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"Italic"- Your native language
"Normal"- italian

Y/n looked outside the classroom window as she listened to the teacher's voice. Her eye lids were getting heavier and heavier from listening from her teacher.

To her the teacher's voice sounded like a lullaby. It sounded like it wants her to go to sleep, but unfortunately she can't.

She pinched her cheeks trying to keep herself from sleeping, but it didn't help. So she got her sketch notebook and just draw whatever she wants.

She drew one of her favorite character which is Giorno while he was doing his pose. Just as she finished drawing the class was finished.


"Yo! (Best friend) wanna go play mobile legends with me later?" I said to (Best friend) as I walk to her. While walking to her I saw her boyfriend holding her hand. "Sorry Y/n, i'm going with Karlo today."
(Best friend) said as she hug her boyfriend's hand. I looked at them with the slight disgust on my face because I didn't like the view of their public display of affection.

"Oh, I'll just go ask Charles to play with me I guess." I said sounding a little bit sad. I went to Charles and Paul and said "Who's ready to play mobile legends infront of our computer shop?"

Charles grinned and said "I'm ready to beat your butt this time!" . "Yeah, Yeah, do your best, ok?" I said teasingly. As we walked home we bought some snacks from the shops near us.

When we arrived at my family's computer shop we sat at the cold, hard concrete floor I took a sip of my milktea. Then we started the game. While playing we're all shouting really outside since the game was really intense.

"Fuck! You son of a bitch why did you kill me?!" Paul said. "Haha! That's what you get you're to slo--! Fuck you Y/n!" Charles said as I killed him in the game. "You're both so slow." I said in a teasing way as I take a sip of my milktea.

After an hour we parted our ways and went home. I opened the door as I walked in. I can hear the sizzling from the kitchen. As I closed the door I took off my shoes and put it on the shoe rack.

I took of my socks and placed it on the basket full of dirty clothes. After that I put on my slippers and went to my room to change. Then after that I went to the living room and watched some (Anime) on the T.V.

"Y/n!" Mom shouted. "What is it, mom?" I asked walking to the kitchen. "Can you buy some salt?" Mom said as she handed me some money. I went to the convinience store near my house and bought some salt.

On the way home I walked through an alley way since it's my short cut. As I walked in the alley way I prayed that there would be no danger in here as I walk through.

While walking I saw a figure in front of me. I squint my eyes to see who it was. As I looked closer it was just (Best friend). "Yo, how's it going?" I greeted as I walked closer to her. After that a loud bang was heard. I collapsed as I saw (Best friend) walking to me. "Why?" I asked.

Then I saw her jacket pocket. It was full of drugs. I coughed blood as I see (Best friend) leave the alley way. "Change the world..my final message, good...bye.." I said as I blacked out.

<<To be continued<<<<<

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