barbeque sauce on my titties

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Kaminari x reader

Quirk: lulluby, any song sung by the user can be used as a weapon if desired as long as the victim is within earshot.

I was so nervous but also kind of excited. UA was having a talent show and I signed up. It was mostly for fun but also because everyone in the school think that I've killed someone just by singing and while that is only half true I wanted to prove that I could sing without damaging someone.

"Okay....L/n, what song are you singing?"  A teacher I didn't know asked. "Prom Dress." I said quickly.

"Alright so I just want you to sing the chorus." He said as he looked down at his clipboard.

I nodded and took a deep breath. This is it, the moment I've been waiting for.

"I'm sitting here-"

"Barbeque sauce on my titties,"

"Ketchup on my willy,"

"Rice in my pitties!"

I started laughing as I knew who it was as I told them to come to my audition so I was less nervous. Kirishima, Sero and my sweet Boyf Denki.

"Gentlemen, if you aren't going to ve quiet during the audition then I'm afraid you'll have to be removed." The teacher said angrily.

"So sorry sir." Sero said as I heard a small snicker from Denki.

After I finished singing I ran down to the audience. I looked at my friends and said quietly to them:

"Barbeque sauce on titties."

MHA x reader Oneshots Where stories live. Discover now