Karma (Kirishima Eijiro x reader)

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Kirishima Eijiro x depressed!Reader

Quirk: geokinesis: allows a user to manipulate any matter of rock, sediment and decomposition (soil), can also create earthquakes with enough concentration. Users may feel a persistent drowsiness.

Warning: has implications of suicide
Requested by:Perseph12

"How are you today L/n?" I looked up at my therapist. "I don't have to tell you anything," I said before turning away. She sighed and wrote something in her notebook.

"According to your councilors you do, tell me about the day you got kidnapped," she asked bluntly.


"I can't help you if you don't help yourself, from what I heard you were with Mr. Kirishima," my therapist started saying.

"I saw something in the woods and I followed it, is Bakugo also going through therapy?" I asked with a sigh. "I can't tell you that, what did you see in the woods?" She continued.

"I saw a man in the woods, if Bakugo isn't doing therapy why do I have to do therapy?" I asked viciously, I narrowed my eyes at the lady who seemed only slightly older than my mom but my mom didn't ask me what happened in the woods.

"Mr. Bakugo didn't skip school for 2 consecutive weeks and wasn't found with a rope in the bathroom, you were. The sooner you allow me to help you the sooner you can get out of here," she bargained. I sighed and didn't argue with her.

"Now, tell me about who kidnapped you," she inquired as she adjusted her glasses.

"We were getting ready for the test of courage, Mr. Aizawa took away 5 students so I was paired with Midoriya. I wasn't looking for anything in particular but I saw something rustle in the bushes. It sounded too loud to be an animal from the forest so I told Midoriya that I would check it out," I said with a sigh.

"Do you know what a Nomu is? It's a big ugly monster that has it's brain exposed and is a weapon of the League of Villains, That's what I saw in the woods. I was about to scream but then someone grabbed my mouth, I kicked them off of me and started running in the direction that Mr. Aizawa went-"

"It says here you didn't do that, you instead created an earthquake," she said showing me the newspaper.

"I could have, I don't really remember. I was trying to find someone," I said as I covered my eyes. We talked for a bit about the events that happened before. None of it made me feel better it just made me feel worse about the events that occurred. "I just don't understand why the universe is punishing me? First getting kidnapped, now this stupid therapy-" a knock at the door interrupted me. We both turned to the door to see Eijiro.

"Hey, Mr. Aizawa sent me to pick up Y/n," he said with a nervous smile. The therapist looked at her watch and said, "I guess it's time for you to go, I'll see you next week Ms. L/n."

"This is a waste of time," I muttered as I grabbed my coat and headed out the door with Eijiro.

"So, how was it?" Eijiro asked with a toothy grin. He was the last person I wanted to see in this state. "Fine I guess, I don't really think I need it though," I said as I shoved my hands into my jacket. "Well it's only been one session," Eijiro reasoned, "I don't think you'll see a massive change after one session."

"She's acting like all the detectives, just asking me about what happened," I mumbled into my coat. "Well you haven't told anyone what happened when you got kidnapped, Bakugo said that he didn't see you in the same area as him. We're worried about you Y/n, I'm worried about you," He said as he grabbed my shoulders.

"Then don't worry about me! I'm not a child! I don't nee-" Eijiro hugged me tightly. I froze in my place. "Just let me help you," Eijiro whispered. I felt tears that I didn't know I was holding back fall as he let go of me.

"Let's get you back to your dorm," he said with a sad smile. We headed back to my dorm with no further conversation. I opened the door to my dorm and noticed the several potted plants that were not there before. I looked over at Eijiro looked equally as confused.

I looked at the note on one of the plants and it just said "don't let them DIE -Bakugo."

"That's nice of him," Eijiro whispered as he read the note over my shoulder.

"Do you want me to tell you what happened to me?" I asked with a sigh as I flopped onto my bed. "I'm not going to force you," he said as he sat on my bed.

"They took me to a factory, it was cold and wet, they kept me in a cage like an animal as they didn't know how my quirk worked. The first chance I got I broke the lock and made a run for it. They of course chased behind me but I didn't stop. I ran into two ladies, I begged them to help me. But-"

Eijiro grabbed my hand and looked at me with sympathy. "I don't want to talk about it any more." He nodded with understanding. "Can you just lay here with me?" I asked meekily. "It wouldn't be very manly to leave you here alone," he said quietly. I moved over and quickly felt his arms wrap around me. I felt him kiss my head gently as he held me carefully.

"Eijiro," I looked up from his chest, I struggled to find the words that could express how I felt. My eyes filled up with tears again. I sat up quickly and wiped my tears with my hands. Eijiro sat up and held me tighter against his chest. "I d-don't understand! Is this the universe's way to say I'm a bad person?!" I exclaimed angrily.

"Sometimes bad things happen to good people. You're a manly person! A great person! None of this was your fault," he whispered. "I'll remind you that everyday if I have to: None of this was your fault!" He sounded so determined.

"I just want to go to sleep," I whispered.

"I love you." Was the last thing I heard from him before succumbing to my sleepiness.

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