cry (Tamaki Amajiki x reader)

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Tamaki Amajiki x Todoroki! Reader (This is a fluff I promise!)

I opened my eyes to see a white ceiling. Where am I? "Y-you're a-awake!" A familiar voice said which instantly made me smile. "Good morning Tamaki~" I cooed as I looked over at him. "W-well it's 1 in the afternoon..." He trailed off a bit. I giggled at his awkwardness which in turn made him turn to me with a small grin plastered onto his face.

"where are we?" I asked as I held his hand between mine. "o-oh! Y-you were part of a car accident and while you were mostly unharmed your body did go into shock and kind of shutdown on itself, y-you've been in a coma for..." Tamaki stopped before he said how long I was in a coma. "Tell me," I whispered as I got closer to his face. I saw a blush rise as he scooted away from me. "four months..." my eyes widen in shock. "So I missed Christmas and Valentine's day?!" I asked in shock.

"I-it's really not a big deal, y-you were injured and in a comatose state!" Tamaki defended quickly and he started to cover his face. He's so cute when he's flustered. "I'm going to spoil you rotten today baby," I said, I added a little wink before moving my hand towards my IVs and pulling them out. "ow..." I muttered before getting up. Tamaki was freaking out over what I was doing. "Tamaki, sweetie," I whispered as I walked over to the wall that he deemed fit for his sulking, "If I drop the holidays will you feel better?" I asked quietly. He nodded quietly. "Alright, I won't plan anything TOO crazy."

I filled out the necessary paperwork and walked hand and hand with Tamaki. Unfortunately, I didn't have clothes so I was only wearing sweats and the hospital gown. The snow fell gently onto our cheeks as we approached his car. "What did you do on valentine's day?" I asked as he started to drive. "W-well with you of course..." He said sheepishly. My eyes widened as I felt my heart squelch at how adorable he was. "I changed my mind when we get home I'm going to smother you with love, gift, and affection. And before you protest I'm doing this because I love you." I said before he could protest he pulled up to my dad's house and said to me quietly, "I have to run some errands today but I promise that'll be back at like 3." And with that, he left.

I approached my childhood home, I unlocked the front door and stepped into a much warmer environment. "I'm home!" I called out as I hung up my coat. I walked into the living room to see Shoto and Natsuo sitting on the couch playing some sort of game. "Hey," I said as I leaned in between them. "Hello," Shoto said nonchalantly, this made my eyebrows furrow.

"You have no reaction to me being alive after being in a coma?" I questioned Shoto as I placed my head on top of him. "He was crying when he heard the news," Natsuo teased as he poked our younger brother's cheek. Shoto swatted his hand away. "Well, at least I know you have a heart under that cold, daddy issued exterior." I teased him slightly.

"Anyways, who wants to go shopping with me?" I questioned with hope in my tone. "Didn't you just come from outside?" Shoto asked as he looked up at me. "Yeah, but I missed Christmas and Valentine's day with Tamaki and I really want to make it up. He spent Valentine's day by my side rather than staying home." I said I felt a blush rise on my cheeks just thinking about how sweet he was to me. "Alright, just don't start crying again like the last time you were talking about your boyfriend," Shoto said as he got up quickly.

We exited the house armed with warm coats and my father's debit card. "So Shoto," I struck up a conversation, "I've been gone for 4 months, got any juicy gossip for me? Like anyone at U.A?" I asked excited to hear what my younger brother was going to say. "It's the same old thing for me and I'm not telling you who I like," he said quickly.

I cracked jokes now and again as we went around the store. I was glad to spend some time with him, even if most of it was me making jokes about our daddy issues which only made him exhale through his nose.

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