Aggressive (Shinsou Hitoshi x reader)

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Shinsou Hitoshi x childhood friend! reader

Quirk: Fog; users can emit cool and opaque water vapor from their pores if they so desired
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Hitoshi is my best friend. He has always been my best friend. We've been best friends since birth and that is an obvious fact. I would support him no matter what. So when he told me that he wanted to go to UA for the hero course I didn't tell him he couldn't, on the contrary, I tried to help him though I wasn't interested in becoming a hero. I told him with a grin, "I'll go anywhere you'll go and support you."

I meant it and applied for the Management department.

When Hitoshi didn't get accept I was upset. He works so hard and his quirk is a lot stronger than the other quirks I saw when I dropped him off at the entrance exam. I stayed positive and said, "You can always transfer in."

He laid his head against mine and muttered, "What would I do without you?"

I love him. A lot.

At first, it started as a little crush back in the 1st grade and now it's just full-blown admiration and love. I'm pretty sure I don't stand a chance with a guy like him.

Y/n and Hitoshi against the world. I would fight for him and he would fight for me. Just like it's always been.

Every day before school, Hitoshi and I walked to class together like always. He was telling me about a girl he liked. "She's just so pretty and so nice to me. I just want to do something special for her, to show my true feelings for her." My heartfelt like it was carrying a burden. But, I love him and if he's happy with this girl then I'll help him. even if it hurts to let him go.

"Do I get to know the lucky lady's name?" I teased as I pushed down any sadness I could. "No," He said back in a teasing way, "But will you help me ask her out?" he asked so hopefully. How could I not help him, I just want him to be happy. Even if he's happy without me. "Of course Hitoshi, I have to go. Meet me at the gate after school?"

"Wouldn't have it any other way," He smirked. I loved it when he showed any bit of happiness.

With all the math and capitalism that went on in my management class, I nearly forgot about my commitment to what I was going to do with Hitoshi. "So... Y/n," A girl named Mai started talking to me. "What is it, Mai? Did you finish the portion I gave you for the final project?" I asked annoyed, my eyes were glued onto my computer screen as I spoke to her. "Lighten up! I was just about to ask you about that cute guy you walk to class with every day! Is he your boyfriend?" I couldn't believe her. "What he is to me is none of your business Mai but if it will get you to continue your work then, no he is not my boyfriend."

"Sweet! That means I can ask him ou-"

"No, that does not mean you could ask him out he's interested in someone already and it's probably not you as you don't even have the brain function to finish the fucking spreadsheet I assigned you 2 fucking days ago," The room filled with fog as I looked at her and glared. Mai got up from her place on the floor and pulled out the spreadsheet that I told her to fill out. "I swear if I was partnered with Nori this shit wouldn't be a problem," I muttered to myself as I continued working on the rest of the project by myself. Even if she was the girl Hitoshi was into I wouldn't let her anywhere near him. He's too good for her anyway, he's too good for most of the girls in this school. Most including me.

I was relieved when lunch finally came around. Hitoshi and I would sit in the back of the cafeteria along with a kid from class 1-B and just talk about anything that came to mind. I had already grabbed my lunch and was heading to our usual lunch table when I tripped and nearly dropped my food. I looked at the culprit and saw it was Mai. She turned back to her friends, I could tell that she was holding back a laugh. I took a deep breath and made my trek to my usual table.

"Someone is pissed," Momona cooed as I took a seat next to Hitoshi. "You would be too if some bitch can't fill out a fucking spreadsheet," I said as I poked at my food. "Gross, nerd stuff," He teased. "I'm gonna slap her one day, all she does is talk about boys and then when they reject her she gets all pissy," I said before eating my rice.

"like you now?" Momona teased again. I was about to hit him over the head when Hitoshi said, "or like you when class 1-a is in the spotlight." I grinned and added, "I think it's more rabid than pissy."

"Why not both?" Hitoshi asked shrugging his shoulders. "Okay! I get it, you two lovebirds can tag-team roast me," Momona said before taking a sip of his grape juice. I felt my face heat up when he said lovebirds but didn't point it out.

When lunch ended it was back to regularly scheduled class. Nothing happened. It was only when classes ended for the day that something happened where Hitoshi looked at me differently. I quickly rushed to the gate not wanting to associate with any of my classmates any longer. I was so close to the gate, I made eye contact with Hitoshi. But no, someone grabbed my arm. I turned to see Mai, her fist flew to my eye. I held my eye for a second before grabbing her arm quickly and judo flipping her, twisting her arm and stepping on her back with my heel.

"That spreadsheet should better be done by tomorrow," I said as I let her go and made my way over to Hitoshi. My eye hurt a lot and I was tired. "Goddamn Y/n! We should probably get you straight home. Get some ice on that shiner!" He said as he grabbed my arm to lead me in the correction. My vision was blurry with tears so I didn't push him away. We went to a convenient store and he grabbed a can of some sort of soda.

"So..." He started, "any particular reason you got that lovely shiner?" He held my hand gently in his cold calloused hand. "She was eyeing you. Like you were just another toy for her." I said not looking up at him. I heard him chuckle a bit. Saying it out loud it was kind of silly and a bit embarrassing. "You were jealous?"

"I don't know, she has no brain cells. And she didn't fucking finish the spreadsheet!" I defended myself. He burst out laughing. "It's okay Y/n if some guy in my class was eyeing you like a piece of meat I would beat him up, after all, how can I tell you that I love you if you get swooped away by someone else?" he said as he placed the cold can on my bruised eye. "Y-you love me?" I repeated.

"But of course, my number one supporter and best friend," He said as he placed a hand behind his neck, "Actually that's why I asked you help me, so I could figure out what you would want the perfect date would be." I smiled widely. "okay that's enough sappy shit for you, let's go to your house and we can play Mario Kart," he said before he kissed my forehead.

Hitoshi saw me as his girlfriend.

requested by @LunarrUwU

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