Chapter Twelve

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Alexandria’s P.O.V    
All night I thought to myself about how energetic and alive I felt since I turned into a vampire and I have to say that it feels great and The next morning Grayson and I woke up to Victoria jumping on the bed and I giggled as Grayson caught her and started tickling her and we all laughed and we decided to cook breakfast for her as she watched her cartoons with Grayson and I started to think to myself as I continued to cook about hoping that it could stay like this forever since everything that happened lately I thought to myself as I finished making breakfast and started plating Victoria’s and Grayson’s plates and called them to the table, “breakfast is ready you to” I said as they paused the T.V and came to the table and we all ate and when we were done, I went to bring Victoria into her room to get her changed and I did the same after I finished getting her changed and after a few hours we decided to take Victoria out for ice cream for a while after lunch  and as we got home, she fell asleep on the drive home and Grayson gently got her out of the car and carried her as we got to our apartment and brought her to her room and gently laid her down as she went on with her nap and the both of us went into the living room to watch T.V.   

Grayson’s P.O.V
After the three of us had breakfast, I started to think about taking Alex out for dinner later but then I realized that we didn’t have anyone to watch Victoria if I couldn’t get into contact with my mom so I decided to call her and after a few rings,she picked up sounding somewhat panicked, “hey mom everything alright” I asked her and she let out a sigh of relief finding out that it was me, “I’m not doing to bad now that I know that it was you who called, is everything alright with you and Alex, I also heard that you guys have a daughter” she said and I smiled to myself knowing that she is still alive, “that’s good to hear, and ya everything is alright now, the council found out about Victoria and surprisingly let it slide” I told her and even though we are talking on the phone, I could tell that she was smiling knowing the Victoria was still alive, “I also called to see if you are able to watch Victoria for a few hours tomorrow night because I was planning on taking Alex on a date and possibly asking her to marry me “ I said and heard her gasp, “of course I will watch Victoria for you just send me a text of your address and the time you want me there” she said sounding excited and I chuckled, “ok mom, I’ll let you know when to come over tomorrow and what Alex says when I ask her” I said as I looked at the small box in my hand after hanging up the phone and letting out a heavy sigh. 
After the three of us finished dinner, we sat in the living room for a bit until I told Alex about tomorrow, “hey Alex before I forget, I was wondering if you wanted to go out tomorrow night since it’s a friday night, and before you ask I already called my mom mainly to see if she was still alive but also to see if she can come and watch Victoria for us, that is if you want to go” I said to her and she smiled and nodded, “alright we can go out tomorrow, but I don’t want to be gone long, I’m still somewhat paranoid because of the whole situation from the last time” she said and I nodded and kissed the top of her head and she decided to give Victoria a bath and I went to get the water running as she grabbed Victoria some pajamas for her to change into when she’s done with her bath. 
After about 15 minutes, Victoria was out of the bath all clean and we got her changed and brought her to bed as Alex read her a bedtime story as Victoria held her favorite stuffed animal as she listened to Alex and I smiled at the both of them as I leaned against the door frame as I watched Victoria slowly fall asleep and when she did, Alex Gently got up from laying next to her and kissed her forehead and walked over to me and we both went back into the living room, “you look exhausted, do you want me to run you a bath” I asked her and she nodded and we both got up and I went into the bathroom and turned on the water and made sure it was warm and she came into the bathroom with a pair of pajamas in her hand and she started to get undressed and got into the tub and as I turned around, she grabbed my pant leg and I turned around, “don’t you want to join me” she said with a smirk on her face and I quickly took my clothes off and joined her as I got in behind her as she relaxed as she leaned against me and I gently kissed her shoulder and not long after she sat up and straddled my lap and I smirked and we smashed our lips together and she positioned herself and sunk back down as I kissed down her neck and we continued until we reached our highs and we just stared into each other's eyes as we smiled at each other as she leaned down and kissed me and we both got out of the tub and got changed and went to our room and we cuddled as we laid in bed until we fell asleep
The next morning we woke up and Alex went to check on Victoria to see if she was awake and all I could think about was tonight and how I’m going to ask Alex to marry me even though it most likely won’t be a big one because pretty much everyone we know and loved is dead except for my mother which is fine with me, I wasn’t planning on having a big one to begin with and I’m sure Alex wouldn’t either. After a few hours, I called my mom to let her know that Alex and I would be leaving soon and not long after we heard a knock on the door and Alex went to open it and the person that walked in was my mom and I smiled at her and she did the same as she walked up to me and gave me a hug, “so where is my granddaughter” she said and brought her over to Victoria’s room to see her playing with her toy’s and when she saw the three of us she smiled and ran up to me and I picked her up, “Victoria, this is your grandmother” I said to her as she smiled as I looked over to my mom and did the same and Victoria stretched her arms out to my mom and my mother did the same and held her, “I’m sure we are going to have a good time while you and Alex are out” my om said and I nodded with a smile on my face, “well I should probably finish getting ready” I said and I went back to my room to finish up and when I was done, Alex and I went into the living room to see my mom and Victoria playing.
We finally left the house and we are headed to a restaurant that’s close by and and walked inside and we were escorted to a table and we were each handed a menu, “your waiter will be with you shortly” the man said and the both of us said thank you and we both started to look through the menu to see what we wanted, “we should probably go hunting tonight after this if that’s alright” Alex whispered and I nodded in agreement, “alright, I wouldn’t mind going and it has been a while since we went last” I told her and the waitress came up to us with a notepad in hand and as she looked over to me, she had a smirk on her face and I could tell she’s going to be flirting with me throughout the whole time Alex and I are here and before she could say anything, I got up from my seat and grabbed the small box from my back pocket and knelt down on one knee as I opened it and I heard Alex gasp and everyone looked our way and I could tell the waitress had a smug look on her face, “Alex, you mean everything to me and I want to spend the rest of my life as a family with you and Victoria, so what I’m asking is, will you marry me” I asked her and I could see that she was starting to tear up as she nodded quickly and I got up and kissed her as everyone started clapping and Alex and I continued with our dinner and when we were done we headed outside after paying for the bill and went hunting before we got home. After we went hunting, we finally arrived back at the apartment, the first thing Alex and I see was Victoria asleep and my mother's arms and I saw a smile grow on Alex’s face as I gently woke up my mom and she smiled as she looked up at me as Alex gently grabbed Victoria so that she could put her to bed and my mom left after we said goodbye and Alex and I got changed into something comfortable and we got into bed and cuddled as we watched some T.V before we both fell asleep.        

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