clear (Todoroki Shoto x reader )

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Todoroki Shoto x oblivious!reader

Quirk: vitrikinesis: can use any reflection to their advantage, this quirk is more useful in large cities as cities have a lot of windows. In the mirror dimension users can attack their victim's reflection which will affect them in the real world.

"You're too slow!" Y/n teased as she stood on one of the ice pillars that Shoto made in his attempts to apprehend the young trickster.

She relished her training time with him, Y/n really liked Shoto for his very quiet and isolated aura that she herself lacked.

"Do you ever stay still?" Shoto muttered to himself as he made another ice wall in his attempt to catch her.

Y/n and Shoto have always been friends. Their friendship started when Shoto was walking home from school when he was about 7. He kept his eyes glued to a puddle that was on the ground as he waited for his bus when he noticed that his reflection wasn't him, he stumbled back in shock as his 'reflection' mocked him. The reflection laughed and 'jumped out' so to speak and stood in front of Shoto.

She introduced herself as Y/n and they became the best of pals as he learned that she lived acrossed the street from him. She would pull pranks like that often, some mornings he would see her right behind his reflection causing him to flinch and Y/n bursting in a joyous laughter at his very subtle reaction.

"Oh come on Shoto, you've caught me before, you can do it again!" She teased as she appeared in multiple directions. She popped out of one sheet of ice and made a mad dash to an area without ice.

Shoto quickly froze her legs and ran up to her. She laughed in delight of her capture.

"See! Now was that so hard Shoto?" She asked as she waited patiently for her release.

"You always let me catch you," Shoto said. It was true, ever since they were kids she would always get willingly caught by him. He first noticed it when he was 9, Shoto had some how managed to escape the prison that was his home. He made his way to her house to play and also lowkey hideout from his tyrannical father. She seemed to only to come out of her hiding place when he was near and she would laugh that he caught her.

"Do I or are you just yhat good at catching me?" She cooed as she felt the ice around her legs melt. Shoto just continued to melt the ice on her legs. Upon her release she fell onto Shoto dramatically.

"Oh the humanity of it all! The great Shoto has caught me!"

"You're so dramatic about it all, you always let me catch you." He said as he held his best friend in his arms.

"You're just really good at catching me," she justified. "Are you going to get up or-"

"Alas, I cannot. The Great Shoto has made my legs numb once again, I fear my legs have hypothermia," Y/n said with a dramatic wave of her arm. Shoto suppressed a growing smile from his face as he watched her.

Shoto didn't say anything and dragged Y/n back to the benches. He placed her in her seat with his normally cold features.

"Do you want my jacket? I still have to melt all the ice I made," he asked politely. He knew the answer but he was just trying to spend a bit more time with her before he left her to her own devices for the few moments it would take to melt the ice.

"Ooh yes! Gimme gimme," she said, making a grabby motion for the jacket. He chuckled as he removed his jacket and placed it on her shoulders.

Y/n watched as he made his way to their training area. She watched in admiration as he melted the ice with the other half of his quirk.

"Y/n-chann," Uraraka called catching the girl's attention.  "Yeah?" She answered back looking at the direction that the voice called her.

"You were staring at him again," she teased. Y/n blushed in slight embarrassment. "It's hard not to," she whispered. Uraraka giggled at her hopelessly romantic friend.

"He's never going to like me," Y/n sighed in defeat. "Ehhh? What do you mean? It's clear that he likes you. Maybe even the L word," Uraraka said nudging her elbow.

"You think he has leprosy?" Y/n asked with a confused head tilt. Uraraka gave her an 'you dumbass' look.

"No, Y/n-chan, no. Starts with an l ends with an e-"


"How are you so dense?" Uraraka asked with a dumbfounded expression, "love, I meant love."

"Ohhh, that makes more sense. But I don't think he feels that way about me," Y/n said with a sigh.

"A blind person could see that he likes you!" Uraraka said with exasperation.

"Blind people can't see," Y/n said, confused at her friend's statement.

"It's a figure of-"

"Shoto, Uraraka said that blind people could see," Y/n said as Shoto approached the two.

"Why would they be called blind then?"

"That's what I asked."

"IT WAS A FIGURE OF SPEECH! YOU TWO WERE MEANT FOR EACH OTHER," she yelled as she covered her face with her hands.

"I'm still cold Shoto," Y/n said, changing the subject. He hummed as he sat next to her, activating his quirk just enough to warm up his freezing Y/n. She laid her head on his shoulder, soaking up the warmth his shoulder provided. He wrapped his arm around her shoulders to warm up her other half.

Shoto wished he could just ask her out. He was really tired of tell guys who asked him that he was dating her without her knowledge.

"I have to tell you something," Shoto said as he broke their comfortable silence. "Oh? What is it? Is it something bad? Did your dad say anything about me again?" Y/n asked in curiosity.

"He doesn't say anything in front of me anymore. I told him I would max out his credit card again if he says anything about you. But that's not what I meant. You know you're pretty, right?" Shoto asked. Y/n lifted her head from his shoulder.

"I am?"

"You're really pretty and guys see that and want to ask you out," he continued.

"Only one person has asked me out, so I don't really understand," she explained.

"Well the other guys would ask you out if they didn't think we were dating," he said blunt. "That's strange, why would they think that?"

"Promise you won't get mad?"

"I promise, shoto. Speak from your heart!"

"When people ask me if we're dating I sometimes tell them that we are."


Shoto looked at her e/c eyes. How could he be so enchanted by someone who doesn't get the picture?

"Because I like you," Shoto finally stated. "I like you too Shoto! You're my best friend!"

"N-no Y/n. I  like-like you," he explained further.


"Like love Y/n. I love you."

"Ohhhhhhh!! I love you too Shoto! Why didn't you say that before?" She asked with a bright smile.

"I didn't want to break your brain. Midoriya said it would be best if I explained it to you."

"That's so convoluted."

"My initial plan was to just hand you marriage papers when we were both 18 to be honest."

"That would have also worked!"

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