with confidence.

"While you are very handsome, I said petty." I said with a slight smirk on my face. He turned to me with a slightly angry expression.

"WOW!"  He said sarcastically.

"Alright they'll be back in like 5 hours what do you want to do til then?" I asked teasingly.

"I have a few things in mind." He said while smirking. "Ooh, spicy." I said with a chuckle. "How about we get some lunch and watch a movie in the office?" I suggested wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Fine! But I get to pick the movie."

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