Chapter Twenty - Final

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One Month Later 
Victoria’s P.O.V
Today is the big day where I’m marrying the love of my life and Luca and I decided to have a small wedding like my parents did and I was getting ready with my mom and Grandmother as my mom helped me zip up my dress as my grandmother did the final touches of my hair and makeup and we were finally finished and My mother handed my my bouquet of flowers and we walked over to the doors as I met with my dad as I hooked my arm with his as we began to walk down the aisle and I smiled as I looked at Luca and he did the same and once we got to the end my dad gave my hand to Luca and kissed my cheek as he went to sit down and I continued to smile as the Pastor began to speak, “we are gathered here today to celebrate the union of Luca Matthews and Victoria Dolan and they have decided to prepare their own vows” he said and Luca decided to go first, “well here goes nothing, when I first met you, you were only a child and was glad that I was able to tell you that you are my mate and how much you meant to me and I couldn’t have been more grateful that I was able to get a second chance and I am glad that it’s with you and I couldn’t be more then happy that it's with you” he said as a tear slipped down my cheek and I began to read my vows to Luca, “the day you told me about mates and what it means, I couldn’t help but fall in love you and the day you asked me out on our first date was the second best day of my life and I couldn’t of ask for a better man to spend eternity with” I said as I finished reading my vows to Luca and the pastor began to speak, “so now that we can move on, do you Luca take Victoria Dolan to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health for as long as you both shall live” he said as Luca smiled at me, “I do” he said as he nodded, “and do you Victoria take Luca Matthews to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health for as long as you both shall live” he said as I smiled, “I do” I said quickly, “then you may kiss the bride,” the pastor said and Luca smashed his lips to mine as we heard my parents and Grandmother clapping.
After the ceremony was over, Luca and I went home with the others and started packing what we needed for our honeymoon and we planned on going to Paris and after we finally finished getting everything ready, we got everything put into the trunk of the cab and drove to the Airport and after a few hours of flying Luca and I finally arrived in Paris and I couldn’t have been more happier than to be here with Luca and I began to smile as Luca and I held hands as we found a ride to tae us to the hotel and we finally got up to our room and dropped our bags on the floor as he smashed his lips against mine and down my neck and when he stopped, he looked at me in the eyes as I did the same with a smirk on both of our faces, “I’ve been wanting to do this for a while, but if you don’t want to or if your still not ready, let me know and I’ll stop” he said and I smiled as I wrapped my arm around his neck and kissed him gently and broke apart after what seemed like forever, “I want to, your the only person I want to do it with” I told him and we continued from there as we ripped each others clothes of and made love together for the first time. The next morning I woke up as the events from last night played through my head and smiled to myself  as I cuddled closer to Luca and looked up to see him looking down me with a grin on his face as he kissed my head, “morning my love, how did you sleep” he said with a somewhat groggy voice, “good morning handsome and I slept amazingly well” I told him as I kissed his cheek and nuzzled my face into his neck, “what do you want to do today” he asked and I thought about for a second, “how about we go around the city after breakfast or something” I said to him and he smiled as he rolled on top of me and I giggled as he kissed me, “alright sounds good” he said and we both decided to finally get out of bed and got dressed and walked out the door when we finished.
It had been a few days since we have been in Paris and today was they day that we are going home, but since Luca and I made love I’ve been having morning sickness and I began to believe that I might be pregnant but when I began think about it I became worried because Luca had told me the story about his last child and what happened, after a while of thinking I was brought out of my thoughts when I felt Luca wrap his arm around my waist, “what’s wrong my love” he asked me as we stood in front of the window after we had finished packing our things, “you know how I’ve been throwing up the last few day” I asked and he nodded, “It has got me thinking that I might be pregnant but it has made me worried because I remember when you had told me what happened about the last time you had a child” I said as I began to tear up as I turned to face him, “hey, everything will be alright and if you are pregnant, I will make sure nothing bad will happen to you or the unborn child” he said as he kissed my forehead and held me close as I held him tight, after a while we finally decided to check out of the hotel and leave as we took a Taxi to the Airport and headed home. After a few hours, we were finally back home but before that Luca and I decided to go to the store to get a few pregnancy tests to take back at the house and after we got everything unpacked and settled I went into the bathroom and took the tests and set them in mine and Luca’s room so that my parents and grandmother wouldn’t see them because I didn’t want to say anything until after the results and after half an hour I went back into the bedroom to see that the tests came back positive and I put a hand over my mouth surprised and went back into the living room where everyone was sitting in and decided to tell them, “you guys I have something to tell you” I said as they all looked at me and I looked at Luca with a small smile, “what is it sweety” my mom asked and I let out a sigh, “I’m pregnant” I said and Luca stood up and walked over to me and hugged me tightly and the others did the same.
