Chapter Seventeen

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Alexandria’s P.O.V
A Year Later
Victoria now looks like a Ten year old and her cravings for blood has gotten a lot better since we started and we finally found a Four bedroom and Two bathroom home that we have been living in for about a year now and Grayson and I will soon be having our wedding at a small church in Tomorrow and I’m beyond excited to spend eternity with him and me, Lisa and Victoria are planning on going out today to look for a wedding dress since it took a while to look for a pastor who had a free schedule to marry Grayson and I and by the time I was finished getting ready to head out, I made sure the guys would be alright while the Three of us are out for a few hours and left to the car and went to a local bridal shop to finally look at dresses. After about an hour or so of looking and trying on dresses I finally found the one and bought it and we decided to get something to eat for lunch and for the first time I get to have a girls day with Lisa and my precious daughter and Lisa and I finally got to know a little more about each other and I could tell that she was happy that finally got to spend the day with her Granddaughter after everything that we went through in the past, “so, what do you want to do for the rest of the day” Lisa asked and thought about going to the mall for an hour or Two, “how about the three of us go to the mall for a while” I said as Victoria got excited and we all got up from the table and paid for our food and headed to the mall and got a few things and having a good time for the first time in a while as if we were having our own little bachelorette party. 
After we were done at the mall we finally decided to head home for the day and when we did and walked through the door I noticed that Grayson and Luca weren’t here and I though they decided to go out themselves and after about Five minutes, I heard someone walk through the door and I went to see that it was Gray and Luca and Victoria ran up to them and gave each of them a hug and when she went up to Luca, she hugged him a little longer then with Gray and I smiled to myself knowing that Victoria and Luca have a strong bond and I’m glad that they are happy when they are with each other I thought to myself as I walked up to Grayson, “how was your day” I asked him, “it was pretty good, we watched a football game and went hunting for a while” he said as we looked into each others eyes for what seemed like forever as a smile grew on my face, “now that I think about it, I should probably do the same and before I do, do we still have blood bags in the fridge in the basement” I asked and he nodded and as soon as I was about to walk out the door Lisa followed saying that she was going to join as Gray and Luca stayed with Victoria.
Grayson’s P.O.V
As the girls left it was just Luca and I and we decided to just have a casual day to hang out and get to know one another better since we haven’t been able to because of what we have been through a year ago and had a good time as we watched a football game and had a couple of beers as if it were our own little Bachelor party and after the game was done, we decided to go on a hunt for a while and by the time we got home, the girls had just walked through the door and as soon as Victoria saw she ran up to us and hugged the both of us and when she went to hug Luca, she hugged Luca a little longer and as I looked at Luca I could tell she makes him happy I thought to myself with a smile on my face as I looked over to the both of them. As Alex walked up to me, she hugged me tightly as I kissed the top of her head after I did the same with my mom, “How was your day” Alex asked as she looked up at me with a smile on her face, “it was pretty good, we watched a football game and went for a hunt not long after it was finished” I said as she continued to hug me before she let go, “now that I think about it, I should probably do the same since I haven’t gone hunting in a while either” she said as she walked to the door and My mo followed, “mind If I come with you” she asked and Alex nodded with a smile on her face and told us that they will be back soon.
After about an hour, my mom and Alex finally came back as I heard them walked through the door as Luca and were playing with Victoria as one of her new favourite shows were playing in the background, “hey mom, Alex how was the hunt” I asked as I got up from the floor, “it went well son, it’s also nice that I got to spend most of the day with my future daughter in-law and Granddaughter” My mom said and I smiled knowing that everything is well with our lives for once after a long time since our whole family were killed by the council over a year ago and for the rest of the day we all hung out as one big happy family until we all got tired and decided to go to bed as Victoria wanted Alex to read her a story and after about Twenty minutses went by, Alex came back into the room and got changed into one of my shirts and a pair of undies and climbed into bed as she cuddled up to me and I smiled to myself as I kissed the top of her head, “I can’t wait for tomorrow” I heard her say as she looked up at me, “neither can I, I can’t wait to spend forever with you” I said as we smashed our lips together and finally fell asleep not long after.

Alexandria’s P.O.V
Grayson and I woke up the next morning excited for today as it was our wedding day and we all decided to meet each other at the church after getting ready and us girls were the last ones to finish up and we had Luca drive us there and as we finally arrived at the Church and I had asked Lisa if she wanted to walk me down the aisle and she accepted as we hugged each other and walked through the doors to see Grayson at the other end of the aisle and my smile grew bigger as I got closer to marrying the love of my life and once we got to the end, Lisa stood behind me with Victoria as Luca did the same as he stood behind Grayson and I finally approached him and I couldn’t keep my eye’s off of him, “you look beautiful as always” he said as I began to blush, “you don’t look to bad yourself” I said and he chuckled and the pastor began to talk, “we are gathered here today to unify the relationship of Grayson Dolan and Alexandria Williams” he said as Grayson and I continued stare into each other's eye’s “Grayson, do take Alexandria to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health for as long as you both shall live” he said, “I do” Grayson said and the pastor said the same thing to me, “Alexandria, do you take Grayson as your lawfully wedded Husband, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for as long as you both shall live” he said and I nodded, “I do” I said and as I looked back at Grayson, “I now pronounce you as husband and wife, you may kiss the bride” the pastor said and Grayson and I kissed passionately and walked down the aisle and went home to change and went out for dinner since we didn’t have a big wedding and decided to spend time together.
After dinner Grayson and I had decided to book a honeymoon suite at a hotel and spend a Three nights in just to have some alone time for a few days and after a while of packing what we needed we finally finished and went into the living room to say goodbye to our little girl, “you be good to Grandma and Luca alright” I said as I kissed the top of her head and Grayson did the same and headed out the door and drove to the hotel. As soon as we got there we checked into our room and took the elevator to our room and when we got to our floor, we used the key card to get into our room and as soon as we walked in and closed the door, Grayson picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist and smashed our lips together and he dropped me on the bed and ripped each other clothes off and he positioned himself and entered as I muffled  a moan as I kissed him again and continued to make love until we reached our highs and came undone and as he pulled out, we laid down and cuddled and decided to get some room service and watched movies for most of the night and I began to smile to myself until Grayson noticed, “what are you smiling about” he said as he kissed the top of my head, “just thinking about what just happened a little while ago and how you held back the first time we made love” I said as I looked up at him as my smile grew bigger, “I know, I didn’t want to hurt you the first time because you were still human” he said and we continued to watch movies for the rest of the night until we got tired and fell asleep with the biggest smile on my face.  

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