A Storm of True Feelings

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It was May and currently, one of the quietest month the team had seen in years. Well, 'quiet' in terms of that they had no missions they would be needed on. By noise factor, not so much.

The guardians had come down to earth for a month or so since nothing was even going on in the galaxy that they would be needed for so they thought they'd take a vacation of sorts. And what an odd vacation it would be.

They had just landed their aircraft in the designated parking zone Tony had put in place for them at the new compound he'd built, everyone went out to greet them with open arms and smiles, however two specific people were missing from the group.

Peter and MJ.

"Where's the Spider-Kid?" Quill asked Steve 

"Well, the Kid isn't exactly a kid now, he's 25 and he's probably off arguing with MJ"

"MJ?" he asked with a raised eye brow

"Oh no, believe me, we've tried but nothing but arguing and bickering between the pair, they went to the same high school when they were teens, she has been put in place by Fury to help us and watch out for all of us"

"By any chance is that them?" Quill asked, his eyes squinting slightly due to the sun in his eyes

Steve looked over to see two people, Peter and MJ...arguing

Peter was walking away from MJ, her following after him her hands kept pointing to a piece of paper which was on top of a clip board she was holding, that was when Peter turned round and threw his hands up in the air saying something which gained him an eye roll from MJ. 

He continued walking towards the door, that was when Steve and Peter could hear what they were saying

"You know, Why do i even bother with you?"

"I don't know, why do you?" Peter asked as he continued walking

"It's a rhetorical question Peter, it's not meant to be answered" she pointed out

"Well in that case, i never answered it, now if you don't mind, i have somewhere i need to be"



Peter walked off as did MJ, Peter jogged over to the people he was meant to greet just over 15 minuets ago now, whilst MJ walked back inside to continue with her work.

"Hey Pete"

"Hey Quill, how's it going?" Peter asked as they departed the 'bro' hug

"It's good, Are-Are you sure your okay?" Quill asked pointing his finger in the direction of the door

"Oh yeah, that, that's all good"

"You'll get use to it" Steve told Quill with a pat on the back

"Come on, lets get inside"

They all got inside and after an hour they were all settled in, talking, laughing and chatting with one another. 

They was all sat down when a blonde girl walked in and smacked Peter across the head

"Hey, ow, what was that for?" he asked her placing his hand on his head

"That, was for not calling the girl i tried to set you up with" she told him as he stood up

"Why didn't you call her?"

"Betty, i've told you, i don't need a date"

"Yes you do, your single and you need a girlfriend"

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