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Then it was quiet again. I looked outside coco jumbo and saw that we were at a boy's restroom so I quickly turned away from looking outside. "Trish, can you not look outside." I said. "Why?" She asked. "We're kinda inside the boy's restroom." I said. "Oh, okay I won't." She said and continued doing what she was doing.

'Why are we inside a restroom? I can't remember what happens here. Oh no I forgot what was gonna happen today! Come on Y/n! Try to remember what will happen today remember the manga! The anime!' I thought as I look intensely at the wall like I was gonna kill it.

"Woah, Y/n why are you looking at the wall are you scaring the wall?" Trish said. "Ah, uhm..i'm okay." I said. I laid down the floor staring into nowhere thinking of weird stuff to occupy myself from being bored. "Trish, what would happen if men were able to be pregnant." I said looking into nothing. "Why would you think of that?" Trish asked while she was watching something in T.V.

I then laid on the floor backwards as I fell asleep on the floor. I was at a state where I prentend to sleep so I can sleep. "Eh, the show is finished what am I gonna watch now?" I heard Trish said. I suddenly got up from my sleeping position making Trish flinch a little bit and said "I wanna watch the T.V!"

"Fix your hair you look like the girl on a horror movie." Trish said as she walked to me to fix my hair. "Okay." I said wipping some of my drool with my handkerchief. "Thank you." I said as I smile at her. She then smiled back. "Here go watch something on the T.V." Trish said as she hands me the remote control.

"Yay." I said as I grabbed the remote control from Trish's hands. I changed the chann to nickelodeon and watched spongebob. Then, I sang along the opening.

'Are you ready kids?'

"Aye! Aye! Captain!"

'I can't hear you.'


'Oooohhh, who live in a pineapple under the sea?'

"Spongebob Square pants!"

"You watch that?" Trish asked me. "My childhood still isn't finished. I still look like a child so no one can judge me other than people that knows how old I am." I said while watching spongebob.

Trish sat on the couch while I sat on the floor near the T.V. After watching Spongebob it was Trish's turn to use the T.V. So I gave her the remote control as she watch some Italian Drama or something. I looked at my phone as I scroll down my contacts. "Ah, Trish, Did I get your number?" I asked. "Oh right, my number is (Just think of a phone number because I have no idea what her number is). What about yours?" She said.

"Mine is (Insert Phone No.)." I said to Trish. Then my phone buzzed. Someone was calling me and it's not big bro.


"Hello, this Y/n Stroheim speaking."

"Long time no hear cousin."

"Yep, so how's it going in Italy?"

"There is a lot going on but i'll tell you when it's done. Btw how is going in Japan? Do you miss German now?"

"Japan is großartig actually. I've got friends here. But I do kinda miss German. I miss Grandpa Stroheim."

"Welp, that's your problem bye."

"Wow how rude, Auf Wiedersehen."

(A/n: großartig - Great. Auf Wiedersehen - Goodbye.)

After that talk with my cousin I sat beside Trish and watched the Drama show she was watching. After a few episodes that we have watched we kinda forgot what was happening outside and watched the drama show. When the show was done me and Trish discussed about stuff about the show.

"I think Enzo should go with Perlita." I said. "No, I think Perlita is more better with Leonardo." Trish said. "Yeah, I guess you're right. Leonardo did save Perlita from the robbers." I said. Then, it was quiet. I ate some candies from my bag and drank some water.Y/n do you have a crush on someone?" Trish said changing the subject. "Are we going to talk about boys?" I said eating some candies.

"Yes, we are going to talk abot boys since this is a girl's hangout." Trish said getting some candies on my bag. "Ok, since you're more girly than me you start the conversation." I said to Trish. "Ok, who's your crush?" She asked. "I have none." I said shoving a handful of candies to my mouth. "You sure?" She asked.

"No--I mean yeah." I said. She raised her brow as she crossed her arms. "Fine, It's....it's Giorno." I said whispering the last part to her. "Hmm, he is a bit charming." She said. "I know right." I said to her. And that's how the girl talk started. We talked and judged about the boys.

"You know Trish. This is the first time I acted like a real girl." I said to her. "Did I open your inner girlyness?" She asked. "I guess so." I said. 

<<To Be Continued<<<<<

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