A Kiss To Remember

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Peter and MJ had always hated eachother, they had never got along on friend terms, nothing but bickering anytime anyone of them seemed to speak, they could never agree on anything, that was...until today.

MJ had joined the team about three years ago since Fury needed someone to watch over them and MJ was the best they had in S.H.I.E.L.D plus she always trained with Nat so she was already half way there.

Today they were on a mission, to track down HYDRA agents, they still had a base open somewhere and they needed intel, however HYDRA couldn't know what was going on because if they did, alot of people would be in trouble and danger

"OKay, Nat and Steve you take the first level, we need intel, Bucky Sam, you take the roof, we need over head eyes, Clint, you take the lower level with Wanda, I'll take the top level, MJ and Peter you take third and fourth"

"Reminds you of a couple of years ago doesn't it?" Steve said to Nat who gave a small smirk, Tony left it to them, they walked round

Peter and MJ didn't say a word to one another as they went round, well at least until they had gotten half way round the first level they had been placed on, level 4.

"I can't believe I've been placed with you" Peter said to himself, but loud enough for MJ to hear

"You can't believe it?" MJ scoffed

"I can't believe I've been placed with someone who can't even consider to stay quiet on a mission"

"Technically, we're both speaking- so"

Peter and MJ stayed at the same pace, Peter looked down on the lower levels, him and MJ still bickering until Peter silenced her

"Hey, no don't tell me to-" Peter covered her mouth with his hand, getting an eye roll from MJ

Peter's senses were going off and due to his heightened hearing he could hear someone just just a couple of feet away

"We know there here, it's just where"

Crap! HYRDA knows

"Keep walking" he told MJ quietly

"They know we're here, they just don't know where" Peter said to himself and MJ, making sure the others were listening


"I don't know but keep an eye out" Peter told them

They turned off the intercom, just in case they could hear them, as Peter and MJ was walking down, MJ quickly said something to Peter

"Quick, put your arm around me"

"What, no-"

"Just do it, keep your head down"

Peter did as he was told and when they walked passed, Peter realised it was a HYDRA agent

Clint and Wanda were looking towards some maps on a stand, watching as another HYRDA agent walked past them,

"one here" he told Wanda who was stood next to him, they were all in casual clothes that they blended in perfectly, Peter also wore his old glasses he used to wear before he gained his powers, however the lenses had changed so he could see properly and Nat had placed a black baseball cap on his head so they couldn't recognise him from the back either and the front of the cap covered and placed a small shade on the front of his face, MJ wore a pair of black jeans, pumps, a simple t-shirt and a jacket, Nat wore similar as did Cap, Tony wore a t-shirt and jacket with jeans, Clint wore the same and Wanda wore similar to the girls

Peter and MJ headed down the escalator looking down until MJ quickly turned round to him

"Kiss me"

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