Chapter Sixteen

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Grayson’s P.O.V
When I found out that Victoria has become Luca’s mate I was feeling overprotective at first and I still do, but I know that he means well and that he doesn’t feel for her that way just yet because she doesn’t fully understand what it means about being someone’s mate just yet and I also know that I’m going to slowly get over it and accept it soon and I was brought out of my thought’s when I felt Alex kiss my cheek and I lightly smiled to myself and looked over my shoulder to see her smiling and she looked happy, “what are you so happy about” I asked her as she sat next to me and laid her head on my lap as Victoria was sitting on my other side, “finished planning the small wedding that I hope we have and I just gotta see what dress I’m going to wear and buy it” she said and I smiled as I leaned down to kiss her and we both smiled into the kiss, “I can’t wait to spend eternity with you” I said and we both smiled Victoria said something that made the both of us laugh, “ewwwwww” she said dramatically and we all started laughing and then I decided I wanted to have a talk with Luca, “Luca, can I talk to you for a second” I said to him and he followed me into the kitchen, “what’s up” he said and I sighed as I looked over to Victoria and looked back over to Luca, “I am alight with Victoria being your mate and I’m just being an overprotective parent over their only child, just know if you guys ever start a relationship with each other when she’s older, I’ll make that your ass will be in hell if you ever hurt her, alright” I said and he nodded, “I understand Grayson, I wouldn’t dream of ever hurting her, especially what you guys are going through” he said and I smiled and we shook hands. 
For most of the day, I’ve been thinking about moving into a bigger place and I’ve decided to tell Alex and I walked up to her as she was making lunch, “hey I was thinking that maybe we should move into a bigger place that has more space, especially now that Luca is staying with us and we should also have my mom move in also because she is currently living in a hotel” I said to her and she agreed, “your right, it’s getting kinda crowded now that Luca is staying to help us but right now it’s the least of our worries” she said with a heavy sigh and I nodded, “alright I agree, we should start looking when the council approves of all this and let’s our daughter live” I said and after the both of us finished talking there was a knock on the door and Luca got up to see who it was as Alex went to Victoria and Luca opened the door as I stood behind him and saw that it was the leader of the council, Vladimir with two other men behind him and we invited him in, “I’ve been keeping an eye on the situation and I’m surprised that you have handled the situation of controlling your daughters thirst quite well” he said to us and I could tell Alex was feeling nervous and anxious about what’s going on and what might happen, “we’re trying, but it’s also a craving that Victoria has every once in a while, but other then that everything’s good” I told him and he nodded as he had a thoughtful look on his face and then look back at us as if he made a decision, “I’ll let her live but, if I ever find out about anything involving the slightest indication of anything regarding the public, I will not hesitate to change my mind about everything I just told you, Understand” he said and we all nodded in agreement and he got up and Luca and I walked him out the door and the Two other men followed him as they left and after closing the door I let out a sigh of relief and so did Alex and Luca. 

Alexandria’s P.O.V 
After hearing what Vladimir said and letting our daughter live, I was beyond happy and relieved and Grayson came to us and we hugged each other tightly as we held Victoria close to us and I kissed all over her face and noticed Luca stand up from sitting on the couch and I looked over and smiled at him, “seems like you guys are off the hook, and I seems like I should probably leave as well” he said and I became confused as I put Victoria down as she went to watch her cartoons , “what do you mean your leaving, I thought you were staying and what about Victoria I thought she was your mate” I said, “ya I know she is but I only came to help you with your situation” he said and I thought about letting him stay permanently, “you know what, I’m letting you stay with us permanently, also because what you did for us means an absolute lot to us and we are grateful for it” I said and he and also Grayson had a shocked look on their faces, “are you sure, I mean I’m glad that your daughter is safe and all but I don’t want to be a bother or anything” he said and I nodded with a small smile on my face, “ya man and I wouldn’t mind having another man in the house” Grayson said and we all laughed and then Victoria came up to us and started tugging at my shirt and I bent down and picked her u[, “what is it sweety” I asked, “is Luca leaving” she asked and I shook my head, “no sweety, Luca is staying with us from now on” I said to her as I looked over to Luca with a smile, “yay, Luca and I are going to have so much fun together” she said and I gigged at how happy she was and I decided to make lunch for all of us and we made the most of our day after having lunch and I decided to look for houses to move into and Grayson decided to call his mom to let her know what’s going on and what had happened about the council.  
It’s been a few days since Vladimir had accepted Victoria and we have been able to look for a home after I had finished looking for a dress for the small wedding Grayson and I will be having in about a year so that we could have time to be able to find a home and get settled into and we were finally able to go to a viewing for a Four bedroom and Two bathroom and after an hour of viewing the house we had gotten a call saying that we had gotten the house and they we are able to move in as soon as we’re able and we all started packing our things and began to put it all into the moving truck and by the time it was full with all of our stuff, we went over to the new house and that wasn’t far and saw that Lisa has arrived before we did and Victoria ran up to her and hugged her tightly as Lisa smiled and laughed and we all started to bring boxes inside and the last thing we did was the furniture and arranged where we wanted to put everything and by the time we were done with most of the unpacking, we all took a break before we had dinner. After relaxing for about an hour I decided to finally make dinner with the help of Grayson’s mom Lisa and we decided to make Chicken and as we were cooking Lisa broke the silence, “I’m happy that everything the three of you is finally over and to be honest I thought it would have lasted for years” she said and I smiled and we gave each other a hug, “to be honest, I thought so as well I thought it never going to end but I’m glad that they accepted her and I really hope that everything that it stays like this” I said as I looked over to Victoria with a small smile on my face knowing that she gets to stay and went back to cooking with Lisa and spent the rest of the night like a big family and played board games and watched movies until we all went to bed for the night.

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