Small secrets hold the biggest love

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Its the small things in life which makes people the most happiest. 

The small kisses, the small walks, the small talks between two people. 

All of it.

That was what it was for Peter and MJ, they may work together and mostly act like husband and wife most of the time there was still some things that they didn't know about one another.

It was the small little things they found out about the other which made them fall harder in love.

It was Friday night and Tony was hosing another party which gathered around 3000 people or more, that was what it seemed like anyway. 

Peter never really wanted to attend them because he never really like being around the pretentious egotistical nobody's who acted so stuck up, you could smell it a mile off.

Peter was stood leaning against the bar, he wore a simple grey-ish suit, he kept the top button of his shirt open. Taking a sip of his drink he gave a small sigh. 

All he wanted to do was find some piece and quiet, he looked around to see if there was anyway he could leave without being made to talk to someone. 

He was there for just over an hour, he had spent most of it talking to Scott before he got dragged off somewhere else. 

Peter was stood on his own, that was when he saw his opportunity, he could leave without being noticed.

He slipped out of the huge hall which Tony had built within the compound, the cold breeze of the hall hit him like a wave, he was thankful for it since due to the huge crowd it had gotten quiet warm.

He slowly walked down the halls, admiring the peace and quiet, that was when he noticed MJ hadn't been at the party. 

He headed up to the lounge taking off his blazer and hanging it over the arm of the chair, he headed over to the kitchen counter before bringing out two take-away cups and making 2 cups of tea.

Placing the lids on top, he carried them towards the lift, Friday taking him down to the ground floor, leaving the lift thanking the AI, he took a right and walked straight down the hall coming close to the hidden metal door, he pressed where a handle would be and the door popped open, closing and locking behind him. Pepper had put it in, no-one else knew about it, she had put it in when MJ had been told to move into the compound so she could get some peace and quiet. 

Peter walked down the stair which spiraled down to a basement which was where he found MJ stood infront of a canvas which she was painting.

"Hey" he said softly

She turned to look at him and smiled, "Hey, aren't you meant to be at the party?" 

She took one of the cups from Peter hand and held it in her own, "Thanks" 

"Thought you might need one" He smiled

Peter looked round at all of her art, "When did you do all of this?" 

"Over the past couple of days, no missions have come up so i've had time on my hands" She smiled before taking a sip of her tea.

"As much as i love you being down here, why are you here?" She asked him

"The party was too much, i didn't want to go in the first place" He told her truthfully

"Fair enough" she shrugged

She placed the cup down on the small wooden table before picking up her paint brush once again, filling the drawing in with color, everything slowly coming together.

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