Chapter Five

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Alex’s P.O.V 
I woke up the next morning and looked up slightly to see Grayson sleeping peacefully as he had his arms wrapped around me and a small smile grew on my face as I trace my finger on his chest and heard him mumble as he started to wake up and smiled when he looked at me and held me tighter as he nuzzled his face into my neck and I let out a small laugh and then I started realizing what we are to each other, “hey Gray, can I ask you something” I said and he lifted himself up to face me, “ya sure hat is it” he said as we looked into each others eyes, “what are we, I mean to me I think we act like we are together” I said to him and he looked down, “I don’t know, I mean I want to be with you but I feel like, since I’m a werewolf, I feel like I might put you in danger and that’s what I fear the most” he said and I started to feel bad and he grabbed my face and smashed his lips against mine and when we broke apart, I started to get confused until he broke the silence, “but if I’m being honest with you, I’m willing to take the risk and I really want to be with you, so Alex will you be my girlfriend” he said and I smiled and gave him a quick peck, “yes, I’d like to be your girlfriend” I said and he kissed me again once again and and I smiled into the kiss and so did he.
Thank god it was Saturday because for the rest of the day, all that Grayson and I did was hang out and had fun together until it started getting late and he brought me home and as we got back to my place and we stood in front of each other and stared at each other for what seemed like forever and he kissed me goodnight, “you know I'll never get used to this” I said to him and he had a small smirk on his face, “why's, that” he said, “because I've never been with anyone before and your my first for pretty much anything” I said as I looked down as I fiddled with my fingers as I started blushing, and then he lifted my head and looked at me in the eyes and the next thing I knew he smashed his lips against mine for the second time as we were standing on my front porch until the light turned on and the door opened to reveal my mother standing there with a smirk on her face and walked away and Grayson and I giggled to each other and he hugged me, “goodnight” I said and before I walked inside, Grayson grabbed my arm, “go on a date with me… please” he said as he continued to hold my arm and I n\quickly nodded as a smile grew on my face and he pulled me back to him and kissed me one last time before he left, and I couldn’t help but smile as I walked through the front door until my mother brought me out of my thoughts, “he seems like a nice guy… What’s his name… is he good to you…. Is he-” my mom said asking me questions and before she went on I cut her off and started laughing, “mom relax, his name is Grayson and yes he is, he’s really nice and he asked me out before he left” I said and we both started eating dinner and I went to take a shower and stayed in my room for the rest of the night, thinking to myself about Grayson and not long before I fell asleep I got a text from Grayson about the date and said that he is going to pick me up at 7;00pm next Saturday and then I drifted off to sleep with a smile on my face.

Grayson’s P.O.V
After leaving Alex’s place I headed back to mine as I smiled to myself thinking about today and a smile grew on my face when I started to think about when she said yes on going on the date with me next saturday and I was brought out of my thoughts when Ethan and my sister Cameron were calling my name and when I looked up at them, they both looked to each other and smiled, “what’s her name” they both said and I looked down again and smiled to myself, “her name is Alex, and I may have asked her on a date next saturday and I might tell her that I’m a Vampire when I take her out to” I said and they both smiled and hugged me, “we’re happy for you bro,”they both said, “I Just hope she doesn’t run away when you tell her” Cameron said and I chuckled. For the rest of the night the three of us went hunting and Ethan and I decided to do our homework and when I was done I went to take a shower and got changed into something comfortable and since none of us sleep I decided to watch some T.V until the sun came up. It was the next day and I woke up and looked at my phone to see a text from Alex saying good morning and a smile grew on my face and texted her saying that I’m going to drive her to school today I said to  her before getting ready for school and when I was done I checked my phone and saw that it said ok and that she just finished getting ready and I drove to her place and drove to school.
When we got to the school and we were headed to Alex’s locker, she looked upset as she looked toward the locker and when I did the same to see Brittany leaning up against it and I moved in front of Alex and she followed closely behind and approached Brittany and when she saw me, a smirk grew on her face, “hey Gray, wanna hang out tonight” she said and then noticed Alex standing behind me and she looked annoyed, “your still hanging around her” she said as she let out a huff and crossed her arms and looked back to me, “do you have a problem with that” I said to her and she rolled her eyes in annoyance and decided to walk away and I turned back to Alex with a smirk on my face and she looked down as she fiddled with her hands, “thanks” she said and she grabbed what she needed and went to our first class and hung out for the rest of the day. When school was over, I drove Alex back to her place, “do you want to come in” she asked and I hesitated, “you sure” I asked and she nodded and we both got out of the car and went inside her house to here her mother yelling from the kitchen, “hey sweetie, how was your day at school”she said as she was wiping her hands and when she looked up she saw me standing behind her, “so this must be the boy who asked my daughter on a date” she said with a smile on her face, “hello ma’am, my name is Grayson” I said and brought out my hand but instead she came up to hug me and it took me a few seconds to process what was happening and finally returned the hug, “Nice to meet you Grayson I’m Miranda, Alex has talked about you frequently, she even told me you took her out on a date” she said and I nodded. 
For most of the time I was there, Alex’s mom Miranda asked me questions, and not long after Alex went to her room put her stuff away she asked me something that I probably should expected but didn’t, “what are your intentions with my daughter, I’m only asking this because she didn’t have the best experience in her past because her father left us when she was young for someone else and I know she doesn’t want to experience the same thing I did and I don’t want that for her either” she said and I felt bad because I love Alex more than my own life and I wouldn’t dream of doing that to her, even though I’ve only known her for a short while, “all I can say is that care about her a lot and if I’m being honest with you, I think I might be falling in love with her and I wouldn’t dream of leaving her” I said as I noticed a tear fall down my cheek and I quickly wiped it away and she got up from her seat and hugged me tightly and I did the same, “I think it’s rare that someone like you knows what love feels like and I’m glad that might only child, my precious little girl has someone like you in her life and I’m glad to see her face light up when she talks about you, especially when she told me that you asked her out on a date” she said as we broke away from the hug and she had a big smile on her face, “I trust that you will treat her well” she said, “I promise to treat her well” I said and heard Alex walking down the stairs and we turned to face her and Miranda walked up to her and said that she is choosing well and I saw Alex smile as she faced me and for the rest of the night Alex and I hung out until it got late and before I was going to leave, Alex grabbed my arm and I turned around, “whats up, everything alright” I said to her as I noticed that she looked upset about something, “I overheard what my mom said to you about my dad and how he’s never come back since then” she said as she looked down and I grabbed her chin to lift her head to look at me, “I’m going to tell you what I told your mom, I am never going to do that to you, I promise you that I’m never going to leave you, I would rather die if I did” I told her and without hesitation she was on her tiptoes as she kissed me with passion and I felt her smile and I did the same and when we broke apart and rested our heads together, “stay with me tonight” she said and I looked into her eyes, “you sure” I asked and she nodded, “I’m going to go and get some clothes then, do you want to come with me” i said and she nodded and went to my house so that I could get clothes and went back to her place and just relaxed as we watched movies until she fell asleep. 

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