Chapter Thirteen

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Alexandria’s P.O.V
It has been about month since Grayson and I went on our date and since he proposed to me and he also told me on our date that him and his family had a truce with a wolf pack and to be honest, I couldn’t have been more happier about the engagement, the council accepted the proposal and I’ve also been planning for the small wedding and after the wedding we are planning on moving out of this small apartment and offered Lisa, Grayson’s mother to move in with us if she would like. When I was done planning for the day, Victoria came running to me as she giggled, “momma I’m hungry, what’s for lunch” she asked and I thought about it, “what would you like for lunch” I said as I lifted her up onto the couch and she had a thoughtful look on her face, “how about mac and cheese” she said with a big smile on her face, “alright, mac and cheese it is” I said as I got up from the couch and went into the kitchen as I sat Victoria on the stool as she started watching one of her shows on the T.V and by the time I was done, Grayson had walked through the door from hunting as I gave Victoria her food and I smiled and kissed his cheek, “how was hunting” I said and he gave me a water bottle full of animal blood and drank it without Victoria seeing until she saw and said something, “mommy what did daddy give you” she asked with a confused look on her face, “a drink that you can’t have yet alright” I said with a small smile as I kissed the top of her head and she nodded and continued eating. After a while, I decided to go grocery shopping because I noticed that we are running low on a couple of things so I decided to make a list of what I needed so I didn’t forget and I brought Victoria with me after I finished the water bottle Grayson gave me when he came back from hunting earlier today.
As I left the apartment with Victoria to go grocery shopping to get a few things that we needed and to be honest, I’m glad that she hasn’t had the craving for blood which is making me thing that she is more human than Vladimir says she is but I’m also glad that she has immortality so I didn’t have to lose my little girl and I was brought out of my thought’s as I was looking around trying to find whatever I needed as I felt Victoria tugging at my sleeve, “what is it sweety” I said as I looked at her, “mamma I’m thirsty” she said, “we are almost done with the shopping, but what do you want to drink ” I said as I grabbed a few of the last things I needed and headed to cash it out, “I don’t know” she said and the first thing that popped in my head was that she could possibly be is that her craving for blood could be starting and if it is the blood she is craving for, I was hoping the cravings for blood would start when she’s older and when she is able to fully understand what she is and what Grayson and I are to, “ok, we’ll see what we have to drink at home alright” I said as I started to put the things I grabbed onto the conveyor belt so the the lady is able to scan the items and After I was finished at the store I started putting everything in the car and put Victoria in her carseat and drove home. 
As we got back with the groceries and started putting everything away and hear the sound of quick footsteps and saw Grayson chasing Victoria around as she started laughing as Grayson caught her and started tickling her and I smiled to myself, “Victoria, are you still thirsty” I asked and she nodded, “ok come see what you want to drink then” I asked and she came over to the fridge and she pointed to a apple juice but then she noticed the blood bag along with others, that Grayson and I have incase of emergencies and pointed to it instead, “can I have this mommy” she said as she licked her lips and I noticed her eyes begin to change, “Grayson come here quickly” I said as I begin to worry and I felt his hand on my waist, “look at her eyes” I said and he bent down and turned Victoria around and he was in shock and he got back up and brought her into the living room, “sit here and I’ll get you something to drink in a minute, I just want to talk with mommy alone for a bit ok” I heard Grayson say and the both of us talked about what we should do about it and decided to give her the blood bags for now until we think of something.

Unknown’s P.O.V
Vladimir has sent out to keep an eye on Grayson and his little family. I watched Alexandria and her daughter walk out of the apartment building and got into the car and as she drove off, I decided to stay where I am so it didn’t seem suspicious and when Alexandria and her daughter came back and brought everything up to the apartment I decided use my ability and used my super hearing so that I can hear what’s going on and the last thing I heard was Alexandria saying something about her child’s eyes and that’s when I knew something might be up and at this point and I just hope that nothing bad happens and my biggest hope is that the rest of the council finds out, Especially Vladimir. After I’ve been thinking to myself, I decided to head back to the house and told them what they did except for the child’s eye changing because my only wish is for the child to live no matter what she did and once I stood in front of the doors to the meeting room, I overheard them talking about Grayson and his family and how they had secretly found out about their daughter Victoria and that her eye’s have changed at the sight of blood and they have decided that they are going to wait and see if Grayson and and Alexandria can handle the situation before it got out of hand and if they couldn’t handle it and has gotten out of control, so I took the risk of leaving this god forsaken place and decided to go and warn Grayson and Alexandria about what the council is deciding to do if they aren’t able to control the child’s thirst and later that night I decided to leave a note for the rest of the council to find and left and headed back to the apartment that the couple is living in and headed up to the door and knocked on it after getting out of my car and Grayson was the one to open the door, “I need to speak with you and Alexandria, it’s urgent” I said and he let me in.

Alexandria’s P.O.V
After putting Victoria in her room after she had fallen asleep as we were watching a movie and when I walked back into the living room I saw someone sitting on the couch, “who’s this, is he from the council or something” I asked as I looked over to Grayson and he nodded, “he has something to tell us about what the council is planning” he said and I sat down next to the man who came to tell us about what the council is doing, “I came here to tell you that I had overheard Vladimir in a conversation with others about your daughter and they have found out about her eye’s changing at the sight of blood and Vladimir said himself that if the two of you aren’t able to keep control over the situation, they are thinking about killing your daughter if she herself hasn’t learned how to control her thirst, and because of that, I have decided to leave them and help the both of you, I also brought a few blood bags to help if you are in need of them” he said. 
After he told us why he was here, I couldn’t help but be glad that he had left to come and tell us and gave us blood bags for Victoria just incase, “thank you for helping us, what is your name of you don’t mind me asking” I said and he nodded, “my name is Luca” he said with a small smile, “thanks for helping us man, we really appreciate it and I was also wondering, do you have anywhere to stay or are you going back to the council” Grayson asked as Luca looked at him, “I’m never going back to them, at first before they had found out about your daughter’s eyes changing whenever she sees blood, they told me to keep an eye on you incase anything like this happened after Vladimir told you about the warning he had given you guys when he first found out about her but when I got back to the mansion that they live in along with me, I overheard him talking about it and now that I think about it, I think he had another person other than me spying on you guys, but I also thought about telling them about it but then I had a bad feeling that no matter what happens, none of this might not end well, and besides I wasn’t planning on telling them about your daughter to begin with either” Luca said and to be honest I couldn’t thank him enough for trying to protect Victoria, “I appreciate you helping us with this, it means a lot to me” I said to Luca and he smiled and we talked about what we should do incase they think it ever got out of our control until we decided to go to bed after giving Luca a pillow and a blanket.                     

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