Chapter Nineteen

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Seven Years Later
Luca’s P.O.V 
I waited Seven long years until for this day to happen and all I’ve been thinking about as I drove to the restaurant as I held Victoria’s hand about how I got a second chance and I continued to think to myself until we finally arrived at the restaurant and quickly walked over to her side and opened the door for her as she got out she kissed my cheek as she held my hand I after closing the car door and walked into the restaurant and we both sat down and the waiter asked what we wanted to drink, “what can I get you to drink before we get started” she asked as she looked at Victoria, “can I get a water please” she said and I asked for the same and she walked away to get our drinks as we looked through the menus to see what we wanted to eat, after a few minutes the waitress came back with our waters and set them down, “are you guys ready to order” she said as she got her notepad out and we both nodded and told her what we wanted and walked away after getting our orders and we both had a nice conversation until our food came. By the time we finished eating I became nervous but I found the courage to as her, “Victoria, I have something to ask you” I said as my heart began to pound faster as I knelt down on my knee as I grabbed the small box from my coat pocket and opened it, “will you do me the incredible honour an Marry me” I asked her and she quickly nodded and I let out a sigh of relief and quickly got up and hugged her tightly as we heard people clapping and a few whistles and  her passionately and after we broke apart from the kiss, we decided to pay for our dinner and left the restaurant and drove back home.
Alexandria’s P.O.V
After a few hours had gone by, the Three of us heard Luca and Victoria walk through the door and saw that they both had the biggest smiles on their faces, “She said yes” Luca said and we all gave each other hugs and told them how happy and excited we were for them, “we should start planning soon then” I told them and they agreed, “I was thinking that we could maybe have a small wedding like you and dad did” Victoria said and we all agreed, “when should we go dress shopping” Lisa said as she sounded excited and we all giggled, “we can go tomorrow if you want” Victoria said, “the sooner the better” I told her and we all hung out as a family after we all got changed into our pajamas before we all went to bed. The next morning I woke up to the sun shining in my face and I sighed happily as I looked up to see Grayson peacefully sleeping and smiled to myself and kissed him gently and saw a smile grow on his face as he slowly woke up, “I’m never going to get tired of waking up next to you in the morning” he said to me as I had myself prompt on my elbow, “I could say the same to you, but we should get up and get dressed” I told him as I got out of bed and grabbed some clothes to wear and started getting changed as I started to feel like he was watching what I was doing, “take a picture, it will last longer” I told him and he began to chuckle and got out of bed and started getting dressed himself, as we finished getting dressed we walked into the living room to see Luca and Victoria sitting on the couch as they cuddled and found Lisa in the kitchen making breakfast and she looked over to us with a smile, “good morning you two, how did you sleep” she asked us as she continued to cook, “we slept good thanks mom, do you need any help” Grayson said as he walked up to her, “if you’d like, you can” she said and Grayson helped Lisa with the cooking.
After we all finished eating Breakfast, Lisa, Victoria and I decided to grab our things and head out to look for a wedding dress for Victoria and the Three of us had a good time while the boys were doing their own thing. the Three of us had finally arrived at the bridal shop and began to look at dresses until a worker came up to us, “hello, my I help you find anything today” she asked and we nodded and she smiled, “yes please that would be nice” Lisa said to her, “ok, is there anything in particular that you are looking for, like a specific price range or design” she said, “I was wondering if had any dresses with lace” Victoria asked and the worker nodded and led us to a row of dresses with lace, “here we are and if you need help with getting the dress on just give me a holler” she said and we all said thank you. After about Two hours of looking and trying on dresses, Victoria found the one she had wanted that was also in the rice range she wanted and after we all left the shop, we decided to grab something to eat and found a restaurant nearby and walked in and shortly after we were escorted to our seats and looked through the menus, “so, are you guys going to have a small honeymoon as well” Lisa asked and Victoria nodded, “I hope so, we haven’t talked about it yet” she said and we smiled, “well I hope you do, you both deserve some alone time together” I said to Victoria and she smiled and as we continued to talk about the wedding and a possible honeymoon, the waiter came by to ask if we were ready to order and we all told him what we wanted and waited a little longer until we finally got our food. 
After we finished eating and paid for the food, we finally decided to head home for the day so that we can put Victoria’s dress in her closet and as soon as we walked through the door, we saw the boys watching a football game as they had a few snacks in front of them and cheered as one of the teams scored a touchdown and the Three of us giggled at their excitement and they both turned their heads as they heard us laughing, “what are you guys laughing at” Grayson asked as we continued to giggle as we walked up to them, “we were laughing at you guys” I said to him as he smirked and I decided to put Victoria’s dress in her closet for her and walked back into the living room, “so what have you guys been up to” I asked them, “we’ve been watching the game for most of the day now” Luca said with a small smile and we continued to watch the game until it was over and when the game finished Lisa and I decided to make something for dinner and we all sat at the dinner table as a family when we had finished cooking it  and decided to have a movie night until we all headed to our rooms for the night.

Victoria’s P.O.V 
After Luca and I had finished getting ready for bed, we both finally got into bed and cuddle each other and I began to think about the wedding and after a while I was brought out of my thoughts as I heard Luca, “what are you thinking about my love” he asked as he kissed the top of my head, “was just thinking about the wedding and when we are going to have it” I told him as I looked up at him with a smile on my face, “when do you wish to have it then” he asked and I blushed as I thought about it, “hopefully soon, A month at the latest since it’s just going to be us Two and my parents and Grandmother” I told him and he nodded, “I agree, the sooner I get to marry you, the better” he said and I giggled as he rolled on top of me and began to kiss along my neck until he looked at me in the eyes for what seemed like forever, “I am never going to stop loving you, I’m glad that I get to call you mine and Mine alone” he said as he sounded possessive and I giggled, “you sound rather possessive when you said that and I think that’s sexy” I told him as I grin grew on his face until he smashed his lips on mine and we kissed passionately and continued to cuddle each other until we both finally fell asleep, before I became close to drifting off to sleep I began to here Luca quietly say something thinking I couldn’t hear him, “I’m glad that I was given a second chance at love and I this time I will make sure no harm ever comes to you, especially when it comes to starting a family with you and I would do anything for you and if we were to ever start a family, I will make sure that the council will come for them like they did before and keep our future children away and hidden. I will love you forever and always and I’m beyond grateful that we are together and getting married soon, I love you more than you know my love, never forget that” I heard him whisper to me and I lightly smiled to myself before finally drifting off into a deep sleep. 

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