Who are you?

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Peter is 17 MJ is 16 turning 17 in 3 weeks

Peter and MJ have never met.


Peter was sat on his bed looking out of his window until he got called downstairs, Megan called him down, she was 8 years old along with her 2 younger sisters, they had another sister who they always spoke of but she was with her mum when the tragedy struck.

Megan was 8, Zoe was 6 and Poppy had just turned 4, they all looked up to Peter as a brother due to them growing close over the last 10 months, the police had taken them to the orphanage once they had found out that all of their family had died, or so they thought.

Peter came downstairs to see what was wrong, they was all trying to reach to get hold of the remote that was on the shelf, Peter got it down for them and switched the TV on, they had all had dinner so they was able to watch an hour of TV before they would have to head back upstairs, there was different sections of the orphanage, the rest of the kids all had all gone to their rooms, reading or watching their i-pad's or doing something to entertain them.

As the hour came to a close, they all headed upstairs to their separate rooms, Poppy's room was inter joining with Zoe's, Megan's at the very end of the hall and Peter's across from Zoe's, they was all sat on their beds in their rooms, he had tucked the younger two into their beds and was headed to Megan's room, he walked in to see her looking at a picture of he family and a couple of tears in her eyes


"My Family"

She explained who was who, from her dad, to her mom, her other sister, her auntie, cousins, who had all died in the explosion.

"Who's that?" he asked Meg

"That's Michelle, she made us all call her MJ, she's my aunt but she was more like a big sister to us"

She looked about the same age as Peter, maybe a bit younger, he set Meg to bed before going into his own room.


Meg could hear someone shouting her name in the distance, the orphanage was quite a tall building so it could of been coming from downstairs, she looked at her alarm clock, 7:18am, it was Saturday morning, and the rest of the kids except a odd few who were on the other side of the building were still asleep

"Meg! Poppy! Zoe!, Zo! Meg! Pop, are you here!"

She shot up, Meg ran to her door and opened it to look out, she was stood in the hall and she saw someone come up the last set of stairs and come onto the landing


"MJ? MJ!" she ran to her and within seconds the all three of the girls were running to MJ,

She engulfed them in a huge hug, she had a few tears in her eyes but managed to keep them in and push them away

"Your okay, your okay, your okay" she said looking at them all, Peter had woken up to all the commotion, he came out of his room, science pun shirt on and a pair of grey joggers, he looked to see the three girls all hugging..the same girl from Meg's photo

"Girl?" he asked confused, wondering if he was dreaming

"Peter this is MJ, MJ this is Peter"

"Hi nice to meet you" she said shaking his hand

"Wait i thought all of their family-"

"So did i, I've been in the hospital for 7 months and then when i went back to where i worked i found out that these three were still here, I've been trying to find them for 3 month, i had checked every orphanage in Queens, but to no avail"

Poppy hugged MJ once again before MJ picked her up, Zoe hugged her at her hip and Meg looked between the two teens

"You look familiar, have i seen you somewhere before?" he asked her

"I don't think so, what's your last name?" she asked him


"Oh my god, your Stark's kid, that's where I've seen you" she stated

"Wait oh my-"

Flashbacks came back to Peter, he had even spoken to MJ before, she looked different than she did in the photo, only slightly, she always said her name was Michelle, very formal, he had even bumped into her when coming out of the lift he had caught her before she dropped to the ground

Over the next few hours, MJ and Peter got to know one another better aswell as going through all the paper work MJ needed to sign so she would be their legal guardian, Mrs Tweet had already signed it but needed a third party so Peter signed aswell, since she wasn't 18 yet, the girls would stay at the orphanage but could not be adopted, MJ stayed at the orphanage with them, ensuring she wouldn't leave them ever again

Peter and MJ also grew closer together and through a very clever and devised plan that Meg had made with a couple of the Avengers Peter hung out with when being at 'work', since they had also noticed the sparks flying with the pair, they managed to get Peter and MJ together.


Sorry for the crappy chapter x

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