Chapter Eighteen

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Alexandria’s P.O.V
The Three days were finally over, Grayson and I finally drove home after packing the few things we brought and checking out of the hotel and after we finally got home, Victoria rushed towards us and Grayson and I hugged her as I kissed the top of her head, “I missed you” I said and saw Lisa and Luca walk up to us, “did you guys have a good time together” Lisa asked with a smile, and Grayson and I nodded as we hugged her and Grayson and I unpacked all of our dirty clothes in the washing machine with everything else that was in it and began to do the laundry and came back into the living room and sat on the couch, “did you guys have lunch yet” I asked and they shook their heads, “not yet we were about before you guys walked through the door” Luca said and I thought about what to make and as I was about to get up, Lisa stopped me, “you sit and relax, you just got home so I’ll make lunch, what do you guys want for lunch” Lisa said and we all agreed on grilled cheese. By the time she was finished we all ate together and had a few laughs and enjoyed the rest of our day and as our day finally ended, I saw that Victoria had fallen asleep as she was sitting on Grayson’s lap and I smiled contently to myself as I watched Grayson gently wrap his arms around her protectively around her as he got up to bring her to bed and I followed not far behind as the other went to bed and as I stood in the door frame of Victoria’s room, I heard him whisper sweet things to her, “I will always love you and you will always be be little girl no matter how old you are and I will protect you and your mother with my life no matter what, I love you my sweet little girl forever and always” he said and gently kissed her forehead and she began to whisper something, “I love you to daddy and mommy to” she said with a smile on her face and I walked in and kissed her forehead as well, “sleep tight and sweet dreams my love” I said to her with adoration, “goodnight mommy, I love you” she said and Grayson and I walked out of her room and checked on her one last time before turning off the lights.   

Grayson’s P.O.V 
As our day ended, Victoria fell asleep on my lap and I wrapped my arms around her protectively and brought her to her room and gently laid her down in her bed and I gently kissed her forehead before I gently began to whisper to her, “I will always love you and you will always be be little girl no matter how old you are and I will protect you and your mother with my life no matter what, I love you my sweet little girl forever and always” I said to her, “I love you to daddy and mommy” she said as I looked behind me to see Alex walk up to us and gently kissed Victoria’s forehead, “sleep tight and sweet dreams my love” Alex said to her with adoration, “goodnight mommy, I love you” she said and Alex and I got up after giving her a final kiss on her forehead and as we walked up to the door we checked on her one last time with a smile on our faces and finally turned off the light. After leaving Victoria’s room, we walked into the living room and just had a good conversation with my mom and Luca until we all decided to go to bed for the night. The next morning, I woke up to the sun shining in my face and I felt Alex curled up beside me as she rested her head on my chest and I smiled as I thought about everything we have been through together, especially the first day we had met in high school and if it wasn’t for then, I wouldn’t have met the love of my life who gave me our precious daughter but everything had also came at a cost just to get to here and I’ll do it a thousand times over if I had to, I was brought out of my thoughts as Victoria came running in our room and began jumping on the bed and Alex began to wake up with a smile on her face as she wrapped her arms around me as she looked up at me and I lent down and kissed her until the both of us her Victoria, “Ewww, mommy and daddy are kissing” she said and the both of us began to chuckle and we finally got out of bed. 
After finally getting out of bed and we walked into the living room to see my mom cooking breakfast and she looked at us with a smile on her face, “good morning guys, how did you sleep” she asked as she went back to cooking, “we slept pretty good” how about you” Alex answered her, “That’s good and I slept well myself thank you” she said and Victoria began to wonder where Luca had went, “Mommy where did Luca go I don’t see him” she asked her and my mom heard, “I didn’t see him in his room when I go up earlier so I’m assuming her went hunting and now that I think about it none of us have in a while” she said and we all agreed and Alex suggested we should wait until he gets back. After about 30 minutes we had all finished eating and he finally walked through the door, “hey where did you go, we all assumed you went hunting” Alex said and he nodded, “Ya I did, I thought that you guys would have gotten up later then I would and went before you guys in case you needed someone to watch Victoria” he said and we all thanked him and the three of us went to hunt.

Luca’s P.O.V
After they left to go hunt, Victoria walked up to me with a smile on her face, “do you want to play with me” she asked me and I nodded with a small smile on my face as we went to grab a few toys from her room and brought them to the living room and began to play with her dolls. After about an hour or so, Victoria had just finished putting makeup on my face as Alex, Grayson and his mom came back and as they saw us playing Alex said something, “this is adorable, love the makeup by the way Luca” she said as she began to giggle along with the others and I did the same, “she wanted to do my makeup so I let her use me to put it on” I told them as they had smiles on their faces and heard Victoria begin to laugh, “you look pretty” she said as she held a small makeup brush in her hand and Alex grabbed her to clean up the small amount that Victoria had on herself and I did the same when she gave me a few makeup wipes that she had and I began to think to myself of what might happen when I tell her that she is my mate when she is old enough to understand and hoping that she will except because we have gotten extremely close for me to lose her now, I was brought out of my thought’s when Alex sat down next to me on the couch, “your thinking about what it would be like when you tell her aren’t you” she said and I nodded and she began to rub my back as she tried to comfort me, “I’m sure everything will be alright, I’m sure she will understand and accept the fact that you care and probably love her when she’s older alright, so as far as I know you have nothing to worry about because I know she likes you and she trusts you enough to know that you won’t hurt her” she said and I smiled knowing she was right, “thank you, I really needed that it means a lot” I told Alex as I looked over at her and she smiled back, “no problem, I trust know you enough to see the look in your eyes when you look at Victoria to know that you love her as well” she said and I looked down to my hand as I fiddled with them as a tear slipped down my cheek, “I’m also afraid to lose her as well” I said and Alex wrapped her arms around me as she hugged me.
from that day forward it had been about Seven years since the conversation Alex and I had and everything was perfect and when Victoria looked like she was about 19 years of age, I finally had the guts to tell her about her being my mate and surprisingly she accepted it and I also finally had the guts to ask her to be my girlfriend and our love for each other grew each day until Three years into our relationship that I had decided to do something after I had asked for Alex and Graysons blessing and after I told them that I was going to take their daughter out on a date later tonight before I went out to buy a little something for Victoria and I became a nervous wreck throughout the day and by the time the evening came I asked Victoria if she wanted to go out on a date and she accepted and we both had gotten ready but what she doesn’t know is that I have a big surprise for her, I thought to myself as I looked at the box in my hand as I began to grow the biggest smile on my face and walked out the door not long after Victoria had finished getting ready for our date and I looked back at Grayson and Alex as they both had a smile on their faces as they both knew what was about to happen.

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