Chapter Two

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Grayson’s P.O.V
For the rest of the day, all I could think about was Alex and how shy she was around me and just by thinking about it made me blush and put a smile on my face until I was brought out of my thoughts as Ethan started playing around with my hair and I swatted his hand away, "what were you thinking about dude" Ethan asked, "nothing" I said not wanted to tell him right away that I found my mate and that it was the girl named Alex that we had met in the office at school today, "come on man, what were thinking about, we always tell each other everything" he said, "om fine, I may or may not have found my mate and that it may or may not be the girl that we met at school when we were getting our schedules at the office" I said and looked over at Ethan to see the look of shock and excitement on his face, "finally bro, I'm happy for you" he said patting me on the back, "but to be honest I'm scared that one day when i tell her about it and what we are, she'll never except it… or me" I said as I started to feel down about it, "don't bring yourself down about it, I'm sure when the time comes when you tell her that we're Vampires and what what she is to you, I'm sure she'll understand" he said sounding reassuring and It brought a small smile on my face knowing that she might not hate me.
For the next few days we hung out with Alex a lot and her and I got assigned for a project today, “so do you want to come over to my place to work on the assignment for English” she asked and I smiled, “ya sure” I said to her and then I remembered about what that Brittany girl said to her a few days ago, “hey, I overheard what that girl told you the other day, how have you been since then” I said and saw that she started to look upset, “hey, sorry if I said anything that bothered you, I just wanted you to know that I don’t usually hang out with people like her, and if I had to be honest with you I’d rather hang out with you instead” I said and saw a smile grow on her face and I did the same, “we should get going so that we could start working on the assignment” she said and we both let out a chuckle and headed to her place. 

Alexandria’s P.O.V
As Grayson and I got to my place, I told my mother that I have a friend over and went up to my room and started working. After about an hour or so we finished for the night and just hung out for a bit, “so, why did that girl want you to stay away from me” he asked sounding curious, “because she likes to get what she wants,” I said to him and he nodded and looked down and then back at me and for a few moments we just stared at each other for what seemed like forever until I noticed how close our faces had gotten that our lips brushed and all of a sudden I went for the first move and kissed him, he was shocked at first but gave in and felt him smile. After a while we broke apart and we both smiled like idiots until he broke the silence, “I really want to tell you something but I’m also scared that your gonna run away from me if I told you what I really was and then hate me forever” he said looking sad and I straddled his lap and held his face in my hands, “tell me what’s wrong Gray, whatever it is, I'm sure that I’m not going to run away from you and then hate you for the rest of my life,” I said to him and he hesitated at first and then looked into my eyes with love and admiration in them, “let’s just say that I’m not exactly human” he said and I was somewhat confused, “what do you mean your not human” I said and lowered my hands, “promise you won’t run away,” he said and I nodded, “I’m a vampire and so is Ethan and the rest of my family and your also my mate” he said and I looked at him in shock.
It took me a while to let all of this sink in but I then noticed that he was surprised that I didn’t run away, “what’s wrong, is everything alright” he asked sounding worried, “no, everything is fine, I’m just shocked but at the same time I don’t want to believe you,” I said to him, “If you want, I’ll tell you anything you want, just please don’t leave me” he said with pain in his voice, “I won’t leave you I promise, I just gotta let it all sink in for a day or two if that's alright" I said as I continued to sit on his lap and raise my hands to his face again and he nodded. Grayson and I talked for a little longer until he headed home for the night and I went into the kitchen to see my mom cooking dinner, "hey sweetie, how's your assignment going," she asked, "it's going pretty good, we are almost done," I said  as I went to the fridge to grab a water bottle, "dinner will be done soon," she told me and I decided to stay downstairs and watch some T.V until it was finished and started eating. For the next few days Grayson and I had gotten closer and noticed every time I hung out I’ve noticed from the corner of my eye, Brittany glaring at me and then Grayson started to notice, “Hey is everything alright Alex” he asked as we were sitting in the cafeteria and I turned to him, “Not really, I guess Brittany keeps glaring at me” I said to him and he wrapped his arm around my shoulders and brought me closer to him and I smiled and then he turned to me, “and besides, I don’t like her anyways” he said and we both smiled at each other. 
As the end of the school day came to an end, I headed to my locker after walking out of my last class with a smile on my face when all I could think about was Grayson even though I’m still trying to let everything he told me sink in. as I approached my locker, I saw Brittany standing in front of it glaring at me and started walking towards me and slapped me across the face, “what did I tell you, I told you to stay away from Grayson he’s mine” she said until we heard someone speak up, “I don’t belong to anyone,” he said and saw that it was Grayson and Brittany started stuttering and Grayson came up to me and helped me up and checked to make sure that I was alright and turned towards Brittany and walked up to her, “don’t ever touch Alex again, and for the record, I never liked you in the first place” he said and wrapped his arm around me and we walked out of the school and heard Brittany having a tantrum and we both started laughing and headed to my place and hung out for a bit and had a good time.

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