Alexandria’s P.O.V
When Victoria told us she was pregnant, I was beyond happy and didn’t bother to think about what might happen in the future and I kissed her cheek, “my little girl is growing up to fast” I said to her as I gently held her face in my hands with a smile on both of our faces, “we should start thinking of names and now thatLuca moved everything into your room, we could use his old room as the nursery” Lisa said as we giggled and chuckled and for most of the day Luca and Victoria relaxed on the couch because of the jetlag and I smiled as I watched them together and I could tell that they make each other happy, especially everything Luca had been through in the past and this time I really hope the same thing doesn’t happen again. After a few hours we decided to go out and hunt since it has been a while since we last went and by the time we were finished we all decided to our rooms for the night and after I got changed after taking a shower and got into bed and cuddled next to Grayson and he wrapped his arms around me and I smiled to myself as I looked up at Grason and kissed his cheek, “you seem very happy” Grayson said, “I am very happy, I got to have a family with you my love and I wouldn’t change it for anything” I said to him as he rolled on top of me and kissed me passionately as we both smiled into the kiss, “I love you and our precious daughter more than anything and I am beyond happy that I get to spend eternity with you my love” Grayson said and I smiled as I gently held his face in my hands and kissed him again and we laid next to each other as we finally fell asleep.
    For the next few months, Victoria, Lisa and I had been busy with decorating the nursery after finding out the gender of the baby and found out that Luca and Victoria were having twin girls and decided to paint the room a nice pink and it began to turn out nicely until we heard Victoria yell for us and we rushed to the living room, “what’s wrong is it the babies are they coming” Luca asked her and she nodded quickly as we grabbed everything that we needed and walked out to the car and drove to the hospital. 
Nine Months Later
Victoria’s P.O.V
I am finally Nine months pregnant with the twins and apparently the people that my parents call the council had found out and are considering to let them live since they both may end up like me when they are born half Human half Vampire hybrid if we do the same as y parents did with me, after thinking for a while I was brought out of my thoughts when I felt a sharp pain in my stomach and I yelled for Luca and the others and they came, “what’s wrong is it the babies, are they coming” Luca asked and I nodded and we quickly got into the car and drove to the hospital. After hours of being labour, I finally gave birth to Luca and I’s baby girls and we both one of them as I thought of what to name them, “have you thought of any names yet Victoria” I heard my mom say to me as her and my dad and grandmother walked into the room and I shook my head, “not yet, it’s hard to decided” I told her and we both chuckled and after a while longer I decided to name them Athena Lillian Matthews and Melody Elizabeth Matthews and all I could do was smiled down at my baby girls as we were finally able to go home and all I did was spend most of my time with the twins in the nursery with Luca as he was a great help with taking care of our little girls. 
After spending most of the time with Athena and Melody, we all heard a knock on the door and I took a final look on the girls to see that they are peacefully sleeping and walked into the living room, “who is it” I asked as My dad opened the door to see a man who I am guessing is apart of this council they have talked about, “I have heard your daughter gave birth to twins” he said as he looked at Luca dead in the eye, “yes, I did and what of it” I asked him as he looked at me, “I wish to see them, I promise to do no harm to them” he said and we were all hesitant at first, “that’s what you said the last time I had a kid” Luca told him as he sounded upset but let him through and I led him to the nursery and he looked over the both of them, after a while he turned back to us as I tightly held onto Luca’s  hand as Vladimir grew a small smile, “I believe you and your family are in luck again, I will let them live but if anything happens that not supposed to happen, I will always be listening” he said and walked away and we all sighed and went on with our day like a normal family as we are all thankful for what happened.
A Century (100 years) Later
Third Person P.O.V
To their surprise, Vladimir had let the twins Athena and Melody live and they were beyond grateful for it as they all lived as a coven and family and did many things together since the twins birth as they went on family vacations and many other things like a normal family would do as Athena and Melody grew up to be the most beautiful young women that Luca and Victoria hoped they would be as they all remain happy and did everything they could to stay that way for centuries to come as their family expanded after the twins had found the love of their lives and had gotten married themselves. 


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