Is it though? II

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Peter shot up out of his bed, luckily it was him and Ned sharing a room, so if he came back bleeding, he's be okay. He quickly snuck out and went downstairs, his spider sense went haywire as he got closer and closer to the lobby, 3 men with guns one stood at the door entrance, one at the till and another trying to get into the safe placed behind on of the picture frames.

He tapped his web shooters and quickly ran back to his room and changed into his suit and ran and jumped out of the window, he started battling the three men, he managed to web one down, but the other hit him with a bullet, three times all in the same area, he managed to web them all up and leave just before the cops got there, he climbed back through the window to see MJ and Ned sat there waiting with the first aid kit

"God, Peter what happened?" MJ asked as she saw blood spilling out of him

Ned helped him quickly to the bathroom, MJ started cleaning and patching him up, Ned left her to it and closed the bathroom door behind him allowing MJ to fix him and patch him up

"Peter you have to be more careful" she said once she heard the snores coming from Ned

"I know, but I'll live"

"Not this way you wont" She said stitching up his side

"MJ i really, don't need a lecture right now"

"Yes you do, what if you had died, how do you think May would feel, or Tony or any of the Avengers, or me or Ned"

"You telling me you care?" Peter replied with a smirk

"Maybe" she said quietly trying to hide a blush

"MJ?" he said softly

She lifted her head to look at him


He kissed her.

"Thankyou" was all he said before letting her continue placing a bandage round his side


"What do you mean you've done that before?!" Clint said shocked and slightly offended Nat hadn't told her

"HYDRA was after us, and to hide when going down an escalator, people hate PDA and then Nat told me to kiss her and then we borrowed a car and you sort of know the rest" Steve explained

They all stared blankly at the pair, they was shocked but wasn't at the same time. Even though Steve loved Peggy, he knew he wouldn't be able to go back to her or bring her back, and they knew Nat and Steve had always been close, even if they were both oblivious to it or denied it all they wanted to, feeling were there

"I don't know why your all so shocked or silent, it's not like we're ever gonna kiss again" Steve said standing up and taking his cup to the kitchen

Is it though? really truly? 


Little did Peter know, that that wouldn't be his last kiss with MJ neither

Should i do a part 3?


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