Chapter One

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Alexandria’s P.O.V
I woke up to the sound of my alarm blaring as I groaned and turned it off and got out of bed and got ready for school and when she was done she gathered her things for school and went downstairs and as she was about to walk down the last few steps she heard her parents yelling for a few minutes and heard one of them walk out the door before slamming it making me jump and decided to go into the kitchen to see my mother leaning over the kitchen counter with her hands on her face as she heaved a heavy sigh, "hey mom, is everything alright" I asked her as I walked over to her and put my hand over her shoulder as she looked over to me, "ya I'm fine It's just your father and I aren't on great terms right now" she said trying to cover her sadness with a smile, "ok, just let me know if you need anything ok, I'm gonna head to school now, see you later mom love you" I said after giving her a hug and walked out the door and headed to school.
As I entered the school and got to my locker, I started to hear a few people say there are some new kids who transferred to the school so I decided to walk by the office to take a glimpse and as I did that I saw to boys who looked like twins standing at the front desk and as they grabbed their schedules for their classes and as they turned around to leave the office, I felt like I couldn't move and before I knew it, one of them made eye contact with me and felt my face heat up when I saw him grow a smirk and walked over to me, "hey, I'm Grayson and this is my twin brother Ethan" he said and I looked down to hide my blush and told them my name "hey nice to meet you, my name is Alexandria but you can call me Alex if you want" I said and noticed that some of the "popular" girls glaring at me, "well it looks like someone doesn't like me talking to you" I said to him as u pointed towards the main person of the group whose name is Brittany and he looked at her and then back at me, "ohh, well then I guess she's going to have to deal with it then" he said and we both chuckled, "well I guess we should get to class" I said, "what classes do you have" Grayson said and I showed him my schedule and looked at his, "looks like we be spending the day together then" he said and smiled and headed to class before me as I told him that I needed to use the bathroom before class started and before I did, Brittany walked up to me and forcefully grabbed my arm tightly, "what the hell" I said and turned around and saw her, "stay away from them bitch, their mine or something you don't like is going to happen, got it" Brittany said and walked away and I went to class.

Grayson’s P.O.V
Ethan and I are Vampires and so is the rest of our family, and we had just transferred to a new school and we were both in the office to get our schedules and just as we were about to receive them from the secretary I sensed that someone was watching us and when we got the schedules, we walked out and I made eye contact with a beautiful girl as she was looking at us as we walked out and told Ethan that I was going to talk to her and he came with me, when we approached her I saw that she was starting to blush that made me smirk a little and when got to her I introduced Ethan and I, “hey, I'm Grayson and this is my twin brother Ethan” I said to her and she looked down as she tried to hide her face as she continued to blush and looked back up to face me and introduced herself, “hey nice to meet you, my name is Alexandria but you can call me Alex if you want" she said to us and then I noticed her look the other way and I did the same and saw a few girls looking our way and it looked like they were giving Alex some kind of glare which made me angry and then I looked back to Alex, “well it looks like someone doesn't like me talking to you" she said and she told me that her name was Brittany, “ohh, well then I guess she's going to have to deal with it then" I said and we both chuckled, “well we should get to class” she said and before we headed to class she asked what classes we had, “hey what classes do you have” I asked and she handed her schedule and saw that we had the same classes together, “looks like we be spending the day together then" I said t her and smiled and before we left for class she told us that she needed to use the bathroom and we told her that we would meet her there, after taking a few steps I heard that Brittany girl say something to Alex as I heard let out a groan when Brittany grabbed her arm, “stay away from them bitch, their mine or something you don't like is going to happen, got it" I heard her say and that made me angry and heard Alex come up from behind us and continued as she walked past me and Ethan, and walked into the classroom without saying a word
School had finished and Alex hadn’t talked to me or Ethan all day since we met outside the office this morning and I couldn’t stop thinking about what happened between her and that girl Brittany and I think I’m starting to fall in love with Alex but my biggest fear was that if she ever found out what I was about the monster that I am, she might never want to talk or even see me again and I wanted to talk to Ethan about it I thought to myself as I walked over to Ethan’s room and knocked on his door and walked in, “hey E, can I talk to you” I asked, “ya sure what’s up, is everything alright,” he said, “ya everything is fine, I’ve been thinking about Alex all day after over hearing a girl named Brittany told her to stop talking to us and she hasn’t said anything to us since then,” I told him and Ethan was telling me the same thing, “I know we just me her, but I  think I like her man maybe a little more than a friend but at the same time, I’m scared that she’ll find out about us being vampires and not want to see or talk to us again” I said to him and he told me that everything will be alright and I started to calmed down a little, “thanks man, I feel better about everything, talk to you later goodnight” I said and walked back to my room.

Alex’s P.O.V 
I walked home from school as I thought about what Brittany said and how I haven’t talked to Ethan or Grayson for the rest of the day since we met just outside the office and I’m scared to talk to him again because of Brittany. As I got home and walked through the door I heard my parents fighting again and decided to go right to my room and do my homework and when I finished I decided to take a nap, I woke up about two hours later and went downstairs to grab something to drink and saw my mom cooking while my dad sitting on the couch drinking beer and didn’t say anything, “hey mom is everything alright between you and dad cause you guys have been arguing for most of the day” I said to her feeling concerned, “everything is alright sweety, your father and I aren’t doing great at the moment,” she said with a smile as she kissed my forehead and we ate dinner and when we were done I went back upstairs after saying goodnight and took a shower before going to bed and right before falling asleep all I thought about was Grayson.                

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