Chapter Three

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Grayson’s P.O.V
After what I saw Brittany do to Alex, it made me mad and I told her that I didn’t I didn’t like her and walked her home and we hung out for a while and had a few laughs together and then I realized that it was getting late and we both walked downstairs and we both walked outside and stood on the porch for a few seconds and kissed her forehead and smiled when she started to blush and and I tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear and realized that I’m falling In love with her, “I think I just fell in love with you even more” I said quietly hoping that she didn’t hear me, “I think I’m falling in love with you to,” I heard her say and I smile and I had the urge to kiss her and without thinking I smashed my lips against hers and kissed her with love and passion. When we broke apart for air, we lent our foreheads together and stared into each other's eyes for what seemed like forever and we both smiled like idiots and let out a few giggles, “well I should get going, but before I do, I want to ask you something,” I said as I grabbed her hand and held it, “what did you want to ask me,” she asked, “I wanted to know if you wanted to be my girlfriend, I mean if you want to” I said to her and saw that she was blushing like crazy, “Of course I will be your girlfriend” she said and we smiled, “well I should probably get going now,” I said to her and we both said our goodbyes and I headed home.
As I arrived home, everyone was in the living room watching T.V and saw me walking through the door and we all said hi, “hey gray where have you been after school” Ethan said to me when we both walked upstairs and followed me to my bedroom and dropped my bag on the floor next to the door, “I was hanging out with Alex because I saw that she was getting bullied by this girl named Brittany who was trying to get with us since the first day we got to that school, so I decided to cheer Alex up, I also asked her to be my girlfriend” I told Ethan, “what did she say, did she say yes” he said and I smiled to myself, “she said yes to being my girlfriend” I said and Ethan and I talked for hours about everything until we decided to go to bed. 

Alexandria’s P.O.V
For the rest of the night all I could think about was Grayson and when I woke up the next morning I got ready for school and went downstairs and grabbed an apple before walking out the door and headed to school. As I walked through the doors of the school, I saw Grayson leaning against it scrolling through his phone while he waited and a smile as I walked over to him and as I got there I kissed his cheek and he smiled, “Good moring, how did you sleep last night” he asked, “I slept pretty well, I couldn’t fall asleep right away though, to many thoughts going through my head” I said shyly with a smile, “what were you thinking about” he said with a smirk and started putting y bag in my locker and grabbing what I needed, “thinking about you mostly and thinking about what you told me what you were” I said as I finished grabbing what I needed from my locker and I saw that he looked down and then back to me concern in his eyes, “is what I told you about me and my family bugging you,” he said, “of course not, it’s taking a little time to get used to that’s all” I said and we both smiled at each other and headed to class.
For the rest of the day I hung out with Grayson and his brother Ethan and at the end of the day Grayson walked me back to my place and before I was able to walk through the door, Grayson Grabbed my hand and pulled me towards him and kissed me and once we broke apart he rested his head against mine and smiled at each other until he broke the silence, “I want to take you on a date this weekend,I’ll let you know the rest on friday” he said and my smile grew bigger, “ok, can’t wait” I said and looked up to him and kissed him on the cheek and walked into my house to see my mom making dinner, “hey sweetie how was your day?” she said with a smile, “it was good, I’m going upstairs and finish my homework” I said and went to my room and started on my homework until my mom called me down for dinner. As I was just finishing up helping my mom with the dishes, I saw that I got a text from Grayson saying that he wanted to talk and we texted for what seemed like forever until we both started to feel tired, so we both texted each other goodnight and went to bed.
Friday came along rather quickly and I was happy and excited and I was walking to class and as I entered one of the classes I had with Grayson, I saw him sitting in the back by himself scrolling through his phone and I smiled to myself and walked towards him and sat down next to him and kissed his cheek and he did the same, “I’m going to come and get you around 6:00pm tomorrow if that’s alright with you” he said quietly as the teacher began to talk about the lesson and wrapped his arm around my shoulder, “that’s good with me, I just have to let my mom knows about it when I get home later after school” I said as I leaned into him and we both started to pay attention to what the teacher was saying. 

Grayson’s P.O.V
Time skip       
It’s finally Saturday and I’ve been planning this date all week and I really hope she likes it. After I finished getting ready, I went over to Alex’s place with a bouquet of flowers in my hand and stood there after knocking on the door and after a few seconds the door opens to reveal her mother and she smiled, “hey sweetie, you must be Grayson, why don’t you come in, Alex should be done soon, she's just finishing up” she told me and we both sat in the living room and had a little conversation until Alex came walking down the stairs looking beautiful and came towards me with a shy smile on her face, “you look beautiful” I said and handed her the flowers that I had in my hands, “these are beautiful, thank you” she said and we headed out the door after saying goodbye to her mom and got into the car and started driving. After a few minutes Alex broke the silence, “where are we going?” she asked and held my hand close to her as she looked at me with a smile and I smirked, “it’s a surprise,” I said to her as I brought her hand over to me and kissed the back of it. 
As we got there there was a view of the lake and a tree hanging over the table with lights around it and around the table and I looked over to Alex to see that she was in awe and I got closer to her and saw a few tears well up in her eyes and I grabbed her face and kissed her tenderly and rested our forehead and smiled at each other. For the rest of the night we ate and talked about more about each other until she asked me how long I’ve been a vampire for, “How long have you been a vampire for, I mean you don’t have to answer if you don’t want to,” she said and she looked down shyly, “hey it’s alright, I’ve been a vampire for over a hundred years” I told her and she looked up to me with a small smile, “maybe I shouldn’t be dating an old man the”she said with a smirk and we both let out a chuckle. After we finished, we decide to take a walk around before it got too late. After a while of talking, I drove Alex home and we said our goodbye’s. When I got home, and walked through the door, everyone was sitting on the couch and looked in my direction with worried looks on their faces, “guys whats wrong, you all look scared and worried like something bad happened” I said and My mom got up from the couch, “honey, sit down we need to talk” she said and I sat down on the couch as I started to get worried about what’s happening, “the council found out about your mate being human and how she found out about you being a vampire” my dad said and I became worried and scared of what they might do.

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