Bubble (Aizawa Shouta x reader)

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Aizawa Shouta x shy!reader

Quirk: mind-reading; can hear anything anyone is thinking within a mile radius of her, users can also communicate with the people they are hearing. Users cannot turn off their quirk on their own.

Aizawa loved having a shy wife, a shyfe if you will. He wasn't all too thrilled with the idea of PDA so when he started dating y/n he knew it would work out. They both enjoyed keeping their lovey-dovey act without the eyes of the public.

The morning started like any other. Aizawa found the motivation to get out of the comforting bed that his wife would not have to leave for another hour, he wanted to stay in the little bubble that was their apartment but he knew better and left his wife to make his way to the kitchen to grab a cup of coffee.

He felt two arms wrap around his torso along with his wife's head on his back. What is she trying to do? He thought to himself as he sipped his coffee. "I'm trying to get you to say for a little longer," she answered, "can't you take the day off today?"

"I would love to take a day off with you but I can't, I promise I will though," he replied as he placed his coffee down and turned to face his wife.

"Okay," she replied, "I'll be here then, so you'll call me if you need anything?" She asked. He nodded and kissed her forehead.

The morning went on quietly. She made him a small breakfast knowing he wouldn't make one for himself as he saw it as a 'waste of time' and would probably just drink his protein pouches.

After eating most of his breakfast he was off. He gave a kiss to his wife before heading out of their bubble. Y/n herself got to work.

She was a hero herself but she would do mainly crime syndicate mission and she would wait months on end to actually do a mission. It was a relief for her, fewer missions meant she didn't have to constantly interact with people and she could see her husband more often.

"Did he take his lunch?" She asked herself as she sat on the couch. She got up and walked over to the fridge to take a look. Sure enough, his little bento box was still in there along with his test papers? Why were the test papers in the fridge? She didn't know but she had two options: Allow her husband to starve and get annoyed at himself for realizing that he left the test papers in the refrigerator or take all of his stuff to him and see him at his job where she might get judged by teenagers.

"he's going to be hungry... It would be wrong for me to knowingly not bring him his lunch... But teenagers," she debated with herself, "I haven't stepped into that school in a long time... Maybe these kids won't be as mean..." She tried to convince herself. 

"Just don't male eye contact with them and you'll be fine." A sentence she kept repeating to herself as she made the journey to her former high-school. Nothing terrified her more than this hell hole that she graduated from. Kids are cruel in that way, they would think awful thoughts about her but pretend to be her friend. When met Shota she was a little shocked to see that he was very honest with her. 

"maybe I could just ask Hizashi to drop it off for me..." She mumbled as she approached the fairly familiar building. "he'll be said if I do that, it'll be like I'm avoiding him..."

Making her way through the building was easy enough for her to manage, she could hear the slight murmuring of her husband's thoughts but decided against interacting with him as to not interrupt his teaching. She stood outside the door quietly. She could hear the thoughts of the students, may were just thinking random thoughts that any teenager would think. Except for one who was mumbling very quickly notes about things but also how he needed to get stronger for his quirk. She decided to get over herself and knocked on the door. The thoughts stopped for a moment. The first thought she heard was her husband's: Who the fuck is at the door?

She felt her heart quicken. I just wanted to drop off your lunch and the test papers she replied back. The door opened abruptly, Shota looking at his wide with dead eyes. You hate coming here he thought. But you would've been hungry, I don't like the thought of that... She answered back.

Why are they just staring at each other? Fucking say something to each other, one of Shota's students thought. Y/n felt her spirit die a little before handing his lunch over. 

"c-can I sit under your desk? Your students are just staring at me..." She mumbled awkwardly. Shota just let her in, allowing her to silently make her way to the shade the desk provided. It wouldn't stop the students from asking questions but at least she knew that Shota would be allowing them to ask any questions.

Who is she was the main question and it didn't take long for a student to raise their hand an ask.

"who's under your desk?" 

"There's no one under my desk," shota lied as he tried to continue his lesson. "we all saw her, who is she?" Another asked.

"it was probably just a mass hallucination," he answered, "does anyone have any other questions about the lesson?"


Fucking deku thinks he's better than me for asking first, fucking bitch... He's catching up to me

"s-shota, the boy that was yelling has an inferiority complex," she said as she pulled on his pant leg. It was barely audible to the people in the front and was almost nonexistent to the people in the back of the class.


Inferiority complex? I'll fucking surpass all might! I'll be the best hero in this century!

"i-I apologize, y-you have a s-superiority and i-inferiority complex-x, v-very c-contradict-dicting" she apologize a she look peered over the desk. Shota tried to push her head back to be below the desk which nearly succeeded until the two heard: "how did you get all that from him yelling at you?"

She understands him better than my dad understands me. I hate my dad. I wish I didn't have a dad.

"y-you have daddy issues... I-it's okay, s-sorry f-for d-disrupting your class..."she said before hiding under the desk again.

"I RECOGNIZE YOU! You're that mindreading hero, snitch, you can hear all of our thoughts effortlessly!"

Her quirk is amazing! No wonder she was just staring at Mr. Aizawa, they were talking to each other. Her quirk has a mile range so... Oh fuck.

"i-i, " y/n stuttered, "c-can you tell the fanboy to stop?" She asked her husband.

"she said to stop," Shota relay the message to his students, "especially you midoriya, there's a reason she's hiding."

"stop what? We haven't done anything?" A stricter voice said.

We can't be disrupting class for a questionnaire.

"You-you're be-being a hypocrite," y/n answered back despite the feeling of exploding with shame, "y-you just a-asked a question."

"stop enabling them," shota finally cut in.

"t-they s-started it..."

I miss the bubble

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