Chapter Nine

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Two Months Later
Alexandria’s P.O.V
Grayson and I had finally found a place to live in since we ran away from what happened in his house and It’s been about Two months since I found out I was pregnant and and we decided to finally go to the doctors again to see what the gender is going to be and I really hope that it’s going to be a girl and I smiled at the thought as we were on our way to the doctor’s office and I couldn’t stop smiling as this is probably the only good thing that’s happened since everything that has been happening lately. We finally arrived at the doctor’s office and we went into the waiting room after signing in, we went to go sit down and waited, “I hope it’s a girl, so I can dress her up” I said as I rested my head on Grayson’s shoulder and he wrapped his arm around mine, “I don’t care what the gender is, all I care about is it being alive and healthy “ he said and I smiled. After waiting thirty minutes our name was finally called and we were brought to a room ultrasound scanner and waited another ten minutes for the doctor to walk in and he finally did, “so, you guys are wanting to find out the gender of the baby” he said with a smile and we nodded and he told me to get on the table so that he’s able to to do the ultrasound, after a few seconds the doctor was about to figure out what the gender is, “it seems like you guys are going to be having a baby girl” he said as he faced us with a smile on his face and I looked at the screen with a smile, “would you like pictures of the ultrasound” the doctor asked and I nodded, “yes please” I said as I got off the table and he left the room to print them out for us, after waiting for about Ten minutes, the doctor finally came back with the pictures and we said our goodbyes and drove back to our small Two bedroom apartment that we are renting after getting a few things that we are going to put in the spare room that we are going to use as the baby’s nursery and planning on getting done but all we got today was the paint color and a few decorations. 
After a few hours of being home, I finally decided to start making dinner but before I did I went to ask Grayson what he wanted, “hey Gray, what do you want for dinner, because I’m going to start making it soon” I asked him as he was sitting on the couch watching T.V and I standing behind him as I brought my arms across his chest and kissed the top of his head before resting my chin on his head, “I don’t know, I know you’ve started having cravings lately, what do you want” he said and it’s true that I’ve been getting cravings, but it was mostly of Burgers, Pickles, Chocolate, “I kinda want burgers, but we don’t have any to make” as said as I pouted and he got up from the couch and came over to me, “then we’ll get you some burgers if you want” he said with a big goofy smile on his face and I let out a giggle and he kissed me before ordering food and not long after it came, we both grabbed what we ordered and sat on the couch and started watching movies for the rest of the night as we cuddled each other most of the time until I fell asleep. 

Grayson’s P.O.V
Not long after we finished eating I looked over to Alex to see that she had fallen asleep, so I gently got up from the couch and picked her up bridal style and brought her to our room and laid her down gently and I decided to go take a shower and after about 15 minutes, I heard someone  open the bathroom door and walk in and after a few seconds I felt someone wrap their arms around me and started kissing down my back and I sighed lightly and turned around to face Alex and I smiled at her and kissed her gently on her forehead and we stood there hugging each other for awhile and we started to wash each other and when we were done we went back into our room after changing into our pajamas, “what do you want to do tomorrow” I asked her, “I was thinking maybe we could go and get some paint samples from the hardware store and then maybe look at some cribs and stuff for the nursery” she said as she looked up at me as we cuddled together in bed and I smiled, “sounds good to me we can leave sometime after breakfast if you want” I said and she nodded as she started to fall asleep, “I love you and our unborn child more than anything and I would do anything in my power to protect the both of you no matter what” I said and kissed the top of her head before I fell asleep not long after Alex did.
The next morning I woke up before Alex as she was cuddled up close to me and I decided to gently get out of bed so I didn’t wake her up and went into the kitchen and decided to make her breakfast in bed and started making the eggs and everything else and when I was done, I put everything on a plate and poured her a cup of coffee and put it all on a tray and went back into our room to see that she was already awake and resting against the headboard of the bed as she was watching the news and she noticed me and a big smile grew on her face and I did the same, “you made me breakfast in bed” she said and I nodded, “I thought I would after what you been through and what you saw” I said and her face grew sad and I went to sit next to her and gave her, her food and and she started eating as she continued to watch the news and not long after she was done eating, we decided to get changed and head out to a few stores and got the sample paints of the colours she want to pick between for the nursery and we went to look for a crib to hopefully bring home today and we finally found one after looking for about an hour or two and went back to the car and drove home after we were done. As we arrived back home and when I was going to unlock the door, I noticed that it was already unlocked and that the door was slightly opened and we slowly walked in as Alex stayed behind me and continued to walk into the apartment and saw that everything was broken on the floor like someone was enraged and I noticed that Alex was beginning to panic and I went to her and brought her into a hug as she started to cry and after about Ten minutes she finally calmed down and we started to clean everything up and when we were done, I found a not and I became confused and opened it and started to read what was written and Alex came up from behind me as she hooked our arms together, “what does it say and does it say who it was from” she asked as I started to become angry as I new who it was from, “the person who wrote this, knows about the baby but still wants he to change you whether or not you have given birth to it, but I can’t because if I did, it will kill the baby before you can even go into labour” I said and tears started to well up in her eyes and mine did the same and I hugged her tightly, “if you want, after the baby is born, I could change you” I said as I held her face in my hands and tears still streamed down her face and she nodded, “ok, change me after the baby is born” she said and we continued to hug each other for what seemed like forever.
After calming down after finding out what’s going on, I decided to get the crib together and it was white and Alex looked at the sample colors she picked out for the room and the colors were Pink, Purple, and Yellow and she decided to go with light purple that made the room look brighter already after half the room is painted and when I was done putting up the crib, I noticed that Alex was getting tired and I took the roller brush from her and kissed the top of her head, “why don’t you go take a nap, you look tired” I said to her and she hugged me and I gave her a kiss on the lips and she went to our room and fell asleep instantly as soon as she laid her head on the pillow. And I finished up with the room and decided to get the rest of what we needed another day. By the time I was done it was about 5:00pm and I went to check on Alex before I started dinner and saw that she was still asleep so I decided to wake her up, “Alex wake up” I said as I gently shook her, and she started to slowly wake up and when she did, she let out a big yawn and she came over to me and hugged me as she wrapped her legs around my waist and I carried her over to the kitchen and sat her down on the counter and I started making pasta for dinner. When I was done cooking, I made Alex a plate and brought it over to the table and she followed not far behind and sat down and started eating and I went to grab some food and joined her and when we were done we just had a cozy night in as we watched movies until we got tired.             

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