Chapter Ten

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A week later
Grayson’s P.O.V
For the past week all I’ve been thinking about were the council and what they might do next, first they killed her mother and then my family and who knows what they’ll do if they find out that Alex is pregnant, I checked to see what the time was and it was Three in the morning when I heard footsteps walking up to me and I turned to see Alex and I slightly smiled, “come to bed already, I want to cuddle” she said as she wrapped her arms around my waist and I did the same as I wrapped mine around her shoulders and kissed the top of her head, “I will don’t worry, I’m just worried about what to council will do next that’s all” I said and she looked up with a worried look on her face as she lightly put her hand over her stomach as she looked down at it, “hey look at me, I will make sure nothing happens to either one of you I will protect you and our baby girl with our life, I promise you that” I said to her as I gently lifted her head and she hugged me tightly and after a few moments we went back to bed and she cuddled up to me and we both fell asleep. And the next morning I woke up to see that Alex wasn’t in bed and as I sat up, I heard her puking in the bathroom, so I went to her and I knelt down at her side as I pulled her hair out of the way as she continued and when she was done, she rested her head in her hands for a few seconds until she got up and began to brush her teeth, “how are you feeling now” I asked her as I gently rubbed her back and we went into the living room and she sat down on the couch, “do you want anything to eat or drink” I asked her and she nodded, and I went into the kitchen and got her a drink of orange juice before I started cooking.
When I was done I brought her, her food and saw that she was curled up in the blanket as she was watching T.V and I smiled at the sight as I thought at how adorable it was, “here ya go, hope this makes you feel better” I said as she looked over at me with a smile on her face and she started eating and all we did was cuddle for the rest of the day as she still wasn’t feeling good and I continued to think about what to do if they ever came for us in person instead of them sending little notes or messing our place,but the only thing that I hope for is that they don’t kill my unborn daughter or take her away, after a while I looked down to see that Alex had fallen asleep as she has her head rested on my shoulder and I smiled to myself. It has been about an hour and a half since Alex fell asleep and it was about One in the afternoon when she finally decided to wake up, “how long was I out for” she asked, “you’ve been asleep for about an hour and a half, I was also wondering if you still wanted to get the crib and the other things today or do the crib today and the rest another day” I asked her and she thought about it for a few seconds and she looked up to me and smiled, “we can get the crib and do whatever else we can get today” she said and we both got up from the couch and went to get changed and when we were done and we had gotten everything that we needed, we walked out the door and drove to the store.
For the past few hours we finally found a crib for the nursery and a matching dresser set the we are having delivered to us instead and when we got back to the apartment and we went to the nursery and I put the crib together as Alex finished painting the room a light purple and it took us about an hour or two and we were finally done and I noticed that Alex had paint all over her face and hands and I smiled and chuckled and she heard and she smiled in return, “what’s so funny” she said and I continued to chuckle, “you have paint on your face” I said to her as I got up from putting the last few pieces together and wiped some of the paint off from her face and she smiled as she looked up at me as she dabbed paint on my nose and I kissed her and rested my forehead against hers as we broke apart, “let’s get you cleaned up alright” I said and we went into the bathroom and washed the paint off her hands and face and went into the living room and we sighed heavily  as we sat on the couch, “I’m hungry” she said and I checked the time on my phone to see that almost Six pm, “how about we order takeout” I said and she smiled as she looked over to me, “what do you want to get” I said to her as she had a thoughtful look on her face, “I’m craving burgers at the moment” she said and I grabbed my phone and called a local burger place and waited for half an hour till we hear a knock on the door and grabbed the food and we both ate and relaxed for the rest of the night. 

Six Months Later
Alexandria’s P.O.V
It’s been about six months now and I’m surprised that nothing has happened since everything happened with Grayson’s family and my mother not long before and how we haven’t had anything bad happen by this council and now that im Nine months pregnant, I’m starting to feel like they are planning to do something  after the baby is born and it scares me just thinking about it. Grayson and were watching T.V when I started feeling some sort of pain in my stomach and I started to realize that the baby was coming, “Grayson I think the baby is coming” I said as he helped me up and went to get the bag from our room and came back and helped me out the door and into the car and we drove to the hospital. As we finally arrived to the hospital, we were escorted to a room until it was time to start pushing and when the time came it was painful and before I knew it, our little girl was born and I held her small body in my arms and all i could do was cry and smile d Grayson as standing over us as he gently kissed her head, “what are we going to name her” he said and I thought about it for a few minutes and thought of a name, “how about Victoria Elizabeth Dolan” I said as he rested his head against mine, “I just hope your mom is still alive, we haven’t seen her since what happened” I said as I looked at him and he sighed, “I know I hope so to” and before he could say anything else, someone walked through the door of the room we were in.      

Council Leader, Vladimir’s P.O.V     
We all sat around the table as we discussed about what we are going to do now that we have taken care of Grayson’s family and Alexandria’s mother and we have recently found out that Grayson’s little girlfriend Alexandria had become pregnant and that she had given birth to the child and we do not know if the child is a human/vampire hybrid and if it is we have to figure something out soon before it gets out of control if it ever has a craving for blood once it’s old enough, I was brought out of my thought’s when someone tapped on my shoulder as they whispered in my ear and told me something about Grayson’s mother, something that I hoped that I wouldn’t hear at all.    

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