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I jinxed myself. I thought this day was the luckiest day, but life said sike and killed my mom. Now, i'm here sittin on my brother's couch. I was still sobbing from what happened yesterday.

My brother tried to comfort me, but it didn't work. He already left the house because he still has work to do. I also didn't bother to go to school. Now i'm just here crying like a baby while eating the food inside my brother's fridge. Then, I thought 'Y/n stop being a baby.'

I wiped my tears and thought that going outside for a little walk would be really nice. So, I changed my clothes so I wouldn't look like a beggar.

 So, I changed my clothes so I wouldn't look like a beggar

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(A/n: That's Y/n's clothes btw)

After changing I grabbed my mp3 player and my headphones and started blasting music through my ears. I walked around the town while looking at stuff I wish I could buy, but my broke butt can't afford it.

I kept walking on walking just going wherever my legs lead me to. I went to a park and sat there looking at the children playing. I wanted to join the kids,but I was thinking I was to old to play, but then again I don't look like a normal 15 year old.

I slightly looked like and have the same height of a twelve year old. So, I let my inner child take over me and went to the playground. I played on the sand castle with some kids. I tried to act like a little child and talk with them like how a child interact to another child. After that I went back to the bench.

I wipe my sweat with my handkerchief. Then, someone was approaching me. He looked like he's in thirty's or something. 'Ho ho, you're approaching me.' I thought. I looked at his outfit and I can already confirm he's a stand user. 'He looks like he got his clothes from a trash can...he's a stand user I called it.' I thought.

I walked out of the park and there he is following behind me. I walked faster and he walked faster too. 'What does he want from me?!' I thought as I looked at the man behind me while speed waking. Then I bumped to a person again. "Sorry, sorry, I need to go now bye." I said as I continued walking and walking. Then I walked into an alley way and it was a dead end.

When he went in the alley way I called out Celeste. "What do you want from me?!" I shouted in defense trying to hide me nervousness. He took a step towards me and I took a step backwards. "D-Don't come near me or you'll float to the sun!" I shouted as I hid behind me my shaking hand. Then, he walked towards me and I walked backwards. I felt the wall behind me and I let Celeste float him. Then when he was about 70 feet in the air he stopped from going up.

'I guess that's my stand's limit, but now that he's high up in the air he'll fall down and die.'I thought. "Celeste, release." I said as the man fall down and he died as his blood covered the surroundings. I hid behind the trash dump so the blood didn't cover me. 'Welp, i'm a murderer now, also why did the man didn't called out his stand? Or I kust killed an innocent man.' I thought as I looked at the folder he had.

I opened it and saw that it was documents about me. I felt a shiver down my spine and ran away at the crime scene.

While running I bumped into someone. "I-i'm so, so sorry." I said then I looked who it was. It was Giorno. "What's wrong Y/n? You looked scared." He asked. 'Should I tell him? What if I told him, maybe he'll understand me since he killed a person too a.k.a leaky eye luca. Or maybe he'll never talk to me again since I killed a man because I was a pussy.' I thought. "Why, don't we talk this while drinking tea." Giorno said comforting me.

"U-um...sure." I stuttered as I mumble last part. We went to a cafe as Giorno ordered some tea and cookies for us. "So, what happened." Giorno asked. "Well...." I said looking outside avoiding eye contact. "You also didn't go to school today." He said. I sighed as I looked on the table still looking at the table. "I guess I can't hide secrets from you." I said while still looking

<<To Be Continued<<<<<

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