casual (Aizawa Shouta x reader)

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Shouta Aizawa x cat-like! Reader

Quirk: Cat: has certain traits of a cat (cat like ears, cat like eyes, padded toes, incredible reaction time, can see very well in the dark, incredible balance, impulsive and very attracted to light and can pur)

Requested by: Yuri-Natsuki

It was clear to everyone that Aizawa Shouta was a very tired man. From his dark tired eyes to the awkward slouch he assumed when he sat in his seat. He was the embodiment of exhaustion and the master of mustering every last bit of energy to the cause which was his job.

Shouta was the kind of man to not put effort in places it was not needed. Which is why nearly everyone in class 1-A was so surprised when he brought his wife to work for a demonstration on something. He didn't really want to but his wife was so insistent that she'd meet the students he talked about with an emotion she can only describe as bewilderment.

"I'm so excited!" Y/n said as she pulled ahead of her husband. It's been ages since she walked the hall of UA and she was more than a little happy that her loving husband gave in to her request of meeting his class. "Hey Shouta! And Y/n!" A very familiar voice yelled from down the hall. Shouta begged in his head for his wife not to turn around but when he saw her ears perk up he knew she was going to.

"Hizashi!" She said with a wide smile. Shouta knew he couldn't get mad at her for being happy to see and old friend, with her strange work hours she didn't get to see much of her old friends from high school.

"So this old man decided to bring you to work!" Hizashi's voice was too loud for comfort. "Of course not! I invited myself," she said rather proudly. "I'm not that old," Shouta defended as all three of them walked into the teacher's office. "Old in spirit Sho," she said as she wrapped her arms around him suddenly. He could feel her purring against his chest. He burrowed his head as deep as he could into his scarf as to hide his turning scarlet cheeks from his best friend.

"He still blushes at any sign of affection from you!" Hizashi teased. "No I don't!" Shouta said with a hint of anger. "It's okay Sho, I think it's romantic that you still blush in my general direction~" Y/n cooed as she held his face in her hands. Shouta pushed her away out of embarrassment.

"Do you still do the thing?" Hizashi asked Y/n with a smirk. Y/n cocked her head in confusion. Y/n did a lot of things, all very strange and all cat like.

"What thing?" She asked trying to relieve her confusion. Hizashi opened his mouth to explain what he meant but couldn't find the correct phrasing to put it in. Shouta took this opportunity to say, "we have to get to homeroom, see you at lunch Zashi..." He took Y/n by the hand and dragged her to his class where students were already conversating amongst themselves. Shouta was about to tell something to his wife but Y/n's cat-like curiosity got the best of her and she quickly made her way to a cluster of students.

"Hello!" She said with a wide grin. She watched as the green headed boy's face contorted from ease to shock. "I'm sorry did I scare you? I didn't mean to, it's just that you were the kid who broke his arm during the sport's festival, right?" She said with a slightly smaller grin. He nodded slowly. "And you're that half cold half hot kid, you're that anti-gravity girl and you must be Tensei's brother!" She said pointing out each of the people in the group.

"Holy crap!" The green headed boy finally choked out, "you're the cat like hero Bast!" He said with a twinkle in his eyes. Y/n grinned widely.

"He knows my name Shouta!" Y/n said excitedly as she turned to her husband who was internally dying at the sight of his wife talking to his students like they were friends.

"I think class will start soon so I have to get on with teaching," she said gleefully as she shook the hands of each student before heading towards the front of class.

The class grew quiet as Shouta stood at his podium. "Incase you didn't see we have a guest speaker today, many know her as Bast the cat like hero." He said plainly before walking away from the podium. Before he sat in his desk he heard the door opened. Everyone turned their head to see Hizashi throw a paper ball directly at Aizawa.

Without blinking Y/n caught it and glared at Hizashi.

"That was the thing!" Hizashi said with amazement at his friend's sharp reflexes. "Of course I still protect my husband, he's my husband." She said with confusion and anger.

"She's trying to teach a class Mic, now's not the time for paper tricks."

"I'm Bast," y/n said with a smile, "and while I'm on the news from time to time many people don't know how I really work from time to time, ask me anything right now as I've been a hero for a while now and I have yet to be in a super damaging scandal."

"What was the not damaging scandal?" A kid with a pink skin asked. "It was the assassination of the drug dealer, Midori Sato, the press were not impressed on how i handled them," Y/n said as she leaned on the podium. The class collectively gasped at the news that this seemingly innocent hero was responsible for a murder. Shouta just groaned quietly as he knows where this is going.

"And before you say 'heroes aren't supposed to kill' I have a licence and I'm here to say don't try to get a licence as it is next to impossible."

A paper ball flew in Aizawa general direction which Y/n caught in a flash and tossed it into the recycling bin. "Any other questions before I explain today's training?"

"How did you and Aizawa-sensei meet?" A girl with a black ponytail ask.

"A great question! Well I sat where you're sitting right now, Aizawa sat where Todoroki is sitting, I struck up a conversation with him after about a week of him just staring at me during class and we hit it off from there," She said with casual easy.

Thevday went on without any other incident and by the time it was time to leave Y/n had grown tired. After saying some final goodbyes Y/n linked arms with her husband and made the cautious journey back home.

By the time they got home they were both beat. Y/n's cat-like need for sleep had finally caught up to her and Shouta was just naturally tired all the time. Aizawa flopped onto the bed after changing into some much more comfortable pjs and Y/n followed suit after exchanging her hero costume for her much preferred pajamas. She laided her head onto his chest carefully and placed her husband's hand on her head.

Shouta mindlessly pet her hair as she purred quietly. It was moments like this where he truly loved being married. The comfortable moments were memories he would cherish forever. Y/n looked into Shouta's half lid eyes with admiration. "I love you," She quietly said as she felt herself going to sleep.

"I love you too," Shouta said back as his eyes closed to enter into a peaceful slumber.

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