Pancake day

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I know it's Ash Wednesday today but ah well


Peter had woken up at 6 o'clock in the morning to Morgan running into his room, Peter had stayed over at the tower last night since he was up late with Tony fixing the iron man suit. 

"Peter, Peter, come onnnnn" She said tugging at his arm pulling him out of bed, he groaned since he was still tired, "It's pancake day and i have the day off school so come on, i tend to be eating as many pancakes as i can before uncle Clint gets to them"

"Okay, i'm coming" Peter said swinging his legs off the side of his bed rubbing his eyes, Morgan ran to his door but then turned back and grabbed him by the hand, she pulled him up and he gave a small chuckle

Peter and Morgan made it to the lounge/kitchen, Peter noticed she had already brought out all of the items needed, Peter and Morgan started making pancake after pancake. 

As it came to the last pancake, they had made a small pile for each of the members and as the last pancake went on top, all of the very tired Avengers walked into the room. 

By the time it reach 9 am, Clint came walking in and made Morgan a competition which Morgan won obviously since Nat declared her the winner

"Okay, fine, but i declare a re-match next year, Deal?"

"Deal" Morgan shook his hand firmly 

"You saw it here first ladies and gents, Clint Barton and Morgan Stark will have a re-match in exactly one years time" Peter declared, Morgan then running into him, him lifting her up onto his shoulder

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