Chapter Eight

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Alexandria’s P.O.V                   
It has been about a month since my mother was killed and I’ve also haven’t been feeling to great as I have been throwing up and Grayson and I decided to go to the doctors to see what’s going on and we left not long after we were finished getting ready, “how are you feeling Alex, are you feeling any better” Grayson asked and I looked over and put a small smile on my face, “not really, I’m still throwing up in the mornings” I said and then I started to think to myself about the possibilities of me being pregnant because of the constant morning sickness that I’ve been having for the last few weeks and it makes me worried about what might happen if I really am. We soon arrive at the doctors and we sign in for an appointment and we waited for about an hour until we were called and we walked into a room that had an ultrasound machine in it and we sat down until the doctor came and and smiled as he looked at me and then asked me a few questions before we started anything, “so Alexandria, how long have you been having morning sickness” he asked, “for about a month now” I answered honestly and he wrote a few things down and we got started, “ok if you don’t mind getting up on the table here and we’ll get started with th ultrasound” he said and I did as he asked as Grayson sat next to me and I lift my shirt so that he could be able to do the ultrasound after a few second he put it on my stomach and it was cold at first but then I got used to it and then the doctor pointed something out, “do you see that spot right there” he said pointing at the screen and I nodded, “that’s the baby” he said with a smile and I looked at the screen as I was shocked at first but I also thought about me being pregnant because of the morning sickness and a smile grew on my face and then the doctor asked me a question bringing me out of my thoughts, “do you want pictures from the ultrasound” he asked and I nodded, “yes please” I said and walked out the door to print them.
After about Twenty minutes as I sat back down next to Grayson, the doctor came back with the pictures in his hand and gave them to me, “thank you” I said and he smiled, “and if you want to know the gender of the baby, you can come back in about a month or so, alright” he said and I nodded and smiled and as Grayson and I decided to head home, I thought about dropping out of highschool on the drive home, “hey Gray, I’ve been thinking about dropping out of school” I told him as we pulled into his driveway, “why do you want to drop out of school” he said as he looked at me as we got out of the car, “because of everything that’s going on and I don’t think I’ll be able to handle all the things people would say when they find out that I’m pregnant” I say as we got to the door and he lifted my head from my chin and we looked into each other's eyes, “I understand, I’ll drop out to so I can stay with you, we can do it tomorrow if you want” he said as he kissed my forehead and I nodded with a tired smile as we headed inside and we headed upstairs and went into Grayson’s room that we have been sharing since they let me stay here and I decided to change into something more comfortable, “why don’t have a nap, you look tired” he said as we were cuddled together on his bed and I instantly fell asleep and about two hours later I woke up to a few shouts and then saw that Grayson wasn’t next to me so I decided to wait by his bedroom door and try to listen to what was going, but I wasn’t able to hear much of most of it, just him telling them about the baby.  

Grayson’s P.O.V           
After about Twenty minutes or so of Alex falling asleep, I gently and quietly got out of bed and went downstairs after hearing my parents and sister and Ethan coming home from going hunting and went downstairs to tell them about Alex being pregnant, “hey guys um, I have something to tell all of you” I said as I became nervous about how they might react about it, “what is it Gray” Cameron said, “it’s about Alex” I said and they all looked worried, “is Alex alright, is she hurt, did the council do anything to her” my mom said and I quickly shook my head, “oh no it's not about the council” I said, “then what is it Grayson” Cameron said, “um, she’s pregnant” I said and they all looked shocked at first until my mom started clapping and we all giggled at how she reacted about the news and then we continued to discuss about what with the council coming earlier than we thought a month ago when we figured out that someone working for them murdered Alex’s mother and once were finished thinking about what we should do about it, I went back upstairs to my room to see that Alex was awake watching T.V as she was cuddled up in the covers and a smile grew on my face as I joined her and she moved closer to me and I wrapped my arms tightly around her, “I hope it’s a girl” she said and I looked down at her as she was already looking up at me with a smile on her face, “I don’t care what the gender is, as long as it’s healthy and kicking” I said and kissed the top of her head and we continued  to watch T.V until we both fell asleep.

Alex’s P.O.V     
The next morning I woke up with Grayson’s arms wrapped tightly around me and a smile grew on my face and I gently got out of bed and kissed his head and got some clothes and went to take a shower and not long after I got in I heard someone open the door and came into the shower and wrapped their arms around my waist and started planting kisses up and down my neck and shoulder and I sighed at the feeling and I turned around to see Grayson and we kissed passionately and we finished up with the shower so that we could go to the school to tell them that Grayson and I will be dropping out. As we finished getting dressed, the both of us went down stairs, “hey mom, Alex and I are headed to the school to let them know about us dropping out” Grayson said and she nodded, “are you guys sure about this, your so close to graduating” she said and I smiled and nodded knowing that I was sure about my decision, “I’m sure, it’s just that with everything that has happened and what might happen in the future, I think it might be the best” I said to Grayson’s mom Lisa, and she walked over to me and gave me a tight hug, “ok sweetie” she said and Grayson and I walked out the door and drove to the school and as we got there, we went straight to the office, “hello dear, what can I help you with” the women said, “we would like to drop out of school” Grayson flat out said, “is there a  reason for you guys to be dropping out” she asked, “the both of us are having family issues that are effecting us doing our school work and we thought it would be best if we dropped out so that we are able to deal with the family situations that are going on” I said to her and she nodded and gave us papers to fill out and we handed them back to her when we were done filling them out and headed home.
As Grayson and I got home, he wanted to go hunting since it's been a few days since he went and he decided to go with his dad and Ethan and I decided to help Lisa and Cameron with cleaning around the house and by the time the boys got home, we were just finishing up and we all sat down in the living room and watched T.V together for a while until I started to get hungry and so did Cameron and Lisa and the both of them went hunting as Grayson and I decided to go get something since I started having cravings and we ended up going to McDonalds and ordered quite a bit of food and went home and went to Grayson's room as I started eating the food like I had been starved, and then I heard Grayson chuckle as I saw him watching me as I ate, “don’t laugh, I ate like this before I was even pregnant” I said and I laughed along with him and we continued to watch T.V as I continued to eat and cuddled up to Grayson until we heard a few bangs coming from downstairs, “stay here” Grasyon said and quickly rushed down the stairs after leaving the room. After a few minutes of silence, Grayson came back into the room with blood all over himself, “Grayson what happened, why are you covered in blood” I asked him as I started to get scared and worried, “I’ll tell you later, but right now we need to leave” he said as we quickly packed as much as we could and left running out the front door and got into the car and drove as far aways as we could.  

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