Chapter Eleven

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Alexandria’s P.O.V
A few hours after giving birth to Victoria, we were finally able to go home and when we did we saw someone standing by the window when we walked through the door and I took Victory out of the carrier and held her close to me and Grayson stood in front of us protectively, “ah, Grayson I see that you have become a father already, congratulations” the man said as he turned round and I saw that Grayson had a shocked look on his face, “what do you want from us Vladimir, why are you here” Grayson said and I started to get worried about what’s going on, “I am here because I heard about your newborn child and that it could be a possible vampire and I came here to see if the companion of mine was right and if he is, I’m afraid that I might have to do the unthinkable” the man said, “but Alex had no craving for blood while she was pregnant” Grayson said back as he stayed in front of me while I still had Victoria in my arms, “then may I see the child for proof of what it is I also had an assumption that this child might be a Human/Vampire Hybrid but I won’t know for sure until I you bring her over to me and I can find out what she really is” the man named Vladimir said and I was hesitant at first and so was Grayson and I took in a deep breath and walked towards the man and he rested his hand on her cheek.
After about a few minutes, he finally removed his hands from her cheeks and told us what he found out, “your in luck Miss. Alex she is indeed a hybrid of both human and Vampire and that there is a 90% chance that she is  immortal, but I will let it pass only if you are able to control the thirst on her vampire side and if not, I’m afraid that I might have to kill her but for now I will allow this to slide which is something that happens ever so rarely” he said, and before he left he turned to face the both of us again, “Oh and before I leave I know about your mother still being alive as well and that she faked her death when I had some of my men over to do what they had done to your family a while back and since she knows about our secret about being vampires, she either becomes one of us or she dies” he said to me and I nodded in understanding what he said and I backed away gently and let out a heavy sigh and the man left as he walked out the door and Grayson walked over to me and hugged me while I still had our daughter in my arms. 
For the rest of the day we kept Victoria close to us as the worry grew within the both if us and as a month or Two has gone by, Grayson and I were beginning to notice how fast she has grown and she is now looking like she is a Two year old with most of her teeth grown in and so far she hasn’t been having any cravings for blood so far but the thought about what she eats is that she is able to eat either blood or human food and that she could possibly survive on either and I also became worried about the thought of her possibly aging faster than me because of her fast growth rate and we soon have to redecorate her room soon but I was planning on waiting until she got or looked old enough for it to get redone. 
As Victoria had finished eating her dinner, I brought her into the living room after bringing out some of her toys for her to play with before I gave her a bath and brought her to bed after getting her changed and went into the living room and slumped onto the couch next to Grayson and let out a heavy sigh and rested my head as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder as I cuddled up with him and then I had the sudden thought about what it would be like to be a vampire then I decided to ask him to change me, “change me” I said as I moved to sit on his lap and his hands moved to my waist, “what, I don’t know I mean I want to and be with you for eternity but I don’t know” he said as he started babbling about it, “look I know your worried about it but this Vladimir guy said it himself, if I’m not like you then he’s going to kill me and I’d rather be like you then die and not see our baby girl grow up” I said to him and he sighed knowing that I was right, “ok fine I’ll change you, but when I do I want to let you know beforehand that when I do, it’ll kill you but only for about a day or Two through the transition alright” he said I nodded and kissed him and not for long, the kiss became heated and he quickly brought us to our room and gently laid me on the bed and as he positioned himself and entered, it wasn’t long after that that he sunk his teeth into the base of my neck as we both reached our highs and Grayson was able to dress me until I fell unconscious and just before I did Grayson said something, “I will see you again my love in just a few days” he said before I fully fell unconscious. 

Grayson’s P.O.V
Two days later
It has been Two days since I turned Alex and her transition should be over soon and as I looked outside of our bedroom window until I felt someone’s arms wrap around my waist and I knew it was Alex and  turned around to see her and the first thing I saw were her beautiful eyes that are now a dark red color like mine and I smashed my lips against hers and she did the same with passion and she pushed me against the wall and I broke away from the kiss with a smirk on my face and she did the same, “your stronger than me I see” and she bit her lip, “where’s Victoria, is she alright, how is she” she said as she started to become worried, “don’t worry she’s fine you’d be surprised how much she has grown in the past Two days you were asleep” I said and I went into the living room as she followed and Alex had a smile on her face to see our daughter who now looks like a Five year old sitting on the couch watching T.V and I stood behind Alex and kissed the top of her head and as Victoria noticed the both of us, her smile grew as she ran over to us and jumped into Alex’s arms as they both hugged each other, “I love you so much my sweet little girl” Alex said as she kissed the top of her head, “I love you to mommy” and they moved away from the hug, “oh and before I forget, what is her room like” Alex said and I smiled, “don’t worry her room is up to date” I said and we all decided to go to the park for a few hours and took Victoria to get Ice Cream and enjoyed the rest of the day as a family. 
As we got back home, Victoria was asleep because she tired herself out from playing at the park and I quietly stood against the door frame as Alex put Victoria in her bed and the both of us relaxed for a while before we started making dinner not long after Victoria woke up from her nap and as I thought about it, I realized that I’m also glad that we Alex and I are still able to actually eat instead of just blood and we only drink blood when we feel weaker than usual and when Alex was done making dinner we all ate as Victoria talked about what we did for the past two days while Alex was asleep and that she wasn’t feeling well which is what I had to tell Victoria so that she could understand and for the rest of the night after we had finished eating dinner, we all got changed into our pajamas and decided to have a movie night and thought about the good day we had after what we had been through for a while and all I hope for now is that everything gets better from here and that nothing bad happens from now on and when the movie was over, Alex and I put Victoria to bed as she was fast asleep and we did the same as Alex and I went into our room and cuddled together as we fell asleep peacefully for the first time in months.    

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