movies (Bakugo Katsuki x reader)

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Bakugo Katsuki x kuundere! Reader

Quirk: ice cadavers: can create an army of ice minions in her likeness. She can make up to 30 'cadavers' a day but large cadavers will take up a lot of energy. Existing cadavers will lead to the quirk user's surroundings being colder and colder. Drawbacks of this quirk include frostbite, hypothermia and extreme fatigue.

3rd person:

It's hard to imagine that Y/n was the child of heroes that both had fire related quirks but if biology taught her anything it was that her quirk was a recessive gene from her mother's side.

Y/n L/n, the cold and unforgettable child of two nurturing parents who loved her to bits. It amazed others that she wasn't just as open with her emotions. She always seemed depressed and out of it but that never meant she didn't love her family.

"You know, you don't have to help me unpack," Y/n started, "I can do it on my own."

"I know baby! Your dad and I just want to spend as much time as we can with you! Our baby is all grown up," her mother said as she wiped a tear from her eye. Y/n hummed. She was thankful that her parents were helping her.

"Why did you have to grow up so fast?" He dad chimed in. The pair embraced their daughter who had no other choice but to accept the love she was receiving. They felt warmer than her, a comfortable feeling that she would miss when they left.

"We'll send the rest of your stuff later. I'm sure Mr. Aizawa wouldn't be happy with us over staying our visit," her mom said as she placed a framed picture of her family on her daughter's dresser.

"Thank you, mom and dad." She said with a blank expression. They gave her one last hug before they left her alone in her new room.

"The room is so cold all of a sudden," she said to herself as she stared up at the ceiling.

"Oi! Icy-thot, you in there?" She heard a familiar voice shot on the other side of the door.

"Isn't that your nickname for Todoroki?" She answered back. She didn't have to look to hear the door open and shut as her boyfriend let himself in.

"He's Icy-hot, you're Icy-thot," he clarified after doing his signature tongue click, "why the fuck is it so cold in here? You're going to get hypothermia or some shit."

"It's my quirk, I must have not destroyed all the cadavers I used during training," she said with a sigh.

"Tch, sure. Do you want to get out of here for a bit? Get some fresh air?" He asked as offered his hand to his a bit more melancholic than average girlfriend.

"You're not supposed to leave the dorms this late, Katsuki," she said as she got up with his help. He groaned in annoyance.

"It's so fucking boring just being here! I feel like I'm under fucking house arrest," He groaned. "It's for your own safety. We don't want to throw another search party, worst party I've ever been to," Y/n replied coldly.

"That was such a shitty pun, are you proud of yourself for that one? I'm fucking cackling," Katsuki replied sarcastically.

"I thought it was pretty good, do you want me to grab something from that noodle place you like? We can watch a movie or something when I get back," Y/n offered as they entered the common room.

"Why fucking not? I get to pick the movie, right?"

"But of course, you only get that pleasure."

"Don't you start pitying me, Icy-thot," he said with a slight growl. "How can i? You're picking the movie," she said before making her way to the door.

"Hold up!" Katsuki exclaimed angrily. Y/n turned to her emotion-filled boyfriend.

"Take my fucking sweater! You'll get sick," he mumbled the last part as he held out her sweater for her to grab. Y/n's mouth twitched slightly but just grabbed the sweater.

"Don't pick any fights," she said before heading out the door.

Bakugo's p.o.v

I sat on the couch waiting for Y/n to come back. She wouldn't be gone long but that didn't stop me from worrying about her. She was a bitch and i love her so much.

"I'm back," I heard her call out dryly. "About fucking time, where have you been Icy-thot?" I asked as she sat down next to me on the couch.

"I went to the noodle place, like i told you," she said as she put the bag in my lap. I felt her lean into my shoulder as I opened the bag, she rubbed her face into my shoulder like she was a fucking cat . "Why the fuck are you being so affectionate all of a sudden?" I asked, poping the lid off of my noodles.

"Do you not like it?" Her tone didn't change. It was still cool and distant but I knew something was up.

"That's not what I fucking said, what the fuck happened while you were at the damn noodle shop?"

"Nothing. you know I love you, right?" She asked suddenly. Now I knew something was off. How could she ask me that? Of fucking course I knew she loved me, I'm not fucking dense.

"Of course I know you fucking love me!"

"That's good, I just wanted to make sure."

"Why are you asking?" I asked, putting my noodles onto the coffee table. Her expression didn't change.

"I heard some girls talking about how you shouldn't be with someone that is just as cold as her cadavers" she said quietly, "am I robotic to you, Katsuki?"


How could THEY question MY choice in girlfriend?

"Y/n," she looked at me, her eyes that always seemed so calm were hiding an insecurity, "why the fuck would you care if others say that you're robotic? They're fucking idiots! I fucking love you, putz."

"I know but," she took a small breath, "don't you wish you could have a girlfriend who wasn't so heartless?"

"You wouldn't be in the hero course if you were heartless, dumbass," I answered before starting to eat my noodles.

"I suppose. But wouldn't you want a girlfriend who was more open to your relationship?"

"Bitch, our relationship is OUR business, I don't give two flying fucks if people want to see us kiss. They're fucking perverts."

"That makes me feel better, thanks Katsuki," she said with a small smile. She had such a pretty smile, a smile only I could cause.

"Whatever, don't ever think that I'm not happy with you got that? Now let's watch Men in Black," I grumbled before wrapping my arm over her shoulder.

She made herself comfortable in my side.

"You're warm," she mumbled into his side, just loud enough for him to hear.

"Of fucking course I am! How else would I be the perfect body pillow for you?"


Kirishima walked into the common room the next morning quietly. He looked up at the tv that was quietly playing clueless. He grabbed the remote from the coffee table to turn it off when he caught a glimpse of the couple that was sleeping on the couch.
Y/n's face was in Bakugo's chest as he held her body protectively.

"He's whipped," Kirishima muttered to himself before taking a picture to send to the bakusquad group chat.

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