If i had just been there...

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This was the last place Peter wished or even expected to be. Sat at the bedside of his last living biological relative. 

May Parker.

Peter had been on a mission with Nat, Clint and Scott. 

Something he had done a thousand times before, being with the team for 6 years, you tend to get use to the things when going onto the mission. 

But while he was away on the mission, it was only when he got back. He'd been laughing along with Clint about something or other before MJ came rushing outside, the look on her face was pure sadness and terror.

From the moment he had gotten dressed on the quin jet back into his black t-shirt and jeans, he hadn't got dressed, he had barley ate and was so nervous, the coffee intake wasn't helping his case.

While he was on a mission, May had been in a car crash, how she was still breathing, it was miraculous.  

Peter was sat next to her, his eyes blood shocked slightly, his neck hurt from sleeping in the chair. He was sat down in the chair, his hands pressed together and intertwined into a fist, he was resting his chin against it as he watched between May and the floor. 

All his life, he had lost everyone he loved, he couldn't loose May, not now.

MJ knocked on the door, slowly opening it.

"Hey" she said quietly 

"Hey" He forced a smile before leaning back in the chair

"Pete, you need to get out of here, you need a shower and something to eat" She pleaded, getting worried about his health

"What i need is to be here incase she wakes up" Peter sighed

That was when Steve walked in with Wanda

"Peter, we'll stay here and we'll come and get you if she wakes up or anything changes" Steve told him 

"Peter, please, you need food and a shower. Tony's making you some food upstairs, please just go and eat something" Wanda pleaded with him, Peter gave a sigh before looking towards May then to MJ and then to Wanda and Steve 

"Fine" he said reluctantly, he had to force himself out of the chair before walking outside with MJ

"She'll be okay, you know" MJ told Peter

"Yeah, but what if she's not?" Peter said to her, stopping dead in his tracks in the hall way. No-one ever came down these halls so no-one would see or hear them talking.


"I'm being serious MJ, what if she's not? What if she's moments away from death and i'm not there for her" Peter had tears in his eyes

Peter gave a sigh, "MJ.., all my life everyone i love has either died or has come close to it. May was there for me, i was there for her. From my parents to Ben, all of it. May is all i have left of my childhood, i can't loose her"

MJ pulled him in for a hug, a couple of tears fell from MJ's eyes as she closed them when she hugged Peter

"Your not going to loose her Peter, she's a fighter"

MJ looked towards him, "She'll be furious if she finds you in this mess, dry blood and tired"

Peter gave a small chuckle before walking along side MJ.

Once Peter and MJ got up to the lounge, Tony handed him the food he had made, Peter hadn't eaten properly in around 2 or 3 days which wasn't great since his metabolism worked 3 times as fast as the average person. 

Once he had finished, MJ practically pushed him into his room and then into his bathroom

"You need a shower, you stink" She told him truthfully with a chuckle

"The harsh reality of Michelle Jones" 

MJ left his room, allowing him to shower and sleep in peace.

Once Peter got out of the shower, fresh, clean and dressed in clean clothes, his body was telling him to go to sleep, he needed it.

He lay on top of his bed, laying on his side, within seconds he was asleep.

It was the first night-sleep he gotten in weeks, every other night he was either suffering through a nightmare or just couldn't get to sleep.

When he woke up it was 12 in the afternoon. He slowly got up from his bed, changing into a pair of jeans and placing on a hoodie, he walked down the hall before grabbing a toasted pop tart. 

By the time he had gotten down back to the med bay, he walked in to find MJ asleep in the chair. May was still out cold but by the looks of it she was back on track which settled Peter's nerves.

Peter looked over and saw a couch which must have been brought in while he was asleep upstairs and Steve and Wanda was down here.

Peter scooped MJ up in his arms before carrying her carefully over to the couch before laying her down on the sofa.

She stirred slightly, Peter covered her in one of the spare blankets

"P'ter" She mumbled

"It's okay, go back to sleep"

By the looks of it, she must have been awake most of the night along with Steve and Wanda.

As Peter sat down, a small shuffle came from beside him and it wasn't MJ



"H-Hey, wh, what happened?" She asked

"You was in a car crash, you've been out cold for four days"


"Yeah" Peter smiled before hugging her, "I'm so glad your awake"

"You can't get rid of me that easily" she smiled

It wouldn't be too long before Bruce would be able to give her the all clear so she would be able to go home.

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