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The field trip was tomorrow and Peter couldn't be more excited, he didn't know where he was going but all of his excitement, well not all of it, died. The was going to Stark Industries, but no-one knew where to except for the teacher, Peter had gotten his slip signed by May, however as he walked in that morning to hand it in, the teacher called him over to the desk before Sir was about to do the register

"Yeah?" Peter asked confused

"Peter, i'm sorry but, you can't go"

"What, Sir why?"

"Due to reports i have heard from other students, aswell as from your self, the tale of your internship has gone on long enough and this second signature that was given this morning, it's a crime"

"Sir, why? I haven't forged-"

"I'm sorry Peter, but i am going to have to suspend you for the next week, and once you Aunt gets back from her trip, we're going to have to pull her in about any further detentions and anything else"


"No, Peter, take this, and i will see you next week"

Peter took the slip out of his hand and lifted his bag up from the ground, he pulled it onto his shoulder and walked out of the school, he was instructed to go home and not return to the school until next week, as May wasn't home, Peter was staying with Tiny and Pepper in his room that he would usually stay in at the weekend

As he walked in, FRIDAY alerted Tony telling him that Peter had entered the building

"Isn't he meant to be at school?"

"He has gone straight to the gym"

Peter had only ever gone to the gym on his own if he was stressed, and Tony knew it wasn't going to be a pretty picture

As Tony walked into the gym he saw Peter swinging round the aerobatics bar, he had changed into some black joggers and kept his Pythagoras theorem joke shirt on going round and round

"Hey Kid! Why aren't you at school?"

"Got Suspended" he said flipping round one more time before landing on the mat below him

"You what?"

"I got suspended because no-one believes me and apparently i forged a second signature that was on the paper but i only remember getting May's" Peter said as he walked over to the towel and wiped his forehead  

"That might be my fault, May asked if i would be the second signature as they needed both parents"

"Oh, well" Peter didn't know what to say

"So what did they say?" Tony pushed further

"That i cant go anywhere near the school for the next week, that i can't go on the field trip and that i was lying about my internship"

"Right" Tony said wandering in his thoughts

"Since your suspended, you might aswell work on your fitness, but just don't over worker yourself"

For the rest of the day, Peter spent a couple of hours out being Spider-man and working on his skills and technique.

That morning, Ned along with the rest of his class, loaded onto the bus, Ned texted Peter

'peter please answer me, you'll have no idea where we're going'

Meanwhile Peter's phone was blowing up on the desk on the other side of the room, he had showered, brushed his teeth and since he wasn't exactly going anywhere, he didn't bother doing his hair

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