Chapter Fourteen

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Alexandria’s P.O.V
It was the next morning and we all sat around the table after I made breakfast for Victoria as she watched one of her shows on a Tablet that we have to keep her occupied and the three of us had a cup of coffee in our hands and talked about what might happen, "first off, I would like to thank you again for helping us" I said to him and he nodded with a small smile on his face, "no problem, I never wanted to stay with the council to begin with and once I found out about everything that's been going on so far, it was my chance to leave them since I began to feel bad about it all" he said and I let out a sigh as I took a sip of my coffee, “what do you suggest we do then if they continue to think this” I asked and Luca shrugged, “they could do anything, they could possibly have her kept with them until she is old enough to be able to learn how to control the vampire side of her or they can kill her if this all ends badly, and I don’t mean to sound harsh about this either” he said and I nodded, “you don’t have to apologize for anything I understand what your getting at, I’m just grateful that you got to before anything bad could happen” I said to him with a small smile on my face, “may I ask how old Victoria is” Luca said and I sighed, “it’s been almost a month now since I had her, and she looks like a Five year old” I said as we looked over at her and she was concentrated on her show and I looked back at Luca who had a small smile on his face, “she reminds me of my daughter” he said as he looked down with a sad look on his face.
After a few minutes of silence Grayson spoke up, “where is she then if you don’t mind me asking” he asked and Luca let out a heavy sigh, “she died along with her mother, the council didn’t except it since her mother and I were both Vampires and she would be the same thing and it would be a lot worse with the thirst of blood and she never got the chance to learn how to control it because of the council but now that I have met Victoria, it's different and I know that it will be easy for her to get it under control no matter how old she is, and I’m willing to to help you guys keep your daughter alive and safe from them” he said as he he looked over to Victoria again, “if you don’t mind me asking, what was your daughters name and what did they do to her and your wife” I asked, “hey name was Genevieve, she meant everything to me and they took her away and my wife’s was Elizabeth and since our daughter’s death, she ran away, she left me and I have no Idea where she is now and to be honest I’d rather ot know” he said with a few tears rolling down his cheeks, “I’m so sorry to hear that Luca, I couldn’t imagine the pain you went through because of that” I said and he nodded, “either one of you don’t have to apologize for what happened then, it was over Five hundred years ago” he said and I sighed with wide eyes as I looked over at Grayson, “and besides I want to make sure that Victoria is able to learn how to get her thirst or anything about her Vampirism side under control so the same thing doesn’t happen to you guys” he said and Grayson and I nodded in agreement, “thanks a lot, we really appreciate this Luca and you can stay with us for as long as you want as well” Grayson said and we didn’t realize Victoria was paying attention to the last little bit of the conversation until we heard her shriek with excitement, “yay, do you want to be my new friend Luca” she said as she got down from her seat and walked over to him and hugged his arm and his smile grew, “I would love to be your friend Victoria” he said and she had the biggest smile on her face.
for most of the day we tested how she would react when she’s around blood and whenever we put a small amount of it next to her, the iris would change to the color blue and the rest would be black and the way she reacts is like shes holding back tears and once we get her to resist long enough, we let her have the small amount of blood that's in the cup and for a while we haven't received anything from the council which made feel relieved which made me begin to think if they are slowly beginning to trust everything that we are doing to make Victoria's thirst doesn't get out of hand. Later that day we have been finished with the blood resistance with Victoria a couple of hours ago and I think she did a pretty good job, as I was making dinner I heard someone walk into the kitchen and saw that it was Grayson, "how are you doing" he asked and I let out a heavy sigh, " exhausted, I just really hope that everything turns out alright and that the council won't take our little girl away from us like they did with Luca" I said as I turned around and wrapped my arms around Graysons waist as I hug him tightly, "I don't blame you, I also told my mom about what's been going on lately" he said to me and I nodded and I continued to make dinner for a of us and when I was done and I walked into the living room to see Victoria laughing as Luca tickled her and I smiled to myself and told them that dinner was ready and we all ate. After we had finished eating we all decided to watch a movie after getting Victoria changed after giving her a bath and went back into the living room after she grabbed her favourite stuffed animal and a blanket and sat next to Luca on the couch and cuddled up next to him. By the time the movie had finished, Victoria had already fallen asleep and Luca had offered to bring her to bed to let me take a shower, “I’ll take her to bed if you’d like so that you can take a shower” he said and I nodded and said thank you and Grayson and I both went to grab something to change into and I went to have a shower and by the time I was finished and walked passed Victoria’s room I saw Luca speak to her as she slept and I quietly as I listened to him and felt Grayson place his hand on my lower back and kissed the top of my head. 

Luca’s P.O.V 
As I carried Victoria to her room and gently laid her down on her bed as she held onto my arm as if she didn’t want me to leave and I stayed with her for a while longer until she let go, “I know you won’t hear this little one but I hope that one day you will know that I will always make sure nothing bad ever happens to you and that our council will never ever take you away from your parents, I will do everything in my power to protect you with my life like you were my own little girl” I said and gently kissed her forehead and got up and as I turned around I saw Grayson and Alexandria standing in the doorway of her room, “I meant every word I said to her, I promise I will do anything and everything that I can to protect her with my life” I said and Alexandria came over to me and hugged me tightly and heard her sob lightly as I returned the hug and once we broke apart, “thank you for everything, it means everything to us” she said and I lightly smiled, “everything reminds me of what happened when they killed my little girl and I was helpless at the time and now that the same thing is pretty much happening to you, I thought that now I could finally do something about it and help you guys help Victoria control her Vampirism side” I said as we had walked into the living room, “thank you again” Grayson said and we hugged each other and I decided to take a shower after grabbing a pair of pajamas that I had packed when I left and Grayson and Alexandria went to bed and not long after I finished my shower and got changed, I did the same and in the middle of the night, I felt someone tugging at my sleeve and I woke u to see that it was Victoria, “victoria what’s wrong, is everything alright” I asked and she nodded, “I had a bad dream” she said and I lightly sighed and she climbed onto the couch and fell asleep instantly.           

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