It all changed

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7 years, that's how long Peter hadn't seen them. 

It had all changed that night when Peter came back. 

He swung into the building, he hadn't heard off anyone all day, Happy called him asking which tie to wear for his and May's date, but that was it. 

FRIDAY rung him through and he was riding in the lift, the elevator dinged and the doors slid open, he heard and saw nobody, no-one, not a single soul. 

"Hello? Anyone home? Mr Stark?" Peter walked down the halls and into the lounge, no-one. 

This was odd, even for them. Tony usually alerted them when it came to a mission, why not this one, not even a warning, nothing. Why?

Peter started to worry, no-one was here, why? He rushed up and down the halls and still, no-one appeared, he ran towards all of the bedrooms, nothing, no-one. 

Peter called Happy and finally managed to get hold of him 

"You okay Kid?" he asked knowing Peter wouldn't call unless it was important

"No, not exactly, please tell me you've seen at least one of the Avengers today"

"Yeah, this morning i'm sure they'll turn up, search FRIDAY'S camera's"

"Okay thanks Happy, sorry to disturb, have fun"

"Bye Pete"


Peter hung up and carried on looking, for anything


"yes Peter"

"Do you know where the others are?"

"I'm afraid not Peter, they all left this morning but they did leave you a note, they said they left it in your bedroom"

"Thanks FRIDAY"

"Anytime Peter"

Peter ran towards his bedroom and burst through and saw a simple note on the side of his bed, he slowed down and walked over to it, holding it in his hands he opened it, it didn't say much just that they were away and that he was no longer needed on the team, if he wanted anyone then he could contact Scott or one of the Rouges or Guardians. 

That was it, he was gone from the team without any notice or hints from anyone.

Over the next few years, Peter managed to get in contact with Steve and the others, they even met up every now and then, none of them had any idea why Tony would suddenly get rid of Peter, by the looks of it Tony never did anything to harm Peter, he had been taken under his wing and now was shut out. 

Peter was now 23 and was a full time SHIELD agent, the Rouges had come back and were the only running Avengers SHIELD had, Scott was helping out on some of the missions ever now and then. 

Everything was running as smooth as it could, Peter still always questioned why Tony had left along with the others, was it his fault?

He blamed himself, no notice at all. Peter had contacted Pepper but nothing, she was too busy having to run the company she didn't realize that Tony had just took off and left with the others, she thought that he might have just been in a mid life crisis but that didn't put anyone at ease, not even Pepper and she was the one who was saying it. 

Peter was walking through the halls of SHIELD's base when he heard shouting 

"No! Tony you can't just come back after 7 years! Do you know how much stress you have caused not only us but SHIELD, no not even them! Peter!"

Peter walked in, his mind only hearing half of what was said but it hadn't been registered, not completely, not yet anyway. 

"Hey Steve, have you seen the-" That was when Peter looked up, there they stood. Rhodey, Vision and...Tony

Peter was speechless, nothing or 7 years and then all of a sudden he turns up, Tony looked round to see Peter stood there, a 23 year old Peter, the kid he hadn't seen in 7 years, god this was gonna be hard. 

They all must have been stood in silence for what felt like an eternity when someone walked in

"Hey, does anyone want to explain why Fury called saying i need to come out of ret- oh" Clint said walking in seeing what was there, he'd gotten a call of Nat not long after Peter got into contact with them explaining everything 

"Pete, say something" Tony said finally speaking up 

Peter stayed silent, still in shock, "What do you expect me to say? You've been gone 7 years"

Tony replied, "I know" placing his hands out gesturing something as if calming something or someone but it was no use

"Where have you been?" Peter asked with a stern look on his face

"Well it's a long story"

"Where have you been?" He asked once more

Tony simply said, "Away"

"Yeah, not shit Sherlock" Peter said sarcastically before walking forward and past him towards the table, "Now just tell me where you've been"

"Places, HYDRA agents were looking for Stark tech, and old SHIELD tech so we had to track them down"

"And you didn't think to call or warn at least one of us?!!" Peter said placing his hands on the desk in frustration

"No because i wasn't ready to take a 16 year old into battle"

"Oh and bringing a 15 year old to a Civil War was? A war is bigger than a battle Tony"

Everyone was shocked, they'd never seen Peter this angry or annoyed at someone before - not a single soul. 

Peter continued on, "How do you think Steve felt when he found out he had dropped an airport terminal on a 15 year old, how do you think Bucky felt when a 15 year old caught his arm, how do you think Pepper felt when she found out you was missing? Did you ever think of talking to any of us about this, especially since Steve is the one who has had the most lets call it experience with HYDRA, did you ever think of anyone but your self when it came to going on this?"

"Peter, i get that your annoyed but-"

Peter was shocked, "Annoyed? Annoyed isn't even the half of it, maybe Cap was right, you may not be a threat but you better stop acting like a hero"

That's when it hit everyone on how tough it had been on Peter, not a single explanation whatsoever and then Tony turns up out of the blue, no wonder he was angry, they never thought they'd see the day where Peter would call Tony, a 'Fake Hero' essentially.

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