Chapter Fifteen

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Grayson’s P.O.V
I woke up the next morning to Alex cuddled up to me with her head rested on my chest and I smiled to myself and gently got out of bed to make sure I didn’t wake her up and went to check on Victoria to see that she wasn’t in her room and I decided to check the living room to see if she is watching T.V and saw that she had fallen asleep on Luca and I slightly smiled to myself and went to make a pot of coffee for the three of us and started making Breakfast for all of us as well. After a while I felt someone grabbing onto my legs and I looked down to see Victoria hugging my legs and I smiled, “daddy I’m hungry” she asked as she looked up at me, “I’m making breakfast right now sweety, do you want to help me make the Pancake batter” I asked and she nodded and I picked her up and sat her down on the counter and we made the pancake batter together and not long after that Luca had woken up as Alex walked into the room and I looked over to her to see a smile on her face as she saw Victoria and I cooking together, “Good Morning you guys, how did you sleep Luca” I heard Alex say, “I slept pretty good, Victoria woke me up saying she had a bad dream and wanted to sleep with me so I let her” I heard him say and I smiled to myself and decided to ask Victoria what her dream was about, “hey Victoria, what was the dream you had last night was about” and she had a thoughtful look on her face before she answered, “I don’t know, it was dark with blood everywhere I think” she said and I hugged her close to me and kissed the top of her head, “don’t worry it was only a dream, it wasn’t real” I said and she hugged me as I started putting the pancakes on a plate after they were cooked and started making the bacon and eggs and toast as I helped Victoria down from the counter and she went over to Alex as she was getting clean sheets for Luca as he helped her. 
After I finished breakfast, we all sat at the table and talked about how surprised but relieved we are about the council not showing up lately and we all decided not to worry or talk about them and had happened and just have a good day for once and we decided to go out for a while to get our minds off of everything we’ve been going through lately and even though we might be risking it, we decided to go to the mall for about an hour or so just incase anything happened and we all had a good time. By the time we got home, we had no problems throughout the day with Victoria while we were out until we walked through the door she wanted some blood and to be honest, in my opinion I think the blood is just a satisfaction or craving for her and not an all the time thing and Alex and Luca agrees and hoping that the council will see the same thing about it as well sooner rather than later and hope that all of this blows over soon as well. 

Alexandria’s P.O.V 
After we got home from the mall, we gave her a small glass of blood after we grabbed a blood bag from the fridge that Luca had brought over for us, that she was craving for and she took her time as she decided to color in her coloring book and she wanted Luca to join her and I thought to myself that the two of them are have developing a strong bond, “I think they are developing a strong bond together, and I think she’s growing on him to” I said and Grayson wrapped his arm around me as we sat on the couch as we watched Victoria and Luca coloring together, “I would have to agree, I think it’s because he never got to have something like that with his own child when he told us what happened to her centuries ago” he said and I felt guilty about what happened but I’m also glad that he got the chance to have that now with our little girl and that Luca think’s of her as his own and we all did our own thing untilI decided to make dinner and before I did, Luca pulled me to the side, “I need to talk to you privately for a second because I know that what I’m about to tell you, you’ll handle it a lot better then Grayson might” Luca said as we walked into Victoria’s room, “Luca what is it, what did you want to tell me” I said and he was hesitant for a few seconds before he told me what’s going on, “your daughter and I do have a strong bond and that’s because she is… um” he said as he started to hesitate again and become nervous, “it’s ok Luca, you can tell me and when we tell Grayson, I’ll make sure he doesn’t get made or anything but I’m also sure that he won't get mad about it in my opinion” I said and he slightly smiled, “thank’s that means a lot, so what I was trying to say was, um, your daughter is my mate, I know, I know she’s only I child but I couldn’t control it and that’s why our bond with each other is so strong” he said as he sat down on the bed and had his face in his hands and I sat down next to him and tried to comfort him, “I’m not mad about it, I understand what you mean and I’m alright with it and right now I know she won’t fully understand it or what it means yet but she will whe she’s old enough to know about it and right now she looks up to you and she trusts you and that means a lot and I know that what she feels towards you means a lot to you as well, so right now we should tell Grayson but if you want to take time to tell him that’s alright as well” I said as I saw a few tears stained down his cheeks and he smiled as he looked up to me, “thank you, this really meant a lot to me” he said.
After our conversation, the both of us got up and walked back into the living room and I began to make dinner after asking Victoria what she wanted, “hey Victoria, what do you want to have for dinner” I asked her and she had a thoughtful look on her face, “what about spaghetti and garlic bread” he said with the biggest smile on her face and that’s what I did as she went straight to Luca and they continued to color with each other and I smiled to myself as I watched what was in front of me and began making dinner. And as we ate together at the table, Luca stood up and I looked at him with a questioning  look on my face and he started to speak, “Grayson, I have something to say something and Alexandria already knows about it” he said as Grayson looked towards me and looked back at Luca with a confused looked on his face, “as you might know, your daughter and I have a strong bond and I want you to know that it is because she has become my mate” he said and I looked at Grayson and he had become pale and as if he saw a ghost, “Grayson, are you alright” I asked as he was brought out of his daze, “um, sorry I’m going to have to think this through if that’s alright” he said as he got up from his seat and walked away and walked into our room, “can you watch her for a bit while I talk to him” I asked and he nodded as he sighed and I went to Grayson and I’s room to talk to him, “Grayson sweety, can I come in I want to talk” I said as I gently opened the bedroom door to see him sitting on the bed with his face in his hands and looked at me when he felt me sit next to him, “Please tell me what’s wrong Grayson” I said as I rested my head on his shoulder and heard him sigh, “I don’t know to be honest, I guess it’s just a lot to take in and I know he means well and all and that the both of them had a strong bond and I know she won’t understand what being a mate means just yet and I’m not mad about it either, I’m just... I don’t know I’m just an overprotective father I guess and I just don’t want her to get hurt when she understands what mating means and when she feels the same way about him” he said with a heavy sigh, “don’t worry my love, I’m sure things between the both of them will work out just fine” I said as I gently kissed his cheek and we decided to head back to the dinner table to finish eating and made sure everything was alright between everyone and watched a movie of Victoria’s choice when we finished and after we got changed and enjoyed the rest of the night.      

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