Chapter Four

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Alexandria’s P.O.V
It’s been about a Two weeks since Grayson and I went on our date and I haven’t seen him since and I’ve been getting worried, I’ve tried texting him a few times a day every day since our date and he hasn’t answered back. As school finished and as I headed to my locker Brittany was waiting at my locker and not long before I after turning around I felt a tight grip on my shoulder and forced me to turn around and faced Brittany with a wide smirk on her face, “looks like Grayson isn’t here to defend you” she said and pulled me by the hair and the rest of her friends started to hit me until I heard a man’s voice and they all stopped to look and see who it was and saw that they were moving away from me and I decided to turn my head to see Grayson kneeling in front of me, “are you alright, how are you feeling” he said helping me up, “I feel better now that your back” I said and immediately wrapped my arms around his neck and started crying and carried me to his car, I fell asleep.

A few hours later
I finally started waking up and started looking around to see if I was at was in my room but instead I was in a room that I wasn’t familiar with and decided to get out of bed and walk around and just as I opened the door I saw Grayson standing on the other side, “hey Gray, I wanna talk” I said and we both walked over to the bed and sat down, “why have you been ignoring me and not going to school for the past two weeks” I said and he and lowered his head and let out a heavy sigh that sounded frustrated, “I haven’t been around because things have been complicated lately that have gotten you involved and I didn’t want you to get hurt because of what they might do to you because of what you already know about me, so I ran away and have been living in a motel for the last two weeks and I thought it would help but it didn’t work well enough and all I wanted to do was protect you. I’m so sorry for leaving you” he said as he started to cry and I hugged him to try and comfort him and felt him turn slightly and hugged me tighter and I did the same, “ look at me” I said to him and he moved to face me and saw that his eyes were puffy and red and I moved my hands to his cheeks “I forgive you, I love you no matter what happens” I said and he quickly pressed his lips against mine after what felt like forever we broke apart to catch our breath, “promise you won’t leave me again” I said and he nodded, “I promise never to leave you again” he said and we both went back to kissing and not long after it became something more than kissing. 

Grayson’s P.O.V
I was in bed still wide awake while Alex was cuddled up to me after she fell asleep not long after I marked her as we made love and I looked down to see her peacefully sleeping I started thinking to myself how I got so lucky to have someone like her in my life after looking for 50 years and then I started to think  what the council told me when they wanted me and my family to be there and talk about me having a human mate and that if I didn't change her into one of us soon they would come here and kill her themselves, and soon after I felt a few tears falling down my cheek, "you probably won't hear what I'm going to tell you, but I want you to know that I am going to do everything to protect you, and that I love you more than anything, I love more than my own life" I whispered to her and lightly kissed her forehead, and I felt her move slightly as she started waking up, "I heard what you said, I love you to"  she said and we both smiled to each other and I lightly kissed her and brought her closer to me and we both finally decided to get out of bed and get changed and brought her back to her place. 
We finally arrived at her place and I walked her to the door and I hugged her tightly, “I promise I will make sure that you know everything soon alright” I said to her and we pulled apart and kissed her one final time before she walked into her house, “I’ll text you everything later alright” I said and she nodded, “ok, I love you and good night” she said with a small smile and went inside, and I walked home shortly after and continued to think about everything that happened in the past two weeks until I got home and relaxed for the rest of the night until I got tired and fell asleep. The next morning I finally got out of bed and got into the shower and got changed into something casual and decided to go to Alex’s place and decided to tell her everything that’s been going on. As I arrived at her place and knocked on her door and after waiting for a few minutes, I heard the door open and Alex and saw a smile grow on her face and I did the same, “what are you doing here?” she asked, “I wanted to hang out with you today, and plus I wanted to tell you about everything that’s been going on the last Two weeks” I told her and she grabbed her things and we headed to a local coffee shop. 
We finally arrived at the coffee shop and we sat down after ordering our coffee and started started talking, “well for starters, I wanted to tell that my reason for being gone for two weeks is because I had to go to a group of people that call themselves the council and they are also Vampires like me and I was scared that they would do something bad was going to happen to you because they found out that you heard what me and my family and it’s never usually a good thing when they find out a human knows about our kind, and to be honest I’m still scared shitless” I said to her and she reached her hand over to mine and gave it a reassuring squeeze that made me feel calmer than I have been the last few days. For the rest of the day we hung out and I told her the rest of everything that has happened and the story of my past and how we were changed into what we were. And then walked her home as it started getting late. As we arrived back to Alex’s place, she turned around to face me and she quickly grabbed my face in both of her hands and kissed me with love and passion as I wrapped my arms around her waist and as we broke apart we stood there for what seemed like forever until she broke the silence, “stay the night, my mom isn’t home, she’s been doing the night shift at work for the past week” she said and I nodded, “I need to grab some clothes and I’ll be back as soon as I can alright” I said and kissed her cheek and quickly went home and packed a bag and when I’m finished I went back to Alex’s.
As soon as I enter Alex’s place, I went to her room to see her wrapped in a towel as she stood in front of her dresser looking for a pair of pajamas to change into and I decided to walk up behind her and wrap my arms around her waist and lightly kissed down her neck and heard a soft sigh coming from Alex and she turned around and put her arms around my neck and had a slight smirk on her face but then I realized that if we did it I might hurt her, "I don't think we should do it, I don't want to take the risk of hurting you" I said as I slightly backed away from her,  "I know you would never hurt me Gray, but we don't have to if you don't want too" she said and I had a small smile on my face, "believe me though, I really do want to with you, but I just don't want you to get hurt, and besides I didn't want to go any further then what we did the last time" I said and she caressed my check and I lightly moved into her touch, "I know Gray, I understand" she said and we both smiled as I lightly kissed her palm and she decided to get changed into her pajamas and we both went to bed and fell asleep.

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