A Field Trip Forgotten

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REQUESTED BY choochooplanes


Background: Peter and Harley are brothers in this, both Harley and Peter are biological sons of Tony's and Peters. Peter took more after Tony where Harley took more after Pepper. Morgan is their little sister and is 6 years of age. Peter and Harley are in the same year at Mid Town Tech however took on two different last names. Peter taking Parker as his last name, Harley taking Keener.


It was just a simple Saturday and one thing that both brothers had forgotten about was the field trip to their own home. Peter and Harley were both brothers, born only 9 months apart. Harley being the older one in this equation. They both also attended the same school as each other, mostly in the same classes other than English and Algebra. No-one at the school knew that not only were they brothers but were also the biological sons of none other then Tony Stark and Pepper Potts, well Pepper Stark now.

That was however, until today.

Due to Peter's lateness that term, Peter wouldn't be allowed to go and not so unexpectedly, he was kinda glad he didn't. He knew his family.Believe me, if you was in his shoes, you wouldn't want to go neither.

Of course, MJ and Ned knew of the two brothers secret. MJ of course found out on her own, no telling needed, Ned found out through finding Harley and Peter talking together about their dad and mum.

On days like this, the weekend. Tony, along with Peter and Harley would head down into on of the bigger labs in the building which was probably about the size of 5 labs in one, so it was...huge, to say the least.

Morgan would sometimes come down and see what her brothers were up to after she's been running around with Nat and Wanda for a while.

Ned had been texting Peter like mad, but there was no answer. 

"Dude, pick up"

"We're coming to the tower, please pick up"

Ned knew if Peter or Harley was found here, they would be in trouble, and not with Mr Harrington.

"You can pretend to text penis all you want, he's probably too ashamed to come on this trip, knowing his secrets will be spilled" Flash spoke up, gaining laughs from his goons.

"Shut it Eugene" MJ barked, not even looking up at her book, "I hear your voice one more time and it won't just be Macbeth's throat that's getting slit"

Of course, MJ wouldn't actually kill him, not yet anyway. 

Flash kept his mouth shut the rest of the way there, his life being too precious to loose.

By the time they arrived they were ran through the generic procedures of the compound and what they would be doing throughout the day they would be there. The one minor detail no-one expected to come around, which no-one mention, because of course, they didn't know, was that they would see two very familiar people.

Peter was stood at his work top, working on some new web shooters and some more web fluid. 

"Pete.Peter.Peter.Peter, Peeeeetteeerrrrr"

"What do you want Harley?" Peter asked agitated, him saying his name over an over starting to bug him 

"I need help"

"With what? Another girlfriend?"

Yes, Harley may take after his mother in looks but that didn't mean took after his father and grandfather in charm, whereas Peter took after his mother in that department, not exactly a playboy but he treated a woman like she should be.

